Module 10 Flashcards
Includes all ammunition containing high explosives, nuclear and CBR agents.
Explosive Ordnance
which has been fired, projected, dropped or placed in such a manner as to be capable of having become armed and has failed to detonate.
Unexploded Explosive Ordnance (UXO)
The detection, identification, Field evaluation, rendering safe, recovery, evaluation and disposal of explosive ordnance which has been fired, dropped, launched, projected or placed in such a manner as to constitute a hazard to operations, installations, personnel or material. It also includes the rendering safe and disposal of items, which have become hazardous or unserviceable by damage or deterioration when the disposal of such items is beyond the capabilities of personnel normally assigned the responsibility for routine disposition.
Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)
The suspected or detected presence of explosive ordnance which constitutes a hazard to operation, installations, personnel or materiel.
Explosive Ordnance Disposal Incident
Initial reconnaissance involving the detection, investigation, location, verification, evaluation of personnel, marking, identification, and reporting of suspected explosive ordnance in order to determine further action by EOD personnel.
Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance (EOR)
Selected military personnel, civil police, civil fire department personnel and civil defense aides trained and assigned the responsibility for Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance.
Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance Agent (EORA)
Military personnel who have received special training in explosive ordnance disposal methods
EOD Personnel
A military organization capable of disposing United States and other foreign explosive ordnance.
Explosive Ordnance Disposal Detachment
A Military organization exercising operational control over EOD activities.
Explosive Ordnance Disposal Control Detachment
[Mission of EORA]
the investigation of UXO reported from any source in order to eliminate false report and verify actual EOD incidents.
[Mission of EORA]
from evidence obtained at the site of the incident, the EORA must diagnose and determine the approximate size and type of UXO.
[Mission of EORA]
if the UXO is not visible on the surface of the earth, thru calculations and the evidence available, determine the approximate location in building or estimate the location underground.
[Mission of EORA]
to insure the EOD personnel will find an item of UXO, without undue loss of time, each UXO will be clearly marked by the EORA. Marking is extremely important and markers must be plainly visible and easily recognized.
[Mission of EORA]
each EORA must know the correct channels of UXO reporting. If an item of UXO was reported by other than written means, it must be followed up by a written report through the incident reporting system.
[Mission of EORA]
the EORA must initiate and supervise protective measures which are essential for the protection of life and property. The EORA must determine if total or partial evaluation is required and implement the evacuation plan as necessary for safety. If protective wall are required, he will supervise construction.
[Mission of EORA]
the EORA must be prepared to give non-technical support to EOD personnel as requested, to facilitate safe and prompt removal of an EOD incident. The assistance may include, work parties, additional power equipment, lumber, arks, or other information regarding the facilities peculiar to a particular area.
7 Missions of EORA
- Investigating
- Diagnosing
- Locating
- Marking
- Reporting
- Protecting
- Assisting
The oldest known and recorded explosive in history, discovered by a Syrian Engineer named KALLINMKOS dated back from the year 670 to 672 AD.
Came after the Greek Fire.
in _______ ALFRED Nobel discovered the explosive properties of ________ by means of nitrating paper.
IN _____, SOBRERO prepared ________ and described its explosive properties.
In ________, Alfred Nobel began the commercial production of _______ use of nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin.
In _____, SCHULTZEE, successfully accomplished the production of________.
In _____, Alfred Nobel discovered and introduced the use of ________ as detonator confined in a metal tube called blasting cap.
Patented its uses as charge of projectiles in 1886 by TURPIN
Introduced came after the greek fire
Is a combination of Xenon and nitrates. This was developed after the discovery of trinitrates and toluene
was formed after the cyclonite when series of Ammonium Nitrate mixed with other explosives
also followed and then the different combination of explosives were developed to obtain the desired effect.
Are substances that thru chemical reaction violently change and release pressure and heat equally in all directions.