More Revelation Flashcards
Exodus 2-4
- Moses sees an Egyptian bullying a Hebrew, and kills him
- Moses helps women water their flock after shepherds drove them away
- God hears the groanings of the Hebrews and remembers his covenant
- Moses sees burning bush
- Moses hides his face, he knows he is in God’s presence
- God tells Moses, “Come now! You must go to Pharaoh to lead my people out of Egypt.”
- Moses asks, “who am I to do that? What if they don’t believe me?”
- God turns a staff into a snake and back.
- Moses asks God not to send him because he isn’t a good speaker.
- God becomes angry and says that Moses’s brother Aaron will help him because he is a good speaker.
1 Kings 19
- King Ahab marries Jezebel from Lebanon/Phoenicia. She brings the religion of the fertility god Baal to Israel.
- Worship of Baal includes sex and prostitutes
- Elijah, God’s prophet, predicts a drought and then goes into hiding.
- Elijah wins a “weather-off” with Baal’s priests and Jezebel wants him dead
1 KINGS 19
- Elijah falls beneath a broom tree and prays for death
- God’s Angel gives him water and barley-cake and tells him to go to Horeb
- At Horeb: God-“Why are you here?” Elijah-“I’ve been most zealous…Israelites have left God…I’m the only one left.” God-“Go out and wait for The Lord.”
- Wind, earthquake, fire. None are The Lord. A tiny whisper/breeze, Elijah covers his face
- God-“Why are you here?” Elijah-“I’ve been most zealous…Israelites have left God…I’m the only one left.”
- God tells Elijah to anoint Hazael King and anoint Elisha as the new prophet, meaning Elijah gets to rest.
John 20
- Jesus appears to his disciples in a room in Jerusalem. “Peace be with you.”
- He breathes on them and gives them the Holy Spirit and the ability to forgive.
- Thomas shows up later and says he won’t believe unless he can touch Jesus’ wounds.
- Jesus lets him.
- “Blessed are those who have not seen, yet still believe.”
John 21
- Disciples on the beach of the Sea of Galilee, decide to go fishing
- Fish all night, catch nothing
- They see Jesus on shore, but don’t recognize him. He tells them where to throw their nets.
- They catch a buncha fish
- “It is The Lord.”
- Peter jumps in and swims to Jesus
- Jesus has a fire and is cooking fish.
- Jesus asks Peter 3x, “Do you love me? Take care of my sheep.”
What do Christians consider the Bible to be?
Divine revelation-what God has revealed to us.
2 assumptions Jesuit thinking makes:
- God is immanent (remaining within)
2. God cares and is engaged in our lives
Separating and distinguishing these feelings so you can ask, what is God telling me that I need to know?
Genesis 4
- Adam and Eve have Cain and Abel
- Cain gives God offerings of the fruit of the land, Abel gives God offerings of fat from the firstborn of his flock. God looks with favor on Abel’s offerings.
- Cain is jealous, God asks, “Why are you downcast and resentful? if you deal with this,you can hold your head high; but if you don’t, sin is like a demon crouching at your door.”
- Cain kills Abel
- God asks Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” “I don’t know, am I my brother’s keeper?”
- God knew all along what Cain did. “Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground.”
- God puts a curse on Cain
Define belief and faith
We tend to define “belief” as “assent to a proposition.” We often define “faith” as “persistent belief in the absence of evidence.” But the Latin word for faith, fides, also means “trust.” The Greek word for faith, pistis, also means “trust.”
Augustine’s filling and emptying the cup
Tractates on 1 John: Religion is a matter of cutting loose of your desires for the foolish things of the world. To fill a cup with good honey, you have to pour out the sour wine. Likewise, give up worldly passions to make room for God
Pascal on how to reach God
To finally reach God you need not more evidences of God , instead you need to give up your worldly passions
List 5 gifts of the Holy Spirit
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness
Heliocentric theory
The sun is in the center of the universe, not the Earth. Originally Copernicus’s idea, promoted by Galileo
Geocentric theory
Ptolemy’s theory that Earth is the center of the universe.
Promoted Copernicus’s heliocentric theory. Used telescopes to challenge the data of the senses. Challenged the authority of the Scripture
Shifted philosophy to the question, “How can I know?” Systematic doubt. Wrote Discourse on Method.
A mathematician-turned-philosopher. Wrote Pensees=”Thoughts.” In Pensees he said,
- All people find life miserable
- Some people try to wrestle with life’s problems, but most “cope” by attempting endless entertainment, which does not satisfy
- We are not capable of knowing the infinite. Such things as proofs of God’s existence don’t satisfy
The Wager
Proposed by Pascal. Bet your life: live as if the Christian God exists. All you risk is your miserable life. But if you win, you gain eternal life. Even if you were wrong, you still lived a moral life.
Portraying God or an inanimate object as if it were human.