MODULE 8 (part 1-2) Flashcards
subdivision of plant systematics
plant taxonomy
overall goal of plant systematics
show the plants’ evolutionary relationships
plant taxonomy goal
- assign proper scientific Latin name
indicates a plant’s relationship to other plants and tell us about its place in the plant world
- subclass
- superorder
- subfamily
- tribe
- subtribe
- variety
- form
- cultivar
_________ (): Ferns
_________: Mosses
_________: Conifers
_________ (): flowering plants
Filicinophyta (Pteridophyta)
Angiospermophyta (Anthophyta)
- plants that produce flowers
- plants that do not produce flowers
- angiospermae (angiosperms)
- gymnospermae (gymnosperms)
- plants with 2 seed leaves
- plants with one seed leaf
- dicotyledonae (dicotyledons, dicots)
- monocotyledonae (monocotyledons, monocots)
- A group of related Plant Families
- classified in the order in which they are thought to have developed their differences from a common ancestor.
- There are six in the Dicotyledonae (______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______), and four in the Monocotyledonae (______, ______, ______, ______)
- The names of this end in _____
- Magnoliidae, Hamamelidae, Caryophyllidae, Dilleniidae, Rosidae, Asteridae
- Alismatidae, Commelinidae, Arecidae, Liliidae
: -idae
Each Superorder is further divided into several _______.
The names end in
: -ales
- Each Order is divided into ________.
- These are plants with many botanical features in common and is the highest classification normally used.
- similarity between plants is often easily recognizable by the layman.
- Modern botanical classification assigns a type of plant to each Family, which has the particular characteristics which separate this group of plants from others, and names the Family after this plant.
- The number of Plant Families varies according to the botanist whose classification you follow.
- The names end in
: -aceae
- The Family may be further divided into a number of __________, which group together plants within the Family that has some significant botanical differences.
- The names end in
: -oideae
- A further division of plants within a Family, based on more minor botanical differences, but still usually comprises many different plants.
The names end in
: -eae
- A further division, based on even smaller botanical differences, often only recognizable to botanists.
- The names end in
: -inae
- This is the usual name that you give a plant - Papaver (Poppy), Aquilegia (Columbine), and so on.
- The plants in here are often easily recognizable as belonging to the same group.
- The name should be written with a capital letter.
- This is the level that defines an individual plant.
- Often, the name will describe some aspect of the plant - the color of the flowers, size or shape of the leaves, or it may be named after the place where it was found.
- Together, the Genus and Species name refer to only one plant, and they are used to identify that particular plant.
- The name of the species should be written after the Genus name, in small letters, with no capital letter.
- a plant that is slightly different from the species plant, but the differences are not as insignificant as the differences in a form.
- The Latin is varietas, which is usually abbreviated to _____
- The name follows the Genus and species name, with var. before the individual variety name.
- var
- a plant within a species with minor botanical differences, e.g. the color of flower or shape of the leaves.
- The name follows the Genus and species name, with form (or f.) before the individual variety name.
- a cultivated variety, a particular plant that has arisen either naturally or through deliberate hybridization and can be reproduced (vegetatively or by seed) to produce more of the same plant.
- The name follows the Genus and species name. It is written in the language of the person who described it and should NOT be translated.
- It is either written in single quotation marks or has cv. written in front of the name.
full botanical classification of a particular Lesser Spearwort with narrow leaves
- CLASS - angiospermae (angiosperms)
- SUBCLASS - dicotyledonae (dycotyledons)
- SUPERORDER - magnoliidae (magnolia superorder)
- ORDER - ranunculales (buttercup order)
- FAMILY - ranunculaceae (buttercup family)
- SUBFAMILY - ranunculoideae (buttercup subfamily)
- TRIBE - ranunculeae (buttercup tribe)
- GENUS - ranunculus (buttercup)
- SPECIES - Ranunculus flammula (lesser spearwort)
- SUBSPECIES - (Ranunculus flammula) subsp. flammula —— (lesser spearwort)
- VARIETY - (Ranunculus flammula subsp. flammula) var. tenuifolius —— (narrow-leaved lesser spearwort)
botanical classification of Opium poppy
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Ranunculales
Family: Papaveraceae
Genus: Papaver
Species: Papaver somniferum
the traditional ways of classifying plants have been based on the _________________.
visible physical characteristics of the plant
gives each plant a scientific name using the generic epithet (_____) and specific epithet (_____).
- genus
- species
Silver Maple
African Marigold
Allium cepa
Lilliaceae -
Acer saccharinum
Aceraceae -
Tagetes erecta
- Many systems for plant naming existed before the mid-1700s.
- These earlier names were in _____, _____, ______ or/and sometimes in local vernacular names (Pavord, 2005).
- These names sometimes were several words in length (Eg. Plantago foliis ovato-lanceolatus pubescentibus, spica cylindrica, scapo tereti - “Plantain with pubescent ovate-lanceolate leaves, a cylindric spike, and a terete scape,” which we know today as Plantago media).
- This led to the same plant having different names in different places and made communication among plant scientists difficult.
Latin, Greek, Arabic
The current system of binomial nomenclature involves identifying plants with two names, a genus and a species, dates from the publication of __________ in ____ by _______, a Swedish botanist. His work, published under his Latin name, ________ (1753), is acknowledged as the starting place for current naming procedures (Blunt, 1971).
Correct names today are governed by the ____________________ (McNeill et al., 2012; Bock, 1973).
- There are over 300,000 species of flowering plants, making a general agreement with multiple common names inappropriate.
- Hence, plant scientists depend on genus and species names for proper communication. This allows people everywhere to communicate about plant species with certainty.
- Species Plantarum, 1753, Carl Linné
- Carolus Linnaeus
- International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
- The purpose of the Latin or botanical name of plants is to provide some information about a particular plant that distinguishes it from other plants.
- The adjective applied to the plant, the ___________, is often helpful in describing the plant. It can tell us the color of the flowers, the height of the plant, whether the leaves are long and thin or short and fat, whether the plant is prickly, where it comes from, what sort of conditions it occurs in nature, how big it is, whether it’s a climber or whether it’s creeping, whether it’s deciduous, has a bulb, is edible - or whatever else the person who found it thought most remarkable, noteworthy and unique about it.
- Like many other languages, Latin assigns genders to all its nouns, and adjectives have to agree with the gender of the noun they describe.
- In plant names, therefore, those that are deemed masculine will end in ____, those that are feminine will end in ____, and those that are neutral will end in ___ (plus some odd ones with other endings).
- specific epithet
: -us
: -a
: -um