chapter 17, Faisal Alhasoon Flashcards
specific - adj
word map:
1- unique
2- Homework
def: exact
* example:
- we have a specific test.
* first lang: محدد
domain - n
word map:
1- home
2- school
def: knowledge or activity
* example:
- I live at the domain
* first lang: سكن
assured - v
word map:
1- believe
2- promise
def: to promise someone that something will happen
* example:
- I assured you we have test tomorrow
* first lang: تاكيد
investment - n
word map:
1- money
2- companys
def: putting money into product or business
* example:
- Goodness is the only investments that never fails
* first lang: استمثار
subsidy - n
word map
1- support
2- education
def: money is paid by the government.
* example:
- the company receives heavy subsidy from the goverment
* first lang: دعم حكومي
explicit - adj
word map:
1- explain
2- translet
def: making something easy to understand
* example:
sometime i used to explicit the word to someone to understand (strange sentence-ash)
* first lang: صريح
framework - n
word map:
1- form
2- pictures
def: concepts
* example:
i like the framework of this class
* firs lang: ايطار
license - v
word map:
1- car
2- store
def: permit to use something
* example:
- Do you have your license car? (strange wording-ash)
* first lang: رخصه
immigrate - v
word map:
1- leave
2- move to
def: to enter a country to live there
* example:
- she planed to immigrate next year
* first lang: المهاجره
assemble - v
word map:
1- group
2- partner
def: to come together
* example:
- the teacher assembled us to work together
* first lang: مجموعه
denote - v
word map:
1- important
2- sign
def: to indicate or sign of something
* example:
- he denoted us to the pharmacy
* first lang: رمز
implication - n
word map:
1- significance
2- certain
def: the effect that something will have on something else in the future.
* example:
- the implication of the weather is we will not have class tomorrow.
* first lang: توقع
inclination - n
word map:
1- want
2- need
def: a feeling that makes someone want to behave in particular way
* example:
- they developed a strong inclination on what you want
* first lang: رغبه
collapse - n , v
word map:
1- fall
2- lost
def: a sudden fall
* example:
- stop smoking it will collapse your health (strange wording-ash)
* first lang: انهيار
constraint - n
word map:
1- school
2- exam
def: limit om something
* example:
- every states have constraint on speed drive
* first lang: قيود
subordinate - v
word map:
1- manager
2- responsible
def: to treat a person or thing less important than another
* example:
- teacher subordinate the student (wrong usage-ash)
* first lang: مدير
reluctance - n
word map:
1- not want
2- not sure
def: not want to do something because you are not sure
* example:
- I’m a reluctance I can’t tell what happened in class (wf-ash)
* first lang: عدم رغبه
constructed - adj
word map:
1- make
2- build
def: to build or make something
* example:
- he constructed this toy
* frist lang: بنى
core - n
word map:
1- plant
2- root
def: the central or most important part of something
* example:
- we really need to get to the core of the problem
* first lang: نواه
notin - n
word map:
1- concept
2- idea
def: something that you have in your mind that you believe.
* example:
- everyone has notion about his life
* first lang: مفهوم
mature - adj
word map:
1- building
2- knowledge
def: to be fully grown or fully developed.
* example:
- Pittsburgh is more mature than Morgantown
* first lang: ناضج
validity - n
word map:
1- valid
2- believe
def: legally or officially acceptable
* example:
- my major is valid in the universty
* first lang: صلاحيه
quote - v
word map:
1- comment
2- feedback
def: to repeat exactly something that someone else said
* example:
- when we need to copy someone idea in the essay , we have to use quote.
* first lang: تعليق
oddness - n
word map:
1- weird
2- odd
def: something unusual
* example:
- the oddness of the lecture was the teacher
* first lang: الغرباء