Money study Flashcards
when and where was the study carried out?
1965 , Winnipeg , Canada
how did Bruce reimers penis get destroyed?
he went for a circumcision to correct a medical problem and an accident occured during the procedure causing it to be burnt of.
How did the reimers hear of Dr Money?
They happned to watch a programme discussing transgender issues and the theory of gender neutrality explained by Dr Money
Who did they decide to raise Bruce as?
A girl named Brenda
why did they decide to raise him as a girl?
they thought not having a penis would be to difficult for a boy to cope with
what was the aim of the study?
to support his theory of gender neutrality that gender development was determined by upbringing more than biological factors by investigating the development of Bruce reimer who was genetically a boy raised as a girl.
what age did he believe all children were gender neutral until?
2 years of age meaning bys and girls were the same until then
how old was Bruce reimer when the accident happened?
10 months old so Money argued he was still gender neutral
what happened to Brenda at the age of 2?
she underwent basic genital surgery where she was castrated and had a basic vulva created.
how was Brenda encouraged that she was a girl?
- she was dressed in girls clothes
- encouraged to play with girls toys
- always told she was a girl
- she was not told of the accident
what happened to brenda at the age of 12?
she was given oestrogen to encourage female puberty and prevent male features developing such as facial hair
how often where Moneys meetings with Brenda and Brian and what would he ask them about?
- yearly/annualy
- he would ask them questions regarding their preferences and behavior
what did Money state in his Book about Brenda?
That she had accepted her new identity and was successfully living as a female
what did everyone else who knew Brenda think of her?
thought she was a tomboy who enjoyed playing with her brothers toys and aggressive play she was also reported to been seen standing up
how did Brenda feel about having further surgery?
she consistently refused and at the age of 15 was having severe emotionaland behavrial problems
What did Brenda tell her parents about seeing Dr money again?
That she would commit suicide if she had to ever see him again
how old was Brenda when her parents decided to tell her the truth?
at what age did David have surgery to create a penis?
how old was David when further surgery was undertaken to make the penis more realistic?
what did David end up doing with his life?
He married a divorcee with 3 children of who he came step-father too
What did Money conclude?
That it was possible to successfully raise a boy as a girl and that his finding supported his gender neutrality theory
in the documentary released later by the reimer familiy what unethical practises had they said Money had carried out?
picturing them naked in various sexual positions
why could the claims made by David reimer never be proved?
2 years of case notes on the twins were never released by Money
What happened to Brian?
He developed schizophrenia and overdosed on drugs
What happened to David?
after loosing his brother he became depressed , his marriage broke down due to finacial pressures and in 2004 he committed suicide