Chapter17 .Nasser Alhabib Flashcards
Assemble (v.)
Word map: work, school
To come together, or bring things or people together in a group .
First language : تجمع
Example : I will need to assemble a list of teams for the soccer field.
Denote (v.)
Word map: headlights, highway
To indicate or be a sign of something; to mean something.
First language :دل Example : I will use the term symbol to denote elements of the set .
Immigrate (v.)
Word map: moving, leave, new country
To enter a country to live there .
First language: هاجر
Example: See to immigrate defined for kids.
License (v.)
Word map: car, store, bus
A grant or permit to use something .
First language: رخصة
Example:my friend applied for a license
Explicit (adj.)
Word map: cellphone, translator,
Clear; making something easy to understand
First language: واضح، صريح
Example:a song with explicit lyrics
Framework (n.)
Ward map: a paint, picture, film, plan
Concepts, plan
First language: إطار
Example:a Framework the books is good.
Subsidy (n.)
Word map: gov, companies, bank
Money that is paid by the gov. Or organization to reduce cost + lower price
First language: اعانة مالية
Example:The king give Subsidy a poor persons
Investment (n.)
Ward map: Sony, company, Apple
The act of putting money into property or business
First language: استثمار، عقار
Example: Biology any covering coating outer layer or integument as of an animal or vegetable .
Assured (v.)
Word map: grantee, sure,
To promise someone that will happen or it’s true.
First language: متأكد، بالتأكيد
Example:His writing has become more assured .
Domain (n.)
word map: math, school, dorm, house
Area of knowledge or activity
first language: سكن، معرفة، مدى
Example:Childcare is no longer solely a female domain
Specific (adj.)
Word map: color, car , number
First language: محددة
Example:The doctor gave the patient specific medicine
Implication (n.)
Ward map: improve, better, develop
Definition: the effect that something will have in something else in the future.
First language: تطوير، تجديد
Example:The implication of the report.
Inclination (n.)
Word map: desire, hobby, job
Definition: a feeling that make someone wants to believe in a particular way.
First language: ميل، رغبه، اراده
Example:He’s a loner by inclination.
Collapse (n/v)
Word map: building, health
Definition: a sudden fall
First language: انهيار، تدهور
Example:The chair he was sitting in collapsed
Constraint (n.)
Word map: school, relationships, chains
Definition: a limit on something
First language: قيود، تقييد
Example:They refuse to work under constraint any longer
Subordinate (v.)
Word map: chief, worker, job
Definition: to rate a person or thing less important than another
First language: مرؤوس، تابع, مسؤول
Example: Stacy is Subordinate for IEP.
Reluctance (n.)
Word map: laziness, comics, snowy days
Definition: not wanting to do something because no sure if it was the right thing to do.
First language: تردد، ممانعه
Example:He sensed his reluctance to continue in work
Constructed (adj.)
Word map: building, Houses, skyscraper، plan
Definition: to build or make something
First language: شيدت، بنى، تخطيط
Example:I constructed a barn behind the house
Core (n.)
Word map: apple, plants, speakers
Definition: the central or most important part of something
First language: جوهر، بذره، صميم
Example:Someone threw an apple core.
Notion (n.)
Word map: math, science, method
Definition: something that you have in mind that you believe.
First language: مفهوم, نظريه
Example:She had a notion to try skydiving.
Mature (adj.)
Word map: adult, college, work
Definition: to be fully grown or fully developed.
First language: راشد، ناضج
Example:She’s very mature for her age
Oddness (n.)
Word man: weird, numbers, unique
Definition: something that is not easily explained/ unusual.
First language: غرابة، مختلف
Example:.The oddness of work today it was long
Quote (v.)
Word map: newspapers, research, essay
Definition: to repeat exactly something that someone else has said or written.
First language: اقتبس
Example:He Quote the car from station
Validity (n.)
Word map: news, knowledge, data
Definition: legally officially acceptable
First language: صلاحية، صحة
Example:You making a validity points.