Ahmed AlDahiri Chapter 14 Flashcards
Word Map: TV, vol
Definition: Amount of space for length and hight.
First Language: الصوت
Ex: could you please turn the volume off? (wrong usage)
Word Map: less
Definition: Reduce in size or importance.
First Language: يقلل
Ex: Burger king diminished their product
Word Map: Teacher
Definition: a person having high level of knowledge or skills in a particular subject.
First Language: خبره، خبير
Ex: Ashley is expert in teaching
Word Map: transition word, however.
Definition: Despite what was jus said.
First Language: ومع ذلك
Ex: What she said to him was completely right, nevertheless, I need to get an A in the vocabulary class
Word Map: computer.
Definition: info, money or energy that is put into a system or organization.
First Language: ادخال
Ex: Before giving you the answer, we need your input
Word map: statistics.
Definition:almost or very nearly.
First Language: تقريبا
Ex: My mother is virtually missing me
Word Map: big.
Definition: the increase of something in size, number or importance.
First Language: توسيع، زياده
Ex: Future expansion of the university will require to open more majors
Word Map: behavior.
Definition: to organize and direct in a particular way.
First Language: تصرف
Ex: I have a very good conduct in the emergency cases
Word Map: future, guess.
Definition: to say that an event or action might happen in the future.
First Language: تنبوء، توقع
Ex: I predicted that we have a hard quiz in writing class
Word Map: good things,phone
Definition: A helpful or good effect.
First Language: فائدة، استفادة
Ex: Smart phone has a lot of differences benefits
Word Map: goals
Definition: most important, highest last or final.
First Language: اساسي، مهم
Ex: Everyone has an ultimate goal
Word Map: study.
Definition: to give your time or your effort completely to something you believe in or to a person.
First Language: خصص، كرّس
Ex: I devoted all of my day to study for the exams
Word Map: will happen
Definition: certain to happen.
First Language: محتوم
Ex: It is inevitable that we will die.
Word Map: Exam, result.
Definition: The result or effect of an action, situation or event.
First Language: نتيجة، حصيلة
Ex: What was the outcome of your exam?
Word Map: concert
Definition: to exist; events that happen
First Language: حدث
Ex: the crime occurred at the downtown two days ago.
Word Map: event
Definition: Happens every year.
First Language: سنويا
Ex: Muslims annually have two celebrating days
Word Map: buildings, classrooms
Definition: very near or nothing in between.
First Language:مجاور
Ex: I have a good adjacent roommate.
Word Map: state, city.
Definition: A particular area of a state, country or earth surface.
First Language: منطقة
Ex: I live in the west region of Saudi Arabia
Word Map: end
Definition: to end or stop.
First Language: إنهاء
Ex: I terminated my contract with AT&T company.
Word Map: car
Definition: To leave behind or give something up.
First language: تخلى
Ex: I will abandon my car soon
Word Map: essay, research
Definition: reference something as proof or as a reason
First Language:نوه,استشهد
Ex: I have to cite the sources when I write a research.
Word Map: police.
Definition: to prevent something.
First Language:تحريمي ,محظور
Ex: we can not smoking near the university, because it is prohibitive.
Word Map: Reduce
Definiton: To reduce to the smallest amount.
First Language: خفض, قلل
Ex: I have to minimize smoking
Word Map: time
Definition: The period of time.
First Language: مدة
Ex: the register duration in the university is one week.
if you take anything make sure you cite it! (10/10)