Chapters 23-30 Test Flashcards
What were two types of decrees from the Lateran Councils? Give an example of each.
- Reform of the Church [ex: fighting simony, priest marriage]
- Reform of the society [ex: excommunicating counterfeiters, condemning the use of the catapult]
Where were the first three universities?
Paris, Oxford, and Bologna
What are 3 types of symbolism in Gothic churches?
- Verticality: draws the eyes up to heaven
- Light shining into darkness
- Cruciform floor plan
What does Islam mean?
Muslim holy book
Prophet of Allah, began Islam
The one God of the Muslims
What was the state of Arabia during Mohammed’s time?
Clans were constantly at war.
Holy war; how Muslims spread their religion
What was the effect of the spread of Islam on Christianity?
Eastern and Western Christians lost contact and grew apart.
What was the Eastern Church offended about about the Western Church?
The Western Church was saying Alleluiah during Lent.
Rejoice! Hooray!
40 days of solemn preparation for Easter
Religious paintings which were heavily emphasized in a Eastern Christian tradition. The figures’ eyes were the focal points of the icons.
What was strange about icons in the way they represented Mary and Jesus?
Jesus was extremely tiny in proportion to Mary, but he looked like a little adult.
Study of God
What did Bernard of Chartres say?
“We are like dwarves standing on the shoulders of giants.” He was talking about thinkers of the past.
Wrote the Ontological Proof, which used logic to “prove” the existence of God.
Sic et Non
“Yes and No.” It was a book written by Peter Abelard. In it, he uses logic to resolve apparent contradictions in the Scriptures and in the Father’s writings.
St. Thomas Aquinas
One of the most influential thinkers of his time. Very fat. Wrote Summa Theologiae.
Summa Theologiae
“Summary of Theology”, a book by Thomas Aquinas
Church laws
The practice of charging interest for a loan of money. The church discouraged is because it was a way to take money from the poor.
Innocent III
What did the number of people who attended Lateran I say about society?
Europe no longer only consisted of subsistence farms.
How effective were the Church’s efforts to reform things like simony and marriage of priests?
They were trying hard, but it didn’t go away. They kept having to re-address it.
What weapon did the church condemn?
What kind of school was the school in Bologna?
Law school
Why was the Lateran Council called that?
Held in Lateran Palace.
What did Gratian create?
A collection of canon law.
2 of the most powerful popes
Alexander III and Innocent III
Cutting off a person from all sacraments
The use of logic to gain insight into faith
What shows the rift between the Church’s teachings and the people’s understanding?
The Church said marriage is a holy life. But nobles would get married, have kids, and then retire separately to monasteries and convents because they thought monasticism was the only real holy life.
Physical objects as signs of divine power
A journey to a place associated with someone or something important
Hotels for pilgrims to stay the night for a small fee
Unbelievers. What the Christians called the Muslims
St. Dominic de Guzman
Asked for permission to start the Order of the Preachers
Order of Preachers
John Bernadoni
St. Francis. Started the Mendicants and Order of Friars Minor.
Mendicants and Order of Friars Minor.
Begging men
Living behind walls to symbolize being apart from the world.
The new willingness of baptized Christians to change their lives
Where the papacy moved and became puppets of the King.
Catherine of Sienna
Her writing of The Dialogue gained her Doctor of the Church title. She challenged the pope and cardinals to leave Avignon and go back to Rome, they obeyed, then turned around, and then she convinced them again.
The rule of the Church by councils rather than popes.