Ahmed AlDahiri Chapter 3 Flashcards
Word Map: help
Definition: To aid and support.
First Language: مساعدة
Ex: my friend assisted me with my homework.
Word Map: free
Definition: ready and accessible.
First Language: متاح
Ex: Are you available tomorrow
Word Map: made up
Definition: To be made up of or to contain something.
First Language: يتألف من
Ex: Water consists of oxygen and hydrogen
Word Map: bills, drink
Definition: To spend, absorb or devour.
First Language: يستهلك
Ex: I consume a lot of water
Word Map: share
Definition: To give (money, time, knowledge) to a common source (charity).
First Language: يساهم
Ex: Hadi contributes to many charities
Conversely (adv.)
Word Map: reciprocally
Definition: something that is the opposite or contrary.
First Language: عكس، مضاد
Ex: Ahmed is Hadi’s friend. conversely, Hadi is Ahmed’s friend
Cooperate (v.)
Word Map: classmate
Definition: To work together for a common purpose or benefit.
First Language: تعاون
Ex: the group members should cooperate with each other
Domestic (adj.)
Word Map: home
Definition: devoted to home life or household affairs.
First Language: منزلي، شؤون منزلية
Ex: domestic food is better than fast food
Function (n.)
Word Map: job
Definition: person, thing, or institutions the purpose for which something is designed or exist.
First Language: وظيفة، دور
Ex: our function in this institute improve our English
Isolation (n.)
Word Map: Loneliness
Definition: complete separation from others.
First Language: عزلة، عزل، فصل
Ex: isolation is my first option when i want to study.
Labor (n.)
Word Map: workers
Definition: Group of people working for wages.
First Language:عمال,عامل
Ex: I went to Ohio last labor day.
Locate (v.)
Word Map: building
Definition: A set area or position.
First Language:حدد
Ex: LA is located California
Maintain (n.)
Word Map: keep
Definition: to keep in operation; observe.
First Language: المحافظة
Ex: I maintained interaction between me and my friends
Minority (n.)
Word Map: compare
Definition: A group in a smaller number compered to much larger group.
First Language: أقلية
Ex: a tiny minority of citizens do not have the health incuranse
Negative (adj.)
Word Map: removed
Definition: Denial, or refusal of something.
First Language:سلبي
Ex: my brother has a negative attitude about team work
Network (n.)
Word Map: similarities
Definition: Individual having a common interest which help one another.
First Language:شبكة
Ex: Ashly has a bad network in her apartment
nuclear (n.)
Word Map: atomic
Definition: Relating to the nuclear family.
First Language:نووي,ذري
Ex: America used a nuclear bomb against Japan.
promote (v.)
Word Map: boost
Definition: To advance in rank or position; to encourage sales.
First Language:رقى
Ex: he was on the promotional tour for his book
purchase (v.)
Word Map: buy
Definition: To acquire by payment of money.
First Language:شراء
Ex: We have enough money to purchase a house
Rely (v.)
Word Map: depend
Definition: To depend on something and trust it.
First Language:اعتمد
Ex: I can not rely on my friend
resource (n.)
Word Map: supply
Definition: supply, support especially one that can be readily drawn upon when needed.
First Language: مورد
Ex: Saudi Arabia has rich oil resource
structure (n.)
Word Map: body
Definition: Parts arranged together; organized.
First Language:بناء
Ex: the structure of this suntans is incomplete
Transition (n.)
Word Map: switch
Definition: Movement from one position to another.
First Language: انتقال
Ex: she transitioned into filmmaking easily
Trend (n,v.)
Word Map: run
Good, but you have to cite ALL of your sentences not just one. You need to learn how to cite correctly. 5/10
Definition: General style.
First Language:اتجاه
Ex: current trends suggest that social media will continue to grow