Module 1 Flashcards
Refers to the acquisition of Goods, Consulting Services, and the contracting for Infrastructure Projects by the procuring entity.
Process of identifying which project needs can be best met by procuring products and services outside the project organization and should be accomplished during the project planning effort.
Procurement Planning
All items, supplies, materials and general support services, except consulting services and infrastructure projects.
Services for Infrastructure Projects and other type of project or activities of the Government requiring adequate external technical and professional experts that are beyond the capability and/or capacity of the government.
Consultancy Services
Include the construction, improvement, rehabilitation, demolition, repair, restoration or maintenance of roads and bridges, railways, airports, communication facilities, civil works components of information technology projects, energy/power and electrification facilities, national buildings, and other related construction project of the government
Infrastructure Projects
A guide document in the procurement and contract implementation process, as well as a vital reference in procurement monitoring.
Project Procurement Management Plan (PPMP)
A requisite document containing necessary information on the entire procurement activities for goods, services, and infrastructure an agency plans to undertake within the calendar year based on the approved GAA.
Annual Procurement Plan (APP)
A requisite document containing necessary information on the entire procurement activities for goods, services, and infrastructure an agency plans to undertake within the calendar year based on the NEP.
Indicative APP
Changes/modification made from the approved APP.
Amendatory APP
A requisite document containing procurement of goods, services, and infrastructure, which fund source is not from the regular GAA of an agency, such as: Trust Receipts/Liabilities, Inter-Agency Transfers, etc.
Supplemental Procurement Plan (SPP)
It contains the details of the government’s proposed programs.
National Expenditure Program (NEP)
It defines the approved annual expenditure program of the national government and instrumentalities.
General Appropriations Act (GAA)
Modes of Procurement
- Public Bidding
- Direct Contracting
- Shopping
- Negotiated Procurement
- Section 4.2
[Mode of Procurement]
It is resorted to for the procurement of goods considered as:
(1) proprietary in nature;
(2) critical plant components; and
(3) those sold by an exclusive dealer or manufacturer.
Direct Contracting
[Mode of Procurement]
Procurement for electricity, landline and other utility expenses, which do not have existing contract must be undertaken through PB. However those that have existing contracts are allowed to be undertaken through ________, provided….CBA
Direct Contracting
[Mode of Procurement]
Can be employed in any of the following cases:
a. when there is an unforeseen contingency requiring immediate purchase not exceeding PhP200,000.00. b. procurement of ordinary office supplies or regular office supplies and equipment not available in the Procurement Service involving an amount not exceeding PhP1,000,000.00.
Is defined as those supplies, commodities or materials which are necessary in the transaction of official business, and consumed in the day-to-day operations
Ordinary and regular office supplies
[Mode of Procurement]
Can be used on the following cases:
- Emergency Cases (Sec 53.2)
- Agency to Agency (Sec 53.5)
- Defense Cooperation Agreement (DCA) (Sec 53.8)
- Small Value Procurement (Sec 53.9)
Negotiated Procurement
[Negotiated Procurement]
In case of imminent danger to life and property during state of calamity or when time is of the essence arising from natural or man-made calamities.
Example: Procurement of Airmunitions for Marawi Operations; and Procurement of PPE and other necessary supplies and equipment in response to COVID-19.
Emergency Cases (Sec 53.2)
[Negotiated Procurement]
For the procurement of goods, infrastructure and consulting services acquired through other government agencies, such as DBM-PS.
Example: Procurement of Office Supplies from DBM-PS; Procurement of TA to GA, DND; etc.
Agency to Agency (Sec 53.5)
[Negotiated Procurement]
For the procurement of equipment or materiel and/or defense-related consultancy services from an agency or instrumentality of another country with which the Philippines has entered into a defense cooperation agreement or otherwise, maintains diplomatic relations.
Defense Cooperation Agreement (DCA) (Sec 53.8)
[Negotiated Procurement]
Can be used if the procurement provisions of RA 9184 will be followed instead of the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) or treaty.
Defense Cooperation Agreement (DCA) (Sec 53.8)
[Mode of Procurement]
In case that the procurement process and requirements stipulated on the MoA or treaty shall be followed instead of RA 9184, the End-User may resort to _____________.
Section 4.2
[Negotiated Procurement]
For the procurement of goods, which do not fall under Shopping, infrastructure projects and consulting services not exceeding PhP1,000,000.00.
Example: Aircraft spare parts, R&M including infrastructure, consultancy services from companies.
Small Value Procurement (Sec 53.9)
Philippine Procurement Paradigm
It ensures the overall goal of a particular project will be effectively and efficiently achieved.
