Ahmed Alsayegh Chapter 14 Flashcards
Volume, n
Math, hight x width x length
Amount of space
The volume of the hodges is 200m^3
Diminish, v
Low, reduce
Reduce in size or important
The students diminish the teacher.
Expert, n
Good , the best
A person having high level of skills for a particular subject
Ashley is expert at video games.
Nevertheless, adv
A transition word
Despite what just said
و مع ذلك
He had an d’s and f’s, nevertheless he will try to make it a’s
Input, n
Put in
Info, money or energy that is put into a system or organization
This device have many inputs.
Expansion, n
Increase, high
The increase of something in size or number or importance زيادة The expansion in iep building was great, they have more class now.
Conduct, v
A way, behavior, orgnize
To organize and direct in a particular way
They students conducted themselves. Not complete sentence-ash
Predict, v
To guess
To say that an event or action might happen in the future
I predict that Superman is going to kill Batman in the movie.
Benefits, n
Advantages, goods
Helpful or good effects
I enjoyed the benefits that the websites offers.
Ultimate, adj
The best, highest
Most important, last or final
I bought the ultimate meal from KFC last night.
Devote, v
Put in, love
To give your time or efforts completely to something you believe in or to a person
عشق، عطاء
I devote 12 hours to sleeping everyday.
Inevitable, adj
Will happen, cannot avoid
Certain to happen
لا مفر منه
The finals exams and the projects are inevitable
Outcome, n
Result, effect
The result or the effects of an action, situation or event
The outcome of your hard work in the class will appear in the first weak of may.
Occur, v
Happen, exist
To exist or happen
Halloween occurs in October.
Annaually, adv
Happens every year
The scores average is increasing annually.
Adjacent, adv
Very near
The mountain lair is adjacent to Starbucks.
Region, n
Area, space
A particular area of a state or country
This region is famous by the maple.
Terminate, v
The end
To end or stop
Ahmed was terminated from his job
Abandon, v
Leave , forget
To leave behind or give something up
He abandoned his girlfriend.
Cite, v
Give credit
Reference something as proof
He forgot to cite the work in his paper.
Prohibitive, adj
Band, not allowed
To resricte something
منع، محرم
The government put a lot of prohibitive laws about drugs.
Minimize, v
Small, reduce
To reduce something to the smallest
He minimized his budget to 1500$ per month.
Duration, adj
Period of time between two things
The duration for this project is 2 weeks.
Virtually, adv
Looks done, almost
Almost or very nearly
The building nearby wallmart is virtually finished.
10/10-good job!