Mohammed Alamer ( Chapter 17 ) Flashcards
The word : specific (adj)
def: exact
Sentence : Mr Howarth gave us very specific instructions.
First language : محددة
Word map :concrete-particular- definite
The word : Domain ( N) def : area of knowledge
Sentence :this problem is outside of the domain of medical science.
First language : نطاق
Word map : range-scope-scope
The word : Assured ( V)
def: to promise someone that something will or it is true if they are worried
Sentence : her doctor has assured us that she will be fine.
First language : مؤكد
Word map : proven-definite-certain
The word : investment ( N )
Dif : that act putting money into property or business
Sentence : each of us was required to put up a minimum investment of $5000.
First language : استثمار
Word map : development, placement, placing
The word : subsidy ( N )
Def : money that is paid by government or organization to reduce the cost/services to lower prices
Sentence : international disagreement over trade subsidies.
First language : إعانة مالية
Word map : favor, duty, employ,
The word :explicit ( adj)
Def: clear; making something easy to understand
Sentence : be explicit when you talk about money with your family.
First language : صريح
Word map : outright, candid, straightforward.
The word : framework ( N )
Def: basic structure of a text , concept or system
Sentence : this paper provides a framework for future research.
First language : الإطار
Word map : scope-cadre-rim
The word : license ( V )
Def: to grant a permit to use something or to allow an activity to take place
Sentence : a restaurant which is licensed to sell alcohol.
First language : رخصة
Word map : permit, permission, authorization.
The word : immigrate ( V)
Def : to enter a country to live there
Sentence : his father and mother immigrated when he was two.
First language : immigrate.
Word map :immigrate-migrate-emigrate.
The word : Assemble ( V)
Def: to come together , or bring things or people together in a group
Sentence : she had assembled a collection of her favourite songs.
First language : تجمع
Word map : fund, compile, combine.
The word : Denote ( V)
Def : to indicate or be a sign of something to mean something
Sentence : crosses on the map denote villages.
First language : دل
Word map : indicate, denote, betoken.
The word : implication (n)
Def : the effect that something will have on something else in the future.
Sentence : his talk will examine the wider implications of the internet revolution.
First language : توريط
Word map : implying, embodiment.
The word : inclination ( N )
Def : a feeling that makes someone want to behave in a particular way
Sentence : my natural inclination was to say no.
First language : ميل
World map : penchant, propensity, flair.
The word : Collapse ( N/V )
Def : a suuden fall
Sentence : the roof had collapsed long ago.
First language : انهيار
Word map : avalanche, slump, plunge.
The word : constraint ( N )
Def : a limit on something
Sentence : constraint imposed on teachers by large class size. First language :قيود Word map : handcuffs, bands, qualifications.
The word : Subordinate ( v )
Def :to treat a person or thing less important than another
Sentence : why subordinate your wishes to those of your family?
First language : المرؤوس
Word map : vassal, client, serf.
The word : Reluctance ( N )
Def : not wanting to do something because you are not sure if it is the right thing to do
Sentence : a reluctance to share information.
First language : ممانعة
Word map : fight, strength, opposition.
The word : constructed (adj)
Def :to build or make something
Sentence : my father constructed him self before he got married.
First language : شيدت
Word map : erect, mason, rear.
The word : Core ( N)
Def : the central or most important part of something
Sentence : The core of the book focuses on the period between 1660 and 1857.
First language: النواة
Word map : gist, quintessence, root.
The word : Notion ( N)
Def : something that you have in your mind that you belief
Sentence : he had only a vague notion of what she wanted to do.
First language : مفهوم
Word map : concept, motif, conception.
The word : mature ( adj )
Def : to be fully grown or fully developed
Sentence : Mature apple trees are typically 20 feet tall.
First language : ناضج
Word map : grown, forward, old-fashioned.
The word : Validity ( N )
Def : legally or officially acceptable
Sentence : My (ex) wife was well aware of my feelings before and all through our marriage and never questioned their validity.
First language : صلاحية
Word map : might, vigor, intensity.
The word : Quote ( V)
Def : to repeat exactly something that someone else has said or written
Sentence : He quoted a short passage from the Bible.
First language : اقتبس
Word map : borrow, extract, excerpt.
The word : oddness ( N)
Def : something that is odd.
Sentence : A novel that highlights the oddness and distinct challenges that come along with being a modern, thinking person.
First language : الغرابة
Word map : peculiar, bizarre, exotic.