Procurement Planning
Precludes occasions for unnecessary government purchases and circumventions of the prescribed procurement procedures
- advance deliveries - suki system - unwarranted resort to alternative methods procurement
Procurement Planning
Each end-user unit shall prepare the _________ during the budget preparation to support the cost estimates in the budget proposal.
PPMP (Project Procurement Management Plan)
________ shall be prepared for each procurement activity indicated in the ________.
PPMP (Project Procurement Management Plan)
APB (Annual Plan & Budegt)
No procurement shall be undertaken unless in accordance with the approved ________.
APP (Annual Procurement Plan)
Approval of the APP by the ________ or designated second-ranking official is mandatory.
Head of Procuring Entity (HoPE)
A review and updating of the individual PPMPs and the APP shall be done regularly, at least once every ________ or as often as necessary.
6 months
[Preparation of APP]
The End-User prepares PPMP/APP in accordance with the Unit’s proposed ________.
APB (Annual Plan & Budget)
[Preparation of APP]
OA-4 validates the PPMP/APP and subsequently endorses for the approval of ________.
PAFBAC (PAF Bids & Awards Committee)
________ reviews and subsequently endorses the approval of PPMP/APP to the HoPE (CG, PAF).
PAFBAC & Secretariat
________ approves and submits PPMP/APP thru OA-4.
APP activities, amount and schedule must be aligned with that of the Unit’s ________.
APB (Annual Plan & Budget)
All procurement activities included in the APP must be implemented through ________.
Contracting Office
All procurement activities above ________ must be implemented through Public Bidding.
Procurement of ________ is part of the Centrally Managed Items facilitated by OA-1 and OCSAF.
Drugs and Medicine
Common Supplies and Equipment must be procured from ________ via Virtual Store
PS-DBM (Procurement Service - Department of Budget and Management)
In case of unavailability of required CSE from PS-DBM, End-User may amend their APP to change the mode of procurement from Agency-to-Agency to ________.
________ transactions should not be included in the APP.
Petty Cash
In case of Emergency, the Agency can resort to the utilization of Nego. Sec. 53.2 (Emergency Cases) by amending their approved APP. Further, the End-User must secure a Certification from the ________.
In accordance with AFP Management & Fiscal Letter Number 2005-05 dated 10 March 2005, ________ through SDO cannot be utilized for payment of regular expenses, such as: rentals, subscriptions, light and waters, etc.
Cash Advances
Section 65. Offenses and Penalties RA 9184 and its Revised IRR
Imprisonment of not less than six (6) years and one (1) day, but not more than fifteen (15) years
Changes in the APP, if any, for the budget year shall be submitted to the ________ in July of the current budget year, and in January of the following budget year.
GPPB (Government Procurement Policy Board)
________ shall cover the following conditions:
a) Changes:
(i) Approved APB based on the promulgation and approval of General Appropriations Act (GAA) of the year;
(ii) Quantity of projects and Approved Budget for Contract (ABC); and
(iii) Mode of procurement.
b) Insertion of approved additional projects and funds within the PAF Appropriations which needs to be implemented by PAF Units.
c) Realignment of funds and projects.
AAPP (Amendatory Annual Procurement Plan)
The following conditions do not require an amendment to the approved APP:
a) Minor discrepancies or inconsistencies between the approved APP and APB of the PAF Units/HPAF Offices. The amount of inconsistency pertains to ________ and below monetary value;
b) Changes on PPMP that do not affect the ________, the total number of procurement activities and mode of procurement; and
c) Approved ________ or revised PPMP that does not constitute changes on the approved ABC, total number/s of procurement activity/ies, and mode of procurement.
b. approved ABC
c. Program Change Request (PCR)
The AAPP shall only reflect the affected ________ or activity, which includes the existing entries and the changes.
NGAs Code
*National Goverment Agencies
________ shall cover all procurement activities funded outside PAF GAA, such as funds from DOH, DENR, other LGU.
SPP (Supplemental Procurement Plan)
Funds of each project shall be approved prior to the processing of ________. Hence, funding documents shall be attached, such as Certificate of Fund Chargeability (CFC); Sub-Allotment Advice (SAA); Special Allotment Release Order (SARO); Certificate of Commitment (COC).
SPP (Supplemental Procurement Plan)
To avoid inconsistencies with the approved APB and approved APP of the Units/Office, stakeholders are reminded to establish an ________ as the baseline of the Units/Offices proposed APP.
approved APB
Approved BDES projects for the PAF Units must be included in the PAF ________.
Early Procurement Activities (EPA)
Requirements that must be prepared accordingly to validate the procurement implementation of the BDES project.
