Module Quiz 5 Flashcards
four types of teeth:
upper dental arch (paired bones)
lower dental arch (paired bones fuse at midline in first year)
incisors: cutting
cuspids: tearing/cutting
bicuspids: a.k.a premolars cutting
molars: grinding
humans are ?
20 ? teeth
how many permanent teeth
-depends on whether
teeth in upper arch are usually
upper arch typically ?
diphyodontal deciduous (baby, primary or milk)
28-32 (successional)
-third molars are present
overlaps with lower arch in front
dental surfaces:
media/mesial: surface of indiv. teeth closest to ?
distal: surface of indiv tooth ?
buccal: surface of tooth that could come into contact with the ?
lingual: surface of tooth that could come into contact with ?
occlusal: contact of surface between ?
midline point on arch between central incisors
farthest from midline point on arch between central incisors
buccal wall
teeth of the upper and lower arches
Normal Class I occlusion: also known as? normal relationship between ? in which the first molar of the mandibular arch is ? overjet: overbite:
-upper and lower teeth/one-half tooth advanced of the maxillary molar; includes normal amount of:
projection of upper incisors beyond lower incisors in transverse plane
overlap of upper incisors relative to lower incisors
Types of Malocclusion:
Class 1: has normal orientation of molars but?
Class II: first mandibular molars are ?
Class III: first mandibular molar is ?
abnormal orientation of incisors
retracted at least one tooth from the first maxillary molars (distocclusion) [mandible is retracted]
advanced more than one tooth beyond the first maxillary molar (mesiocclusion) [mandible protrudes]
Mastication: the process of
-moving food ?
-mixing food with ?
preparing food for swallowing
- around in mouth
- grinding and chewing food
- saliva
the process of swallowing
these two biological processes require the integration of ? with ?
lingual, velar, pharyngeal and facial muscle movement / laryngeal adjustments and respiratory control
Muscular action:
- all muscles inserting into the obicularis oris may?
- all intrinsic and extrinsic muscles will be ?
- velar elevtors ?
- pharyngeal constrictors ?
be used during mastication and deglutition
used during mastication and deglutition
seal off nasal cavity
contract to move bolus down to esophagus
is a disorder of ? it can result from an impairment in ?
ASHA says that the exact prevalence of dysphagia is ? but it has been estimated to be as high as ?
swallowing/one or more of the stages of swallowing
unknown/22% of individuals over the age of 50
swallowing and respiration may be described as ?
we describe swallowing in terms of four stages but ?
individuals with neurological disorders have ?
reciprocal functions
not all stages are used for all swallows
higher than normal risk of swallowing difficulties
Four stages (Mature Swallow) oral prep stage: oral stage: pharyngeal stage: esophageal stage:
food enters mouth and is manipulated and prepared for swallowing
posterior propulsion of bolus triggers next phase
bolus moves through pharynx to esophagus
bolus moves through esophagus to stomach
oral prep stage: time varies according to ? open mouth and ? close ? breath through ? -tongue ? -soft palate is ?
tongue ? -"?" FOOD (what versus what) -effects seal along ? -maneuvers ? -- moves food against --repositions food to --repeat as needed until? salivary gands risorius and buccinator keep food from
amount and viscosity of food insert food lips (lips seal) nose -bunches in the back of mouth -pulled down to keep food in the oral cavity
holds and positions bolus -cups (tippers versus dippers) -along alveolar ridge -bolus --hard surfaces (palate , teeth) --bolus has right consistency to swallow secrete saliva entering lateral sulcus
oral prep facial muscles
obicularis oris: maintains
mentalis: elevates:
buccinator and risorius: flatten
oral seal
lower lio
oral prep mandibular muscles:
masseter: elevates
temporalis: elevates, retracts and protrudes
medial pterygoid: elevates: moves mandible: grinds?
lateral pterygoid: protrudes and grinds
oral prep tongue muscles:
mylohyoid: elevates
geniohyoid and digastric: elevate ? depress?
superior longitudinal: elevates and deviates
inferior longitudinal: depresses and deviates
floor of mouth
tongue tip
tongue tip