Module 3.3 THE MATERIAL SELF Flashcards
consists of things that belong to a person or entities that a person belongs to.
Things like the body, family, clothes, money, and such make up the material self.
Material self
For ___ , the core of the material self was the body.
William James
Person’s ___ is second to the body, were important to the material self
Your concept of self as reflected in a total of all the tangible things you own.
It includes our bodies and those tangible possessions that give us identity
According to ____, design combines “needs” and “desire” in the form of a practical object and aspiration that can also reflect the user’s identity
through its form and decoration
John Heskett
For him, there is a significance and function behind everyday things, he explains that there is a subconscious effect of design in everyday life
John Heskett
___ really matters from the smallest things like toothpick, spoon, and fork. The kind of presentation of food that people eat up to the bigger gadgets, equipment, and cars
French critical theorist was one of the first to
observe the relationship that people have with objects and in particular looked at objects as
signs or things which could be decoded to convey messages beyond their practical value
Roland Barthes
He popularized the field of Semiology (The study of object as sign).
Roland Barthes
A __ is anything that conveys meaning
In ___, objects functions as signifiers in the production of meaning they construct a meaning and carry a message, which as a member of a culture one can understand
Semiotic Analysis
is the study of signs that Barthes introduced.
Examine how words, photographs, images and objects can work as language to communicate a
range of ideas, associations and feelings
According to Roland Barthes a sign has two elements
Refers to its physical form
(Ex. Diamond ring)
Refers to mental concepts
(Ex. Engaged to be married)
All these suggest that __ acts as a complex system of signs which allow one to read meaning into people, places and purpose.
Through advertising, product become irresistible-perfumes not just a sweet-smelling liquid but an essence of allure making it user-irresistible
The things people use, own, and surround themselves with might accurately reflect their ____.
Not surprisingly, the clothes one wear the car one drives and the furnishing of one’s home are all
expression of oneself
suggest that material good can fulfill a range of instrumental, social, symbolic and affective functions.
Relate to the functional properties of a product (Ex. A person bought a pick-up style of car for family and business functions)
Instrumental Functions
Signify personal qualities, social standing, group affiliation and gender role. (Ex. For instance buying an iPhone instead of other mobile phones)
Social Symbolic Functions
Refer to the extent to which material possessions may be used to communicate group membership and status. (Ex. Buying or renting a condo unit in
Makati city)
Categorical Functions
Reflect a person’s unique qualities, values or attitudes. There are people who may represent themselves by collecting objects of a particular brand.
Others may express their favorite color
through the color of their accessorie
Self-Expressive Functions
The study of things that a person lacks/needs.
How people make use of the things that they have.
Making the right decisions.
It is the condition of the person, group or region as
regards to material prosperity.
is the ability of individuals and families to consistently meet their needs
Economic self-sufficiency
____, manifested, in particular, in the subjective assessment of the economic status of the individual:
• property
• money
• economic risk
• poverty
• wealth
• other economic targets
Economic consciousness
It is also the result of socialization and professionalization of the subject and acquires particular significance in humans affairs
Economic Consciousness
social perceptions
opinions of person or social groups about different
economic objects and phenomena
Economic Consciousness
is a psychological phenomenon, reflecting the psychological attitudes of the individual to himself, as a subject of economic activity.
Accordingly, the components of economic self-awareness can be presented as a separate part of the psychological emotional attitude (cognitive, emotional and behavioral) of the individual to himself as a subject of economic realtions
Economic identity
Should be considered as a part of economic self-consciousness, which is related to the result of the definition of people’s place in the system of economic relations
Property relations are an important regulator of human economic behavior
Economic Identity
I shop therefore I am
Barbara Kruger
A person is defined not by what they think, but what they ___ (through shopping)
Shopping is an expressive and constitutive existential act
Understanding shopping is important in determining race, culture, gender, class, family, and community
Belk, 2016
The extent to which people believe they can derive of recognition or achievement from owning and using the right list of product, can be an important
motivator of behavior.
importance ascribed to the ownership and acquisition of material goods in achieving major life goals. (Ex. We will buy a flat screen tv of a known brand with latest features because it is more
expensive than other models)
is a concept used in Environmental Psychology.
Affective Motive
serves as a motivator of pro environmental
People does not only buy goods because they need them but more so because of the joy of buying
Affect (emotions)
When a person is expecting to feel good or guilty when doing something.
Anticipated affect
excitement, pride and happiness.
Anticipated positive effect
anger, sadness and frustration
Anticipated negative effect
pattern of consumption that describe the
Consumer identity
preoccupation with and an inclination towards
the buying of consumer goods.
Also based in the theory that an increasing consumption of good is economically desirable
a field that combines behavioural and cognitive
psychology theory with conventional economics
and finance to provide explanation for why
people make irrational financial decision
Behavioural Finance
Compulsive purchases
Chronic Shopping
Living about spending
Shopping guilt
Ignoring consequences
Emotional spending
Spending more than they can afford.
Shopping as a reaction to feeling angry or depressed.
Shopping as a way to feel less guilty about on a previous shopping spree.
Harming relationships due to spending or shopping too much.
Losing control of the shopping addiction
Emotional Symptoms