- Detailed Architectural Expenses and Proposal (DAEP)
- Bill of Material and Expenses (BOME)
- Program of Expenditures (POE)
If the PAFBAC recommended the approval of the proposed AAPP/SPP pending submission of compliance, corrected document, amendment, or similar activities, concerned PAF Units/HPAF Offices shall submit the corrected document within ________ after the date of presentation.
five (5) working days
Only mandatory expenses such as subscriptions, water and electricity can be program until ________ of the CY in the PPMP.
________ means
- to provide for
- to make available for use
- to furnish
- is an essential part of logistics operations.
- covers the basic logistics responsibilities such as inventory management and distribution .
________ includes all kinds of property except real estate property which maybe needed in the transaction of official business or for public use in the nature of furniture, stationery, construction materials, livestock’s and such other properties of similar nature of equipment for issue to troops, units and installations.
Are those which are consumable or perishable in nature and those which lose their identities when attached to a major item property. Such articles which are consumed in the maintenance and upkeep of service such as food, powder, oil, paint, fuel, and cleaning materials.
Expendable supplies
Are those which are durable in nature and which when used do not suffer any material or substantial change or alteration in their sizes or forms. Generally, all equipment fall under this category.
Non-Expendable Supplies
Supplies purchased from appropriated or reimbursable funds of the AFP.
Republic Supplies
Supplies acquired by means other than purchase from appropriated or reimbursable funds of the AFP.
Non-Republic Supplies
________ include the following:
- Military Assistance Program (MAP) Items
Non-Republic Supplies
Those supplies made available to the AFP by the US government through either Grant Aid at no cost ,or through purchase under the Mutual Security Military Sales Program.
Military Assistance Program (MAP) Items
Un-accounted Property found in station regardless of source.
Property captured from the enemy in the course of military operations, whether within or outside of the Philippine territorial jurisdiction.
Serviceable components reclaimed or recovered from condemned unserviceable property.
Property which are unserviceable and beyond economical repair or property, the residue remaining after serviceable components have been reclaimed from condemned unserviceable property.
A type of supply classified as to Technical Service that pertains to Individual issue except Firearms.
Example: Bunks
A type of supply classified as to Technical Service that pertains to Weapons, Vehicles, others.
A type of supply classified as to Technical Service that pertains to all radios and accessories.
A type of supply classified as to Technical Service that pertains to construction materials & equipment.
A type of supply classified as to Technical Service that is used by the doctors and dentists.
[Classes of Supply]
Subsistence, including gratuitous health and welfare items.
Class 1
[Classes of Supply]
Clothing individual equipment, tent age, tool sets and tool kits, hand tools, administrative and housekeeping supplies and equipment, includes items prescribed in TO/E.
Class 2
[Classes of Supply]
POL: Petroleum fuels, lubricants, hydraulic and insulating oils, preservatives, liquid and compressed gases, chemical products, coolants, anti-freeze compounds, and coal.
Class 3
[Classes of Supply]
Construction materials to include installed equipment, and all fortification/barrier materials.
Class 4
[Classes of Supply]
All types of ammunition including chemicals, radiological and special weapons, bombs, explosives, mines, fuses, detonators, pyrotechnics, missiles, rockets, propellants and other associated items.
Class 5
[Classes of Supply]
Personal demand items (non-military sales items).
Class 6
[Classes of Supply]
Major end items, vehicles, tanks, launchers mobile shops or combination of end products which is ready for its intended use.
Class 7
[Classes of Supply]
Medical and Dental Materiel including peculiar repair parts.
Class 8
[Classes of Supply]
Repair and parts components (less medical and dental) to include kits, assemblies and sub-assemblies, repairable and non-repairable, required for maintenance support of all equipment.
Class 9
[Classes of Supply]
Materiel to support non-military programs (agricultural and economic development, not included in classes I thru IX).
Class 10
Supply Cycle
- Requirement Determination
- Procurement
- Storage and Maintenance
- Distribution
- Disposal
________ serves the purpose of identifying the objectives.
________ provides orderly process of scheduling, activities and use of resources to carry out the plan effectively and economically.
________ is the management of funds made available.
Phases of Acquisition
- Delivery of Items
- Inspection
- Acceptance
- Payment
________ is the personal obligation and responsibility for:
1. Proper care of supplies,
2. Economical use of supplies, 3. Security and proper disposition of supply and equipment
Supply Discipline
Something that is owned by a person or the organization. Any asset including cash, title to which is ordinarily transferable between persons.
All properties received by a public officer in any capacity or upon any occasion must be accounted for.
