Module 34: Affiliation and Achievement Flashcards
affiliation need
The need to build relationships and to feel a part of a group
benefits of belonging
social bonds and cooperation enhanced early ancestors’ survivability (combat was more successful, reproduction was strengthened, and foes were avoided)
today, having a social identity—feeling part of a group–boosts people’s health and well-being
why are humans still innately social beings?
the need to belong affects thoughts, emotions, behaviors
feelings of love activate the brain’s reward and safety systems
social isolation increases the risk of mental decline and poor health
what happens when shut out?
▪ Being socially excluded (ostracism) threatens the need to belong.
▪ Real pain is experienced in social isolation.
▪ Increased activity in anterior cingulate cortex is activated (pain response area).
▪ Acetaminophen lessens social as well as physical pain.
▪ Across cultures, social pain is felt with the same earmarks as physical pain.
▪ Social exclusion may interfere with empathy for others, increase aggression, or raise the risk for self-defeating behavior or underperformance.
connecting/social networking
more people have access to mobile phones, texts, internet, social networking
achievement motivation
a desire for significant accomplishment; for mastery of skills or ideas; for control; and for attaining a high standard
passion and perseverance in the pursuit of long-term goals