Module 5 (SOP Nr 17) Flashcards
This SOP prescribes the policies and procedures in the acquisition and administration of AFP-owned lands and administered military reservation. It includes the mode of acquisition, utilization, management, monitoring of all land owned, controlled or administered by the AFP and its disposition to include the accountability and responsibility of the administrator.
SOP Nr. 17 dated 30 June 2021
Acquisition and Administration of AFP Land
permission, liberty, or ability to enter, approach, or pass to and from a place.
process of acquiring land through various means mentioned in Section 4 in this SOP.
process or activity of managing the land of the AFP with the attendant accountability and responsibility.
Major Service Command/AFP-Wide Support and Separate Units (AFPWSSUs) Commanders designated by the higher headquarters to administer the AFP land on behalf of the Chief of Staff, AFP (CSAFP); the person tasked to advice the CSAFP on the state of these land and to take measures to ensure its security and development.
any person who is granted power of the attorney to act for and in the behalf of a principal.
refers to the records or books in which all financial information and transaction of the AFP real estate is recorded and maintained.
Books of Account
recording of financial information and transactions, and is part of the process of accounting of the AFP real estate. Transactions include purchases, sales, receipts, and payments by an individual person or an organization/corporation.
a contract whereby one person transfers the ownership of non-fungible things to another with the obligation on the part of the latter to give things of the same kind, quantity, and quality.
Deed of Exchange
an act of liberality whereby a person gratuitously disposes a thing or right (land) in favor of another who accepts it.
a recipient of a thing or a right (land) on the liberality of another.
a person who gratuitously disposes a thing or a right (land) to another who accepts it.
involves the completeness of documents in all agreements and the registration of the land through titling in the name of the AFP in order to strengthen and secure AFP’s rights over the land.
Establishment of Ownership
exists when a private land is taken for public use upon payment of just compensation and resorted to only when within 30 days, the property owner refuses or fails to accept the price offered or when negotiation fails or not feasible.
illegal or unauthorized occupants on a land.
Informal Settlers
process of exchanging land between two parties. It is an act of trading goods or services between parties without the use of money; refers to the process of the land acquisition by exchanging land for another piece of the land of equal value through a deed, contract of agreement of exchange.
Land Swapping
a consensual, bilateral and cumulative contract by which an individual or an entity/ies binds himself/herself to grant the temporary use of the land or portion of the land to another who undertakes to pay some rent, compensation or price.
an individual or an entity/ies whom the enjoyment or use of a thing (land) and who delegated upon himself/herself the payment for some rent, compensation or price..
an individual or an entity/ies who binds himself/herself temporarily for the use of a thing or render service to another for a price, rent and compensation.
part of administration that is concerned with the procedures techniques, and processes employed in an operation, which consists of those continuing actions of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, controlling, and evaluating.
a comprehensive document for the development of a particular base, camp, and station. Its preparation entails detailed land development studies and test, environmental impact study, site planning and detailed architectural and engineering design of facilities to be developed.
Master Development Plan (MDP)
a written agreement between two (2) or more entities/group or individual/s with specific terms and conditions in order to pursue a common line of commitment.
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
a written agreement between two (2) or more entities/group or individual that expresses a convergence of will between the parties, indicating an intended common line of action, rather than a legal commitment. It is more formal alternative to gentleman’s/ladies’ agreement but generally lacks the bind power of a contract.
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
an land that has been proclaimed/reserved for military purposes by virtue of a Presidential Proclamation.
Military Reservation
a method of disposition/divestment between two parties (government and specific private party/ies). ________ usually come about from unsolicited offers by logical buyers.
Negotiated Sale
a legal document delegating a person or agent the power to preform acts or deeds for and in behalf of the principal as specified in the documents.
Power of Attorney
acts of the President fixing a date or declaring a status or condition of public moment or interest. Upon the existence of which the operation of a specific law or regulation is made to depend shall be promulgated in proclamations, which shall have the force of an Executive Order (EO).
Presidential Proclamation
tracts of land that belongs to the state.
Public Domain
refers to the land and all those items that are attached to it. It is the physical, tangible entity, together with all the additions or improvements on, above or below the ground.
Real Estate
a part or the entirety of property, site or location, with defined physical boundaries used or required by national government project.
a public instrument issued by the government confirming the grant by the state of the ownership over a parcel of agricultural land in favor of the grantee by virtue of a Law or a Proclamation by the President of the Philippines for the purposes authorized by Law.
Special Patent
a legal right accorded to a person or party that confers the temporary right to use or derive income or benefit from someone else’s property
the person to whom the ownership of a determinate thing is transferred and obligates upon himself/herself to pay or its equivalent.
an individual or an entity who offers something for sale; the seller, especially of a property.
the person tasked to advice the CSAFP on the state of these land and to take measures to ensure its security and development.
requires relatively large areas for permanent structures that will provide primary command and control (C2) of permanently stationed operational forces and have complete command, staff and logistics functions.
It should accommodate complete operational, operational support facilities, utilities and other attendant requirements in the conduct of supervising activities related to organizing, training equipping and maintaining of its operational forces and support facilities to family institutions.
just like the Main Base requires large area for permanent structures that will provide primary C2 of permanently stationed operational forces and have complete command, staff and logistics functions. It should also accommodate complete operational and operational support facilities, utilities, and other attendant requirements in the conduct of organizing, training, equipping and maintaining of its operational forces, and the conduct of large scale training exercises, Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response (HADR) operations, Reception, Staging, Onward-movement and Integration (RSOI) of operational forces and Reserve Force mobilization; also appropriate area for support facilities to family institutions.
has a relatively smaller area requirement compare to the Main Base and MOBs that can accommodate operational forces, which are forward deployed on a rotational basis for limited period of time and has limited operational and operational support facilities.
area depends on the type of combat service support to operational forces: logistics, training, communication, surveillance, and monitoring.
as necessary, is the AFP base that need to be developed and managed to accommodate interagency collaboration and/or coordination, bilateral activities, or multinational security cooperation. These engagements and activities are not limited to HADR operations. Other purposes for the disposition or use of AFP bases properties can be accommodated as directed by competent authority, subject to the existing laws, rules, regulations and procedures.
shall serve as the board blueprint to guide the development and management of the AFP property.
Disposition of land through transfer to another government agency is done through accomplishment of ________ between the Accountable Officers of losing and gaining government agencies.
Disposition of land through land swap is accomplished through execution of ________ between the concerned entities.
Deed of Exchange (DoE)
Disposition of land through sale is accomplished through execution of ________ between the vendor
and the vendee.
Deed of Sale (DoS)
Disposition of land through donation is accomplished through execution of ________ between the donor and the donee.
Deed of Donation (DoD)