Book Of Revelation Flashcards
Putting up boundaries
What literary genre is the Book of Revelation?
- Some say it’s prophecy: prediction of the future
- Catholics and some Protestants say it’s apocalyptic, meant to encourage and comfort downtrodden faithful people.
- John called his book “apocalupsis”
Means “revelation” or “vision.”
Island of Patmos
A prison island. John is there for being a witness. It’s where he does into a trance.
“Martus” in Greek
What did John praise in this church?
What did he condemn?
He praised their faith and said that “you are rich” even though they are poor. He condemns people that claim to be Jews but are instead members of the synagogue of Satan.
What did John praise in this church?
What did he condemn?
He praised their works and “patient endurance”, and he likes that they don’t tolerate false apostles like the Nicolatians. He is disappointed, though, that they have lost the love they had before.
What did John praise in this church?
What did he condemn?
He praises that they have faith even though they live where “Satan’s throne” is (does that mean the altar of Zeus?) and they’ve kept the faith even after Antipas, the faithful witness, was martyred. But he condemns that there are people in the church who agree with Balaam and the Nicolations who “play the harlot” by eating food that was sacrificed to idols.
What did John praise in this church?
What did he condemn?
He praises their progress in virtue. He condemns the false prophetess “Jezebel” who plays the harlot and eats meat sacrificed to the idols.
What did John praise in this church?
What did he condemn?
He congratulates them for being rich, but he says they’re really poor. “How I wish you were hot or cold! Since you are lukewarm, I spit you out!”
Rev 6: 1-8
God sends for horsemen representing death, war, plague, and famine.
Rev 7:4 and 7:14
The followers of God are given a seal so they won’t be hurt: 144,000 who have “washed their robes white with the blood of the Lamb”
Rev 12: 1-6
A woman “clothed with the sun” labors to give birth, while a red dragon prepares to devour the child. She is taken away to the desert to be safe. Catholics think she is Mary, others say she us a symbol for the church.
Rev 12: 7-9
Michael the Archangel and his angels defeat Satan and his angels, then Satan falls to earth.
Rev. 13: 1-10
For Satan, the “Beast” comes to power. He has 7 heads, one of which is mortally wounded. People worship the Beast. The Beast’s number is 666. Everyone has the number on their foreheads to buy and sell things.
Rev. 16
The last battlefield is called Armageddon.
Rev. 17
The Whore of Babylon rides a scarlet beast and she is drunk on the blood of the martyrs/witnesses. The symbolic name is “Babylon” and stands for a city with seven hills (Rome)
Rev. 18
“Fallen is Babylon!” Merchants weep when she falls because they grew rich from business with her.
Rev. 20:1-3
Satan is thrown into the abyss and chained in the pit of sulfur/brimstone for 1,000 years.
The Millenium
1,000 years in which Christ and those who were beheaded for their witness rule. Only they are in the first resurrection.
How is Jesus identified in Rev. 1:5?
“Faithful witness”
What label is used for God and what does is mean?
Alpha and Omega. Means: the almighty from the start to end ; the first and last.
What label is Jesus given in Rev. 5:6-8?
Rev. 8:1
When the 7th seal is broken, there is silence in heaven for 1/2 an hour.
Rev. 8:11
A star names Wormwood falls to earth and ruins 1/3 of earth’s water.
Rev. 14:14-16
Man on a cloud with a crown and a sickle reaps the earth.
Rev. 20:8–who are the armies of evil?
Gog and Magog
Rev. 21:10
The new, heavenly Jerusalem
Who are three faithful witnesses? What happened to them?
Jesus was crucified
John was imprisoned on Patmos
Antipas was killed
What is Diotrephes doing?
Spreading evil nonsense
In the 2nd letter of John, what are the “many deceivers” saying about Jesus?
They aren’t acknowledging that Jesus came in the flesh
In the 1st letter of John, what is the author’ label for people who have left the church and gone out into the world?
What is the beautiful teaching from 1 John 4:7-11?
God is love, and if God so loved us, we must love one another
How are Christians supposed to survive in the world?
Test the spirits. If the spirit acknowledges that Jesus came in the flesh, it is of God, and if not, it is the spirit of the Antichrist
What problem does Paul talk about in 1 Cor. 5:1-8?
Incest. “A man living with his father’s wife.”
In 1 Cor. 5:9-11, what is Paul’s teaching about how Christians should relate to the world?
You can’t avoid all immoral people- you’d have to leave the world. But avoid immoral people who call themselves brothers.
What’s the famous image used to describe the Church?
One body with many parts
Gifts of the Holy Spirit (list 5 of the 9)
love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control