Hashim Alawami - Chapter 14. Flashcards
- Virtually (adj.)
- Nearly.
- عمليا
- Almost or very near.
* This semester is virtually to the end.
- Volume (n.)
- Amount, Size.
- كمية
- Amount of space for length an height.
* The cup has enough volume to drink.
- Diminish (v.)
- Decrease, Reduce.
- قلل
- Reduce in size of importance.
* I think I have to diminish drinking soda.
- Expert (n.)
- Professional.
- خبير
- A person having high level of knowledge or skills in a particular subject.
- If I have problem I will ask an expert.
- Nevertheless (adj.)
- Though.
- ومع ذلك
- Despite what was just said,However.
* IEP is easy to pass,nevertheless,you have to work hard.
- Input (n.)
- Help.
- إدخال
- Info, money or energy that is put into a system or organization.
8I guess I’d like a little input from you guys, if you don’t mind.
- Expansion (n.)
- Increase.
- توسيع
- The increase of something in size, number or importance.
* The economy’s expansion will make a new jobs.
- Conduct (v.)
- Plan, Strategy.
- سلوك
- To organize and direct in a particular way.
Suddenly all those annoying rules of conduct began to make sense.
- Predict (v.)
- Think, Guess.
- تنبؤ
- To say that an event or action might happen in the future.
* I predict this summer will be awesome.
- Benefits (n.)
- Advantages
- فوائد
- A helpful or good effect.
* We can get many benefits from education.
- Ultimate (adj.)
- Eventual, latest.
- أقصى
- Most important, highest, last or final.
* My brother likes to play ultimate team in PS4.
- Devote (v.)
- Give.
- كرس
- To give your time or effort completely to something you believe in or to a person.
- I wish I can devote my day to my angle.
- Inevitable (adj.)
- sure
- لا مفر منه
- Certain to happen.
* I didn’t think the decision was inevitable.
- Outcome (n.)
- Result.
- نتيجة
- The result or effect of an action, situation or event.
* I hope the outcome of this exam is great.
- Occur (v.)
- Exist.
- تحدث
- To exist; events that happen.
* I hope it will not occur to her to count the hairs of her head.
- Annually (adj.)
- Yearly.
- سنويا
- Happens every year.
- I renew the regestration annually.
- Adjacent (adv.)
- near
- المجاور
- Very near or nothing in between.
* Starbucks is adjacent the Mountinlair.
- Region (n.)
- Part.
- منطقة
- A particular area of a state, country or earth surface.
* My city is in eastern region of KSA.
- Terminate (v.)
- Stop.
- إنهاء
- To end or stop.
* The referee terminate the match.
- Abandon (n.)
- leave.
- مهجور
- Careless disregard for consequencens.
* I found an abandoned toy.
- Cite (v.)
* استشهد
- Reference something as proof or as a reason.
* Brandon told us to cite our work.
- Prohibitive (adj.)
- limiting
- تحريمي
- To restrict something.
* In 1822 the prohibitive point was lowered to 70s.
- Minimize (v.)
- reduce
- خفض
- To reduce something to the smallest amount.
* My mother asked me to minimize my voice.
- Duration (n.)
- period
- مدة
- The length of time continues or exists.
* The duration of soccer match is 90 minutes.
Thank you for citing. 10/10