Chapters 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 Flashcards
Somebody sent to preach
After the Roman Empire collapsed, what happened?
Barbarian tribes dominate Europe
What was the common strategy of spreading Christianity during the Middle Ages?
Convert the King
Biographies of the saints. These became popular in the Middle Ages because they offered spiritual heroes.
How was Christ portrayed in art?
As a law-giving king
Why was Clovis (King of the Franks) baptized?
He prayed to Christ once while losing a battle, and the battle turned around and he won.
What happened after Clovis was baptized?
He makes war against other barbarian tribes because they “are Arian heretics.” On the way to one such war, he detours around the city of Tours for fear of offending St. Martin of Tours.
How was missionary work done?
The pope sent out teams of missionary monks, who would settle in an area, convert people to become Christian nuns and monks, and then move on.
Comes from the Latin/Italian word “papa,” meaning father. The pope is the bishop of Rome; and during the Middle Ages, the Pope was the bishop of all of Europe. Inherits the apostolic authority of St. Peter.
Office of the pope
Middle Ages
The thousand years (450-1450) after the fall of Rome and before the modern European nations. Also known as medieval.
Who was more prominent in the Middle Ages: bishops or monks?
Monks were more prominent than bishops, excluding the bishop of Rome (the pope), because cities were all but gone.
Simon Peter
The leader and spokesman of Jesus’ 12 apostles. Originally he was called Simon. Jesus gave him a new name, Rock, translated as Peter. Jesus said to Peter, “upon this ‘rock’ I will build my church.”
Where did Constantine move the capital of his Empire to?
He moved it from Rome to Constantinople.
Pope Leo the Great
His wording is used as the Church’s teaching of Jesus’ human and divine natures. He helped convince Atilla the Hun not to invade Rome.
Pope Gregory the Great
Led the cities of Italy in an alliance, fed the poor of Rome, and promoted monasticism. Gregorian chant is named after him. He operated as the bishop of all of Europe.
Conquered most of Europe in the name of Christianity and arranged for monasteries to teach young priests-candidates to read.
What two positions did Baugulf hold?
Bishop and abbott. He was both because the number of people educated enough for those positions was very low.
What was Charlemagne writing about to Baugulf?
Charlemagne was concerned because he was receiving inaccurate letters from nearly illiterate priests. He knew that priests needed to be more educated if they were to be able to teach the common people about Christian doctrine. So he requested that monasteries begin teaching priest-candidates to read.
How did the idea of baptism change in the Middle Ages?
Most people baptized their children at birth because so many died before the age of five, so the catechumenate was less common. Baptism was seen as a ritual cleansing of the stain of original sin.
How did ideas about Original Sin change in the Middle Ages?
It was believed that, because we have Original Sin, we have concupiscence.
The inclination of humans to commit sins throughout their lives because we desire for all the wrong things.
A father figure; a wise, older monk
Votive Mass
A mass held for somebody’s personal prayer/intention.
What changed about the sacrament of Reconciliation during the Middle Ages?
Penance was put into practice to help satisfy the sins.
What changed about the Eucharist during the Middle Ages?
The Body of Christ came to be called the Host, meaning sacrifice.
What changed about how Christians saw mass in the Middle Ages?
They began to see themselves as observers rather than participants, especially as more responsibilities were taken on by priests because they laypeople were uneducated.
Dominated by priests
Religious order
A group of monks, brothers, sisters, nuns, priests who all live by the same rule.
The Benedictine Order of Cluny
The monastery of Cluny was built on lush farmland, freeing up the monks’ time to pray more. Created chant. Many other monasteries linked themselves to Cluny and placed themselves under the authority of Cluny’s abbott.
Musical recitation of psalms and prayers without rhythm, harmony, or instruments. Easy to do, very simple and beautiful.
Thought Cluny’s life was too comfortable. They lived in very harsh, difficult to farm land, so they had to do a great deal of labor.
Had communities with two parts: a monastery in which monks kept up a prayerful, simple life, and the hermit-monks who lived up in the mountains.
Who were most educated during the Middle Ages?
How did the improving of the harness change the Middle Ages?
It led to higher food yields, meaning more time could be dedicated to learning the Trivium.
The 3 basic liberal arts which people began to focus on as education improved. They were…
Grammar—reading and writing
Rhetoric—the art of persuasive expression
Dialectic—logic, the art of thinking in an orderly way
A room in a monastery dedicated for the sole purpose of copying ancient texts.
A “live-in housekeeper.” Many priests had concubines, and often had children with them.
Selling of spiritual gifts or church offices
Holy life without sex
Special assistant to the Pope
Who started the first reform efforts outside of the monasteries?
Otto I
Leo IX
Went to France and Germany to hold synods which condemned simony and promoted celibacy.
Pope Nicholas II
Two decrees:
- The pope will be selected by cardinals in a closed-door setting without outside influence.
- Lay leaders (like kings) would have no say in the selection of bishops