Module 5 - Study Guide Flashcards
United Nations Charter of Human Rights
o UN was established by the Allies after WWII
o Created to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war
o Rights for humans all over the world
World Bank and International Monetary Fund
o Set up by the Bretton Woods Conference
o WB: will give developmental loans to help poorer countries develop as part of world capitalist economy
o IMF: will provide short-term loans to countries in economic crisis; turn from war to peace; money can do that
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
o Bind region to US military supremacy
o Prevent control of Europe by Russia
Social Democracy
o Regulated capitalism and strong social provisions
o Wanted to show that capitalism works for everyone
o Education, healthcare, family support
o E.g. British National Health Services; US Medicare and Medicaid Programs
Establishment of the People’s Republic of China (1949)
o Mao-Tse Tung overthrows Chaing Kai-Shek
o The Nationalist government
o Turns China Communist
o Sends Kai-Shek to exile in Taiwan
Mao Tse-Tung or (Mao Zedong)
o Overthrows Kai-Shek’s government
o Establishes Communist China
Proxy Wars
o US and USSR are vying for global supremacy -> the world “freezes”
o Either the US or the USSR fights a client (a lower-level state/group)
Warsaw Pact
o The Treaty of Friendship
o Signed during the Cold War
o Between the Soviet Union and its satellite states
Eastern Bloc
A group of Communist states in eastern Europe, east asia, and southeast asia
o Under control of the USSR during the Cold War
Division of Germany into the German Democratic Republic (“East Germany”) and the Federal Republic of Germany (“West Germany”)
o Divided by an “iron curtain”
o Part became capitalist and the other part became communist
o Many people want to move to the West
Berlin Wall
o Spilt Berlin just like Germany was split
o Heavily monitored
Korean War
o 1950
o Encouraged by USSR and China, northern Korean Communists try to unite all Korea
o UN authorizes US-led war to stop this
o 1m die; no peace
French-Vietnam War (1945-54)
o Cold War and decolonization become intertwined
o If certain nations are fighting for freedom, why can we not do the same
Partition of Vietnam
o The Geneva Conference
o When Vietnam split into north and south
o A campaign against communists
o In the US government by Senator Joseph McCarthy
o Many accused lost their jobs
o The end of European empires
o Independence for the colonies
o Many were poor, socialist
o Some became capitalist
Mao Tse-Tung (Mao Zedong or Chairman Mao)
o Leader of China’s communist party
o Led the fight against the Japanese than turned against China
o Liberate China from the West
o Communal Communism
o The Communist doctrines of Mao Zedong as formerly practiced in China
o Central ideas: permanent revolution, peasantry, small-scale industry, and agricultural collectivization
Great Leap Forward
o Mao
o 1958
o Collectivized farm land local industrial communes
Cultural Revolution
o Mao sidelined by “realest” economists
o Comes back fighting in the 1960s
o Encourages young people to purge China of the middle class
Guerilla Warfare
o A form of irregular warfare
o Small group of combatants
o Use tactics like ambushes, sabotage, raids, warfare, hit and run, and mobility
o From Northern (Communist) Vietnam
o Led by Ho-Chi Minh
o Tried to liberate the whole country
Ho Chi-Minh
o Leader of North Vietnam
o Leader of the Viet-Cong
US-Vietnam War (1955-1975)
o Not everyone wanted the Communists to be in charge of the country
o Used to being under control of the French, not a bad thing
o During the treaty-signing, became Communist north and free south
o War breaks out; north -> south
Indian National Congress
o 1895 o Made up of wealthy, educated, Anglophile Hindus o Not anti-British o Argued for self-government o National identity should be Hindu
Muslim National League
o 1906
o Protects the interest of Muslims
o Parallels the National Congress
Mohandas K. Gandhi
o Revolutionizes the National Congress
o Turns it from a movement of the elite to a movement of the people
o Appeals to the mass, peasant culture
- Passive Resistance [or Civil Disobedience/Non-Cooperation)
o Boycotting, non-cooperation
o A thought of winning independence through powerlessness and poverty
o Play with ignorance instead of violence
o Ex. Salt March of 1930s
- Partition of British India (into Republic India and Islamic Republic of Pakistan)
o India = Hindu Pakistan = Muslim
o 1947
o Civil war over disputed territory
- Indian Independence Act (1947)
o Split India into India and Pakistan
Jawahrlal Nehru
o Independent India’s first leader
o Rejects Gandhi’s ideals
o In Cold War
o With nuclear weapons and strong state control of the economy
o Modernization
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
o Starts to train anti-Communist terrorists/guerillas who ensure governments stay pro-US
o Overthrows certain governments and sets up pro-American governments in those places
“Friendly Dictators”
o Dictators who appeal to the people with no actual intent of providing them with what they promise
Fidel Castro
o Leads the Communist revolution of Cuba
o Becomes a hero to all who are resisting America/the west
Che Geuvara
o Becomes hero of “people’s war”
o Became a figurehead for Castro’s troops
o Becomes influential in other parts of the world
Cuban Revolution
o 1959
o Communist Fidel Castro takes power, US invades, fails
o Castro becomes hero to all resisting the West
- Cuban Missile Crisis/Bay of Pigs Invasion
o Russia gave Cuba missiles
o Closest the Cold War got to a real war
o Failed military invasion of Cuba by the CIA
o The use of economic, political, cultural, or other pressures to control or influence other countries, especially former dependencies
Pan-African Movement
o Encourages and strengthens the bonds of Africans all over the world
“The Year of Africa” (1960)
o The independence of 17 African nations
o Many quickly descend into civil war
African Socialism
o Socialism became the main way of governing in Africa
o Promised to keep US interests secure
o Sharing economic resources in a traditional African way
o Definitions of this varied considerably
Kwame Nkrumah
o British army members lead rebellion
o Ghana was the first independent African nation
o Aims to promote pan-African independence
o Inspires independence movements all around Africa
Jomo Kenyatta
o Leads independence movement in Kenya
o The presence of white settlers means that the British concede little
o Mau mau freedom fighters lead the conflict
Independence of Ghana (1957)
o First African country to gain independence
o Split from the British
Nelson Mandela
o Begins following Gandhi’s ideas of peaceful revolution
o Determines that violence is the only answer
o South Africa
o Arrested, called a Communist, called a terrorist
African National Congress
o Resisted apartheid
o Sharpesville Massacre leads to the rise of Nelson Mandela
o An extremely systematic program of segregation
o A full restriction of a freedom of the movement of the black population
o Must show visas to leave neighborhoods
o Fully separated black and white society