Chapters 31,32,33,35,36,37 Test Flashcards
Lay women who chose to live in poor communities and serve the poor
Two religious groups formed by laypeople on the eve of the Reformation
The Beguines and the Brethren of the Common Life
Brethren of the Common Life
Lay men who chose to live in poor communities so that they could run schools for poor boys
What was the first best-selling book? Why?
The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a’Kempis. The Bible was still too difficult for the poorly educated masses, so everyone read this instead.
What themes were religious people obsessed with before the Reformation?
Sin and damnation
Girolamo Savonarola
A preacher with a strong following who preached about damnation and sin.
Whipping oneself as a penance for one’s sins
How many votive masses did Henry V pay to have said for his soul?
The practice of a bishop ruling over more than one diocese
Giving jobs to one’s relatives
Lateran Council V
Half-heartedly promoted reform
Who painted the Last Supper?
Leonardo da Vinci
Who painted the Sistine Chapel?
3 popular themes in religious art
Madonna and Child: Mary and Baby Jesus
Annunciation: Gabriel announces to Mary
Pieta: “pity”; Mary and her dead son.
Human nature is unavoidably corrupted by sin
Justification by faith alone
We are not justified (saved) in God’s eyes or saved by any works. We are only justified by faith in Christ who died to save us.
A time of cleansing to prepare to unite with God in heaven.
Certificate showing time off from purgatory for a good deed (usually for making a donation to the Church.)