Chapter 27 - Ahmed Alsayegh Flashcards
Hierarchy. N
Level - rank
System that has ranks from lowest to highest
In the military hierarchy, master is higher than the soldiers.
Analogy. N
Same - compare
A comparison between two things that show how they are similar
Ahmed and Mohamed are analogy (not a complete sentence)
Conceive. V
Think - form - state
To form an idea
Burj khalifa was conceived by Emaar company.
Definite. Adj
Change - fixed
Fixed and unlikely to change
My definite trip to Australia is next week.
Unify. V
United - gather
To join separate parts together
We want to unify the fans of real madrid and barcelona.
Release. V
Free - allow
To allow someone or something to be free
He was released from the jail
Coordinate. V
To organize different things or people so they work together
I coordinated the iep event
Positive. Adj
Pros, advantage
Good feelings
Positive and negative are not the same thing
Likewise. Adv
The same
I played Call Of Duty and my friend did likewise
Phenomenon. N
Exist - real
Something that happen or exist
حدث غريب
I saw a weird phenomenon in the forest
Prospect. N
Will happen
Something may or ill happen
سوف يحدث
He always says i want to be player prospect (wrong usage)
React. V
To do something because something has happened
ردة فعل
Mohamed reacts good in bad situations
Depress. V
Push - pull
To push or pull something down
سحب او جر
Ahmed depressed mohamed
Ratio. N
Numbers - math
The relationship between two numbers, one of them is bigger
The ratio of failed and passed people is 9 to 5
Aggregate, adj
Total - amount
The total of something
The overall marks aggregate was bad.
Intervene, v
Between - interval
To come between two things
He intervened us while we were playing ps4 (wrong sentence structure)
Offset, v
change - affect
To make the effect of something less stronger
I have a bed sheet that offset the color of the room
Temporarily. Adj
Temporary, short time
Lasting for short time
Your ps4 will temporarily turn off
Commence. V
Start - begin
To begin with something
My first semester in wvu will commence in fall 16
Imposing. Adj
Thought- impression
Making an impression on people because its big
Iphone 100 will be very imposing in 2090
Hypothesis, n
Theory- idea
An idea that is suggested as the possible explanation for something
Some people have a good hypothesis about monkeys
Circumstances, n
Facts - evidence
The facts the lead to something
What is the circumstances for newtons laws.
Logical. Adj
Natural - for a reason
Seeming natural, reasonable
It’s logical to eat when you are hungry
Concurent. Adj
Same time, during
Happening at the same time with somthing else.
Ahmed is doing his home work with mohamed concurrently.
Note: Good check some of your sentences. 10/10