chapter 14, Faisal Alhasoon Flashcards
Virtually - adv
1) - word map:
- basic
- in effect
- def: almost or very nearly.
- example:
- The problem of my car was virtually fixed.
- first lang: افتراضيه
Volume - n
1) - word map:
- total
- size
- def: amount of space for length and height.
- example:
- My friend doesn’t know how he control his volume of his voice. (wrong usage)
- first lang: الصوت
Diminish - v
1) - word map:
- close
- cut
- def: reduce in size or importance.
- example:
- he tried to diminish from fast food. (wrong usage)
- first lang: يقلل
Expert - n
1) - word map:
- able
- skilled
- def: a person having high level of knowledge or skills in a particular subject.
- example:
- Faisal he is an expert in Math
- first lang: خبير
Nevertheless - adv
1) - word map:
- but
- even so
- def: despite what was just said.
- example:
- Mohammed likes to wake up every morning nevertheless he love this habit.
- first lang: مع ذلك
Input - n
1) - word map:
- news
- opinion
- def: info, money or energy that is put into a system or organization.
- example:
- I love to have input from my friend.
- first lang: ادخال
Expansion - n
1) - word map:
- development
- evolution
- def: the increase of something in size, number or importance.
- example:
- many years later Morgantown will begin expansion his streets. (wrong form)
- first lang: تمديد
Conduct - v
1) - word map:
- rule
- care
- def: to organize and direct in particular way.
- example:
- let’s conduct our homework in good way.
- first lang: تصرف
Predict - v
1) - word map:
- figure out
- gusse
- def: to say that an event or action might happen in the future.
- example:
- I predict I’m going to pass the IEP hopefully this semester .
- first lang: تنبؤ
Benefits - n
1) - word map:
- asset
- use
- def: a helpful or good effect.
- example:
- milk has a lot of benefits to your body.
- first lang: فوائد
Ultimate - adj
1) - word map:
- final
- end
- def: most important, highest, last or final.
- example:
- I play FIFA with ultimate team.
- first lang: نهائي
Devote - v
1) - word map:
- hand out
- give
- def: to give your time or effort completely to something you believe in or to a person.
- example:
- devote your time to have time to study.
- first lang: خصص
Inevitable - adj
1) - word map:
- without
- sure
- def: certain to happen
- example:
- I didn’t know the final quiz was inevitable
- first lang: لا مفر له
Outcome - n
1) - word map:
- event
- end
- def: the result or effect of an action, situation or event.
- example:
- the outcome of grammar class no one passed the class
- first lang: ننتيجه
Occur - n
1) - word map:
- follow
- exist
- def: to exist, events that happen
- example:
- do you remember the occur of the match no one won. (wrong form)
- first lang: تحدث
Annually - adv
1) - word map:
- once a yea
- after a year
- def: happen every year
- example:
- April false is annually event. (what?)
- first lang: سنوي
Adjacent - adv
1) - word map:
- close by
- near
- def: very near or no thing in between.
- example:
- wall mart is adjacent to the Domain complex.
- first lang:مجاور
Region - n
1) - word map:
- land
- domain
- def: a particular area of a state, country or earth surface.
- example:
- Morgantown is a nice region
- first lang: منطقه
Terminate - v
1) - word map:
- close
- end
- def: to end or stop
- example:
- you have to terminate plying video game every night.
- first lang: انهاء
Abandoned - adj
1) - word map:
- alone
- passed up
- def: to leave behind or give something up.
- example:
- Did Faisal abandoned his study or not?
- first lang: مهمل
Cite - v
1) - word map:
- name
- refer to
- def: reference something as proof or as a person.
- example:
- cite your example.
- first lang: استشهد
Prohibitive - adj
1) - word map:
- expensive
- limiting
- def: to restricted something
- example:
- the owner for the store should prohibitive their goods
- first lang: محظور
Minimize - v
1) - word map:
- make a little of
- put down
- def: to reduce something to the smallest amount.
- example:
- they minimize the price of the food
- first lang: قلل
Duration - n
1) - word map:
- run
- spell
- def: length of action
- example:
- summer is duration time.
- first lang: مده
some mistakes, but good. 10/10