________ is that obligation imposed by law, order or regulations of higher authority on all officially designated Property/Supply Accountable Officers, Responsible Supply Officers and Responsible Real Property Officers of units at all levels to maintain accurate records of property.
An official or employee whose duties wholly or partly permitted or required the possession or custody of government funds or property and who is required by law to file a bond and to render an accounting of his accounts. The Property Officer of Supply Accountable Officer falls under this category.
Accountable Officer (AO)
Any person duly designated by the Unit Commander with the approval of AFP Major Service Unit who is charged with the responsibility of monitoring, documenting, controlling and accounting of acquired/procured supplies and equipment to include real properties such as lands, buildings and facilities. He is primarily responsible for the implementation of the unit property accounting system and procedures.
Supply Accountable Officer (SAO)
Physical count of properties located within a Unit/Command. This involves actual of stocks and the comparison of the results of the physical count with recorded balances.
Refers to the subordinate Unit Supply Officer of an accountable activity. He is directly responsible for the care, maintenance and safeguarding of gov’t supplies in his custody.
Responsible Supply Officer (RSO)
Used as comprehensive term to include the loss of, damage to, or destruction of gov’t property.
- Obligation of an individual for the proper care, custody, safeguarding, disposition of property entrusted to him or under his jurisdiction whether receipted or not.
- Proper responsibility is imposed to all officers, EP and Civilian HR
Property Resposibility
Types of Responsibility
- Command Responsibility
- Supervisory Responsibility
- Custodial Responsibility
[Type of Responsibility]
Officer - RSOs/SAOs
Command Responsibility
[Type of Responsibility]
Supervisory Responsibility
[Type of Responsibility]
AM or CE (Property Custodian)
End User
Custodial Responsibility
________ states that Commanders of all levels are charged with
command responsibility of all properties under their jurisdiction. They are not included exempted from pecuniary liability.
Command Responsibility
To make good for the loss, damage, destruction of government property caused by mal-administration or negligence.
AW 84 and AW 85
Pecuniary Liability
Military Property — Willful or Negligent Loss, Damage or Wrongful Disposition.
Any person subject to military law who willfully, or through neglect, suffers to be lost, spoiled, damaged, or wrongfully disposed of, any military property belonging to the Philippines shall make good the loss or damage and suffer such punishment as a court-martial may direct.
AW 84
Waste or Unlawful Disposition of Military Property Issued to Soldiers.
Any soldier who sells or wrongfully disposes of or willfully or through neglect injures or loses any horse, arms, ammunition, accouterments, equipment, clothing, or other property issued for use in the military service, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
AW 85
Applied to any person who exercise supervision over property received, in use, in transit, in storage or undergoing modification or repair.
Supervisory Responsibility
Responsibility that has been assumed by an individual who has acquired physical possession of government property.
a. Either it is for his official or personal use
b. Under his direct control
Custodial Responsibility
________ of a Unit requires:
- Conduct inventory of supplies/equipment.
- Turn-in supplies/equipment to depot concerned.
- Dispose documents IAW AFP regulations.
________ supplies received by the outgoing SAO under PTR shall be checked physically and new sets of PTR will be prepared for signature of the incoming SAO.
________ supplies shall be transferred on RIS to the incoming SAO.
In case there are losses not yet covered by any dropping documents, dropping shall be initiated by the ________.
incoming RSO
Under abnormal circumstances (due to death, AWOL, physical/mental incapability), ________ need not be accomplished.
Certificate of Transfer
_________ is a form used in the Supply and/or Property Division/Unit for each type of supplies to record all receipts and issues made. It shall be maintained by fund cluster.
________ is a form used by the Supply and/or Property Custodian to issue tangible items amounting to less than PhP15,000 to end-user to establish accountability over them.
________ is a form used by the Supply and/or Property Custodian for purchasing goods/supplies/property if the item/s requested is/are not available on stock. It shall be prepared by fund cluster.
________ is a form/document used by the agency/entity, addressed to a supplier, to deliver specific quantities of supplies/goods/property subject to the terms and conditions contained in the PO.
________ is a report submitted by the Inspection Officer/Committee and the Supply and/or Property Custodian on the inspection and acceptance, respectively, of the purchased supplies/goods/equipment/property.
________ shall be used by the Requisitioning Division/Office to request supplies/goods/equipment/property carried in stock and by the Supply and/or Property Division/Unit to issue the items.
________ is a form prepared by the Supply and/or Property Division/Unit to report/summarize all issues of Inventories (by stock number) during the day.
________ shall be used by the Supply and/or Property Custodian to report all waste material previously taken up in the books of accounts as assets or in his/her custody so that they may be properly disposed of and derecognized from the books.
