Mod7 (endocrine) Flashcards
Tropic Hormones
hormones that act on other endocrine glands or tissue to regulate the secretion of another hormone
Posterior Pituitary
gland that has a DIRECT anatomic connection to the hypothalamus; do NOT produce its own hormones; releases oxytocin and ADH
Anterior Pituitary
gland that lacks a direct anatomical connection to the hypothalamus; responds to hormones that are produced in the hypothalamus
pancreatic islets
localized group of cells that produce hormones that regulate blood glucose level
Alpha islets
pancreatic cells that produce glucagon
beta cells
pancreatic cells that produce insulin
Adrenal medulla
part of ANS; responds to short term or immediate stress (fight/flight)
Adrenal Cortex
outer portion of adrenals (95% of gland); secretes aldosterone, glucocorticoids, and androgens; secretions are increased by stress that occurs over long periods of time
Zona Glumerulosa
layer closest in proximity to kidney; makes aldosterone
Zona Fasciculata
middle layer of adrenal cortex; makes cortisol in response to ACTH
Zona reticularis
inner most layer of adrenal cortex; makes androgens
organs that produce gametes (sperm, oocytes)
Local Regulators
signaling chemicals produced by plasma membranes of virtually all body cells and secreted into interstitial fluid affecting nearby cells
produced from fatty acids of plasma membrane in response to cell injury; stimulates movement of WBCs and mediate inflammation (redness, swelling, pain)
produced by fatty acids of plasma membrane in response to injury; effects smooth muscle contractions, platelet function, blood flow and intensifying pain (ie. Aspirin inhibits synthesis of prostaglandins to reduce inflammation)
Nitric Oxide
signaling gas; in CNS, associated with memory function and in PNS it functions as vasodilator