Module 4 Flashcards
production of WBCs, RBCs and platelets from red bone marrow (connective tissue)
Red bone marrow
found in bone; produces RBCs, WBCs and platelets
Yellow bone marrow
found in bon; consists of adipose cells and acts as chemical energy reserves;
as you age, red bone marrow turns into yellow bone marrow
1/7 part of long bone; bones shaft/body; the long cylindrical portion of bone
cavity contains yellow bone marrow
covered by peristoneum
1/7 part of long bone; distal and proximal end of bone
spongy bone contains red bone marrow
covered by articular cartilage
1/7 part of long bone; region in MATURE bone where diaphysis and epiphysis join
in GROWING BONE: each metaphysis contains epiphyseal (growth) plate which is replaced by bone when growth stops
Articular Cartilage
1/7 part of long bone; thin layer of hyaline cartilage; covers epiphysis where bone forms joint to reduce friction and absorb shock
1/7 part of long bone; tough connective tissue that surrounds bone surface where there is NO articular cartilage
enables bone to grow in diameter/thickness
protects bone from fracture and nourishes tissue
Medullary Cavity
1/7 part of long bone; aka marrow cavity; hollow space within diaphysis that contains fatty yellow bone marrow (in adults)
1/7 part of long bone; thin membrane lining of medullary cavity that contains single layer of bone forming cells
process where mineral salts that are deposited into collagen framework of matrix begin to harden
Osteogenic cells
1/4 cells present in bone tissue; unspecialized stem cell deriving from mesenchyme
**only bone cell to undergo cell division
found along inner portion of periosteum
resulting cell= osteoblasts
1/4 cells present in bone tissue; “blasts”=secrete matrix
needed to build extracellular matrix of bone tissue
become trapped in matrix secretions and become osteocytes
1/4 cells present in bone tissue; mature bone cells that maintains bone tissues daily metabolism (exchange of nutrients and wastes)
1/4 cells present in bone tissue; huge cells derived from 50+ monocytes (WBC)
release lysosomal enzyme and acids that digest protein and mineral comps of matrix (resorption)
normal part of development, growth and maintenance and repair of bone where lysosomal enzymes and acids digest protein and mineral comps of matrix
Haversian system/Osteons
repeating structural units within compact bone
Haversian Canal
channel that contains blood vessels, nerves and lymphatic vessels running longitudinally in compact bone
Concentric lamellae
surround haversian canals in compact bone; ring of hard calcified extracellular matrix; diffusion through is very slow
found between lamellae in compact bone; contain osteocytes
Compact bone tissue
strongest type of bone tissue; makes up bulk of diaphysis
found beneath peristoneum of all bones
provides support, protection and resistance against stresses produced by weight and movement
Spongy bone tissue
light tissue found in flat and irregular shaped bones and forms most of epiphysis of long bones
does NOT contain osteons
consists of trabeculae
found in spongy bone tissue; irregular latticework of bone consisting of lamellae, osteocytes and canaliculi.
spaces btw trabeculae are filled with red bone marrow
bone formation
Mesenchyme cells
all tissues develop from these embryonic connective tissue cells
human growth hormone (hGH)
1/4 hormones important for bone growth and maintenance; stimulates bone growth by stimulating production of IGFs
Insulin-like growth hormones (IGFs)
1/4 hormones important for bone growth and maintenance; produced by liver in response to hGH stimulation; stimulates osteoblasts promoting normal bone growth
Thyroid hormone
1/4 hormones important for bone growth and maintenance; stimulate normal bone growth by stimulating osteoblasts; secreted by thyroid hormone
1/4 hormones important for bone growth and maintenance; secreted by pancreas; increases synthesis of bone proteins to promote normal bone growth.
Parathyroid Hormone
promotes bone resorption by osteoclasts; enhances recovery of calcium ions from urine and promotes formation of calcitriol
secreted by thyroid; inhibits bone resorption by osteoclasts
when bone destruction outpaces bone deposition the bone becomes porous and weak and prone to fracture
hole through which blood vessels, nerves and ligaments pass
Foramen Magnum
hole in occipital bone where spinal cord connects to medulla of brain
shallow depression in/on the bone; ie. pituitary gland sits in a fossa on the sphenoid bone
flat, smooth process that extends from a bone to form a joint; found on the vertebrae
a projection that is used for the attachment of tendons, ligaments, and other connective tissue
connect bone to bone, cartilage to bone or teeth to bone
an immoveable joint; permits little to no movement
slightly moveable joint; ie. suture in children
freely moveable joints; all synovial joints are diarthroses
main mechanical factor that hold bones close together in synovial joint
Synovial Fluid
secreted by synovial membrane of articular capsule in synovial joints; consists of hyaluronic acid and acts to reduce friction (by lubricating) and supply nutrients/remove waste
within synovial joints; modifies joint surface allowing bones of different shapes to fit tightly this helps to maintain stability of joint and also directs flow of synovial fluid to areas of greater friction
fluid filled sacs that cushion movement of one body part over another; bone between skin and bone where skin rubs over the bone, also between tendons and bone, muscle and bone and ligaments and bone
Medial and Lateral Collateral Ligaments
accessory ligament of the knee; in place to stop knee from slipping to far right/left (ligaments join bone to bone)
Anterior and Cruciate Ligaments
two innermost crisscrossing ligaments of the knee; prevents knee from slipping forward and backward
the kneecap; acts as a floating bone shield to protect knee from anterior (Front) blows
Oblique Popliteal Ligament
accessory ligaments of the knee; strengthens posterior (back) surface of joint
Arcuate popliteal ligament
accessory ligament of the knee joint; strengthens lower lateral (side) part of the posterior (back) surface of joint
Fat Pads
accessory structure of knee joint; protects the knee
accessory structure of knee joint; fluid-filled bags; protects the knee
Synovial membrane
inner most membrane of knee joint (synovial joints); keeps whole joint isolated; found within an outer fibrous capsule