Faisal Alhadbani chapter (19) Flashcards
pursue (v)
word map. follow
d- to continue with something to find out more
f- طارد لاحق
s-I really want to pursue this but I don’t know how
undertake (V)
w. tackle, control
to carry out
f- تتولى
s- the government of Saudi Arabia should undertake the prises (?) of Saudi people
Reveal (v)
w. divulge
d- to make something known that was a secret before.
s-faisal revealed his secret
notwithstanding (adv)
w. for all, however
d- to proceed persevere or however
f- على الرغم من ذالك
s- We were invited notwithstanding (NC sentence)
survive (v)
w. alive
d- to continue to live or exist
f- البقاء على قيد الحياة
s- faisal survived the car accident
straightforward (adj)
w. easy
d- easy to do or understand
s- He’s very straightforward
equate (v)
w. identify
d- to consider one thing being the same as something else
f- تساوي
s- faisal equate wealth with happiness
identical (adj)
w. same
s- exactly the same
f- متطابق
s- the quizzes were identical
empirical (adj)
w. observed
d- based on expriements or practical experience
f- تجربة
s- I tried the empirical pen (wrong usage)
summarize (v)
w. short
short description of main ideas or events of something
f- ملخص
s- the teacher summarized our novel
statistics (n)
w. details. date
d- number that shows facts or provides information about something numbers that have been collected to provide info
f- علم الإحصاء
s- Statistics don’t always tell the whole story
deduce (v)
w. conclude. infer
d- to from an opinion based on facts that you already know
f- استدل
s- See deduce defined for kids (wrong usage)
mediate (v)
w. arbitrate
d- to try to settle a disagreement between tow or more people
f- حل خلاف
s- faisal mediated between his friends (weird usage)
journal (n)
w. newsletter
d- a magazine full of articles about one subject
f- صحيفة موضوع
s- I wrote a medical journal about my city yesterday
behalf (n)
w. apology
d- in order to help someone
s- بلنيابة عن
s- I apologize on his behalf
compound (n)
d- two or more things combined together
f- مجمع
s- I live in compound
restrain (v)
w. control
d- to keep someone unders control
f- سيطر
d- faisal restrained himself
colleague v
d- a person you work with in job
f- صديق عمل
s- this is faisal my colleague
infer (v)
w. deduce . reason
d- to reach a conclusion from the information you have
f- استنتج
s- he inferred from his face that he was angry
compile (v)
w. assemble,
d- to collect info and arrange it in a list, book etc.
f- جمع
d- yesterday I compiled my books
liberal (adj)
w. tolerant
d- large amounts : generous
f- كريم
s- I am very liberal with my money
substitute (v)
w. replace with
d- to use something instead of something else .
f- استبدل
s- faisal was a substituted player on his team
guidelines (n)
w. advice
d- advice on what to do about something
f- نصيحة
s- my teacher give guidelines about my easy
comprehensive (adj)
w. inclusive,
d- including everything that is connected to a subject
f- شامل
s- I have a comprehensive exam on Friday
comments: some grammar mistakes and no word map. Grade= 8/10