________ is a form used to report the physical count of inventory items by type such as Office Supplies Inventory; Accountable Forms Inventory; Medical, Dental and Laboratory Supplies Inventory; Food Supplies Inventory, etc. which are owned by the agency/entity. It shall be prepared semi-annually by the Inventory Committee and by fund cluster.
________ is used by each Accountable Officer to report the result of the physical count of all accountable forms, with or without face value such as checks, stamps, official receipts, LDDAP-ADA, etc. in his/her custody. It shall be prepared monthly by fund cluster.
________ shall be maintained in the Supply and/or Property Division/Unit for each class of PPE. The supply and/or Property Custodian shall record promptly the acquisition (based on the IAR and other supporting documents), issue/transfer/disposal and the description/information about the asset. It shall be maintained by fund cluster.
________ shall be used in the Supply and/or Property Division/Unit to record the issue of PPE to end-user. It shall be maintaned by fund cluster. It shall be renewed every 3 years or every time there is a change in custodianship/user of the property.
________ is a form used to report on the physical count of PPE by type such as land, land improvements, infrastructure, building and other structures, machinery and equipment, transportation equipment, furniture, fixtures and books, etc, which are owned by the agency. It shall be prepared yearly by fund cluster.
________ is a report prepared by the Supply and/or Property Unit as basis to record dropping from the books the unserviceable properties carried in the PPE accounts.
________ shall be used by Accountability Officer to report or notify the auditor of the COA, the Chief Accountant and all others concerned of the lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed property.
________ shall be used when there are transfers of property from one Accountable Officer/Agency/Fund Cluster to another Accountable Officer/Agency/Fund Cluster.
________ is an inventory control measure used to easily locate and transfer stocks, as well as references for succeeding purchases.
________ is the name approved under the Federal Cataloging Program for official use throughout the entire military defense systems.
It is the most important element of the codification system because it establishes a unique identification for every item of supply.
- Item Name
- Descriptive Data
- Manufacturer Part Number
- National Stock Number
________ establishes and delimits the essential characteristics of an item of supply which give the item its unique character and serve to differentiate it from every other item.
The complete description required to identify an item, then, consists of the item name followed by the descriptive information.
Each item carried in stock by one or more of the service supply system is identified by a 13 digit numerical National Stock Number.
List of the characteristics and other identification data for items in the supply system. They give the NSN, description, manufacturer’s code, and other supply data. They are printed only on microfiche.
Identification List
Technical publication concerning items of equipment purchased through the normal procurement system.
Technical Manuals (TM)
Compilation of end items (no spare parts) adopted for use in the AFP.
Reference List (RL) AFP Inventory
A two-way cross-reference between the NSN of the item and the part number, catalog number, or the manufacturer’s code. It is printed only on microfiche.
Master Cross Reference List (MCRL)
Parts list breakdown with the related description concerning items of equipment with the corresponding National Stock Number.
Repair Parts List
All National Stock Number (NSN) are uniform in composition, length and structure.
________ is the system that divides the different commodities, first into groups and then into classes. The first part of the National Stock Number.
Federal Supply Classification Code
________ is represented by a 13 digit number.
National Stock Number (NSN)
The 2nd part of the National Stock Number that is composed of 2 digits. Each country has its own two digit NCB code.
US - 00 and 01
PH - 46
National Codification Bureau Code (NCBC)
The 3rd part of the National Stock Number comprising the last nine (9) digit of the NSN.
- consist of two (2) digit NCBC and seven additional digits. The final seven (7) digits. These were assigned sequentially and had no inherent significances. However, this number relates to one and only one item of supply within the codifying country.
- uniquely identifies each NSN in the Federal Supply Distribution System (FSDS)
National Item Identification Number (NIIN)
________ is a process, which examines an item, compares it with other items and allocates a NATO Stock Number to items with the same characteristics.
- assigned by the manufacturers.
- any combination of letters, number and special characters.
Manufacturers Part Number
A five (5) digit code that identifies manufacturers which have previously or one currently producing items used by the federal government.
Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code
________ is a 13 character alphanumeric code assigned to an item of supply. The first four (4) digit represent the FSC where an item belongs.
The next 2 character represent the country where the item is manufactured. This 2 character plus the remaining 7 digit represent the PIIN (Philippine Item Identification Number), which identifies each individual items. This is assigned to locally procured items.
E.g. 5120-PH-449-8083
Philippine Stock Number
Federal Stock Numbers were replaced by National Stock Numbers effective 30 September 1974.
Is a 13-digit numeric code, identifying all the ‘standardized material items of supply’ as they have been recognized by all NATO countries including United States Department of Defense.
NATO Stock Number, or National Stock Number (NSN)