Chapters 45,46,47,50 Test Flashcards
Means “free.” Where the word Liberalism comes from.
A political creed which promotes civil rights and representative government
What was the Catholic Church’s original stance on Liberalism?
Opposed to it. Most Catholics were monarchists. Why?
•Past experience with liberalism was bad (French Revolution)
•Power to rule comes from God
•There must be limits to civic freedoms
Pope Pius IX (1846-1878)
- Began his papacy and made liberal reforms
- Disliked by the liberals. They drove him out of Rome in 1848.
- The French Army protected Pius.
- He issued the Syllabus of Errors.
- Made himself a “prisoner of the Vatican”
What was Vatican I’s only major decree?
The infallibility of the Pope
Without error. Technically, the Pope is infallible only when he speaks “ex cathedra” (from the chair of Peter); when he is speaking for the whole Church on matters of faith and morals.
Elected as a compromise candidate after Pius IX died. He…
•Opened the secret archives of the Vatican to scholars
•Negotiated an end to Germany’s kulturkampf
•Transformed the way the Church used encyclical letters
Syllabus of Errors
A document issued by Pius IX, which was misunderstood as an attack on progress and modern civilization.
Why did Vatican I end early?
The French army that was protecting Rome had to leave to help France, and soldiers from Piedmont moved in. Bishops fled and Vatican I ended.
A policy of Otto von Bismark that closed all Catholic institutions in Germany because a religion that declares its leader infallible can not be reasoned with. It was a “culture-struggle” to protect German culture from the Catholic Church
Victor Emmanuel
Piedmont guy who made Italy into one united nation
A letter, written by the Pope to bishops and to all persons of good will, in which the timeless principles of scripture and tradition are applied to moral and social issues of today
What did Leo XIII change about encyclicals?
Had them written in vernacular
Language of the people
What’s the big contradiction about wealth?
In the richest nations on earth, the working class struggles to get by.
Rerum Novarum
An encyclical letter by Pope Leo XIII
•Private property is a natural right…FOR ALL
•The state has has a responsibility to protect the poor
•When parties of unequal power negotiate, the weaker party must accept low, unjust pay. So workers have the right to band together. If negotiations fail, the state should intervene.
Capitalism/Free Enterprise
The idea of Adam Smith, who wrote the “Wealth of Nations.” We need private ownership and self-interested behavior…competition in free market
Iron Law of Wages
By David Ricardo: by nature, wages must be at the lowest levels because self-interested sellers must keep prices low
The idea of Karl Marx. We need to have “to each according to his need, to each according to his ability.” We need state and regulation. We need revolution to overturn the unjust social structures “all you have to lose are the chains that bind to you.”
“Let do.” A capitalist idea meaning, let the buyers and sellers do what they want in the market, and all major economic questions will be answered
Invisible Hand
A capitalist idea. As self-interested sellers and buyers interact in the market, an “invisible hand” distributes goods throughout the society fairly and efficiently.
Andrew Carnegie’s 3 sacred ideas of modern civilization
- The “sacredness” of private property
- Free competition
- Free accumulation of wealth
Karl Marx’s 2 ideas about history
- Class vs class
2. The rich use religion and law as tools to hold down the poor.
Pierre Prudhon said this about property:
“Property is theft.”
An expert in theology
Results of the Rerum Novarum
- Pope is praised
- Catholics formed political parties, unions, and changed laws
- Laymen became more prominent
Pope John XXIII
A compromise Pope who surprised everyone by calling Vatican II to “let in a bit of fresh air”
In what ways was Vatican II unusual?
Each bishop was encouraged to bring a peritus, Protestants were invited, Greek Orthodox were invited, women were included in the process
Lumen Gentium
“Light of Nations.” The key document of Vatican II. Main idea: the Church is the entire people of God, not just the Pope and priests
Apostolate of the Laity
All of us laypeople are apostles to spread Christ’s message
Decree on Ecumenism
Called for friendly dialogue among all types of Christians
Gaudium Et Spes
“Joy and Hope.” Calls for cautious dialogue between the church and modern thought
Decree on the Liturgy
Says that the liturgy must include all faithful.
What changes in Sunday worship did the Decree on the Liturgy bring about?
- Mass is in the vernacular
- Priest faces the people: Mass is a dialogue
- Architectural guidelines encourage the idea that we are all at the table of God
- Lay people serve as ministers: lectors, etc.
- Cantors and choirs lead the people in singing the prayers
In the language of the people
Worship service; “the work of the people”