Chapter 2 Flashcards
four basic stages
exchange of gas between an organism and its environment ventilation distribution perfusion diffusion
air pressure:
if a chamber is open to the atmosphere ?
force distributed over area
force exerted on the walls of a chamber by molecules of air
-pressure exerted on the chamber’s inner walls will be the same as pressure exerted on the chamber’s outer walls
boyle’s law
if temp. remains constant…
increasing the chamber volume causes a ?
conversely decreasing the chamber volume causes an
decrease in pressure
increase in pressure
Flow to Low
air molecules flow from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure
Human Respiratory System Gas exchange system: -oxygen is transported from ? and carbon dioxide is transported ? gas exchange occurs in the ? bony framework:
the outside world /transported to the outside world through the respiratory system
-minute alveoli (air sacs)
protects and supports
respiratory structures
bony thorax:
vertebrae-vertebral column ribs and attachments to vertebral columns pectoral girdle sternum pelvic girdle
respiratory structures
visceral thorax
respiratory passageway
respiratory structures
respiratory muscles
accessory muscles of inspiration
accessory muscles of expiration
muscles of postural control
protective cage the respiratory system is protected within the? bony cage -sternum in -ribs in? -spinal column in? diaphragm muscle at?
thorax -front -in front and on sides -back bottom
vertebral column -how many vertebrae? how many sections ? numbered? what function?
30+ bony vertebrae (total depends on how you count coccyx)
sequentially from top to bottom
house and protect spinal cord
vertebral landmarks C V T S A
Corpus (body) vertebral foramen transverse process spinous process articular facets
cervical vertebrae how many cervical vertebrae C1? C2? paired transverse foramina ? -found in ? and may be absent in ? your text says the first prominent spinous process you can feel in your neck is ?
7 - C1-C7 (atlas) supports skull for rotation (axis) skull pivots on this allowing passage of vertebral arteries / only in cervical vertebrae/ C7 C7
Thoracic Vertebrae how many ? provide basis for ? thoracic vertebrae have larger? intervertebral foramina allow ? superior and inferior costal facets are ?
12 - T1-T12
respiratory framework (posterior point of attachment for ribs)
-spinous process and transverse process
-spinal nerves to communicate with the spinal cord
-points of attachment for the ribs
Thoracic Vertebrae & Ribs
ribs 1, 10, 11, and 12 have ?
ribs 2-9 attach to ? and to the ?
one to one arrangement with thoracic vertebrae
transverse process/ corpus of the same numbered thoracic vertebrae as well as to the body of the vertebra above
Lumbar Vertebrae
how many?
larger than ? transverse and spinous processes are relatively ? but ?
bear stress of?
provide direct or indirect attachments for many ?
5 - L1-L5
cervical or thoracic vertebrae/smaller/corpus is much larger
ambulation and lifting
back and abdominal muscles and for posterior fibers of diaphragm
Sacrum and Coccyx
how many sacral vertebrae ? they ? as we age , referred to as?
sacral foramina provides?
3-5 coccygeal vertebrae are? referred to as?
coccyx attached to the sacrum by the ?
5 (S1-S5) / fuse/ sacrum
passageway for sacral nerves
fused/ single bone “coccyx”
sacrococcygeal symphysis; a fibrocartilaginous joint that allows very limited movement
pectoral girdle (shoulder girdle)
forms socket for ?
collar bone
shoulder bone
pelvic girdle
sacrum (&coccyx) innominate (hip) bone -ilium -ischium -pubis bears weight, protects
rib cage
- how many pairs of true ribs
- how many pairs of false ribs
- how many pairs of floating ribs
7 (vertebrosternal)
3 (vertebrochondral)
2 (articulate only with vertebral column)
ribs - name parts
sternum “aka”
attaches to ?
three main components
breastbone clavicle and ribs manubrium corpus xiphoid (ensiform) process
respiratory tract carries air from ? what and what entering air what sections multiple ?
outside world to lungs
warms and humidifies
upper and lower
filtering functions throughout the system
respiratory filtering nostril hairs: goblet cells in ? submucosal glands: cilia lining respiratory passageway from ? lymphatic system:
first line of defense/ ttrap particles larger than 10 microns
-mucosal lining : secrete lubricant to trap pollutants
-secrete lubricant to trap pollutants
-nose to beginning of bronchi: bat more than 1000 times per second
final cleaning stage
Trachea and bronchial tree trachea is both ? adult trachea is approx? runs from ? divides to 2 mainstream bronchii at? continues to ?
rigid and flexible 11 cm. long inferior larynx carina trachea branch to the respiratory bronchioles serving the alveolar air sacs
approx. how many cartilage rings
rings are how many centimeters wide and how many centimeters in diameter
gaps between rings spanned by ? in constant state of ?
-rings are ? allowing?
interior surface lined with ? from which protruding ?
0.4 - 0.5/ 2.0 - 2.5
smooth muscles/ contraction
discontinuous in the posterior aspect, diamteer changes (depending upon indiv. oxygen requirements at any given time)
epithelium/ cilia act as filtering system
Trachea diameter changes trachea's smooth muscles in a steady state of ? keeping tracheal tube in state of ? if indiv. oxygen needs increase -smooth muscle? -diameter of trachea ? -increased amounts of ?
- relaxes so that
- increase so that
- oxygen delivered to the system
The bronchial tree the trachea ? the angle on the right is about the angle on the left is about the tree continues to ? into increasingly ? the final branches, the ?, are about .... in diameter -end in -serve ?
bifurcates into left and right mainstream bronchii at the carina trachea
-20-30 degree
-45-55 degrees
branch /smaller tubes as it progresses deeper into lungs
terminal respiratory bronchioles/ 1mm
-alveolar ducts
-alveolar air sacs
lungs - - not held in place by ? -move - how many lobes -gas exchange takes place in ?
elastic porous -ligaments ro cartilage -passively -5 lobes (3 right , 2 left) small air sacs ( alveoli)
apartment house analogy respiratory exchange may be viewed as a series of ? -respiratory bronchioles are ? -alveolar ducts are ? -alveoli are ?
apartment buildings
- entryways for each apartment building
- passageways to indiv. apartments
- indiv. apartments
Alveoli alveoli are approx. ... in diameter mature lungs contain approx. ? alveoli ? extremely thin? promote ? contain? reducing ? and keeping ?
1/4 mm
millions of alveoli ( 300 mil. to 700 mil.)
do the real work of respiration , exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide
alveolar walls ( .35 - 2.5 microns)/ rapid gas transfer
surfactant/ surface tension on alveolar walls/ alveoli inflated (instead of being pulled inward during inspiration)