MODULE 2.3 The Self from the Perspective of Anthropology Flashcards
is a field of the social sciences that focuses
on the study of man. Not just on one aspect of man, but the totality of what it means to be human. The field looks into man’s physical/biological characteristics, social relationships, and the influence of his culture from the dawn of civilization up to the present.
Everything in anthropology is ___ and a
complete understanding is necessary to achieve better understanding of oneself
There are 4 subfields of Anthropology that suggests that human beings are similar and very different at the same time:
Biological Anthropology
Linguistic Anthropology
Cultural Anthropology
is a scientist who studies artifacts in order to discover how people lived their lives.
As a result, they have discovered humans adapted to changes in their environment in
order for them to survive.
They believe that homo sapiens did not become extinct because of their ability to think, use tools,
and learn from experience
This discoveries made people realize that the most important aspect of human life is ____.
Human Behavior according to _____, continues to adapt, in order to survive
School of Functionalism
Men are similar, but the manner they use to survive differs. This is the dilemma that___continuously searching for answers
Focus primarily on how the human body adapts to the different earth environments. They look at the probable cause of diseases, mutation and death. They are interested in explaining how biological
characteristics of human beings affect how
they lived their lives.
Biological Anthropologists
They study people in different places and discovered that while human beings vary in
their biological make-up and behavior, there
are a lot more similarities among them than there are differences
Biological Anthropologists
Biological characteristics of humans beings
share may earn for them complete dominion
over all earth creatures and at the same time
be the cause of their extinction.
Biological Anthropology
Human survival is primarily linked to their ability to communicate and an essential part of human communication is language.
Linguistic Anthropology
identifies group of people; words, sounds, symbols, writings and signs that are used are reflections of a group’s culture.
used language to discover a group’s manner of social interaction, to create and share meanings to form ideas, concepts, and to promote social change, and how language change over time.
Linguistic Anthropologists
Language is reflective of the time and mode of thinking of the people using it. As societies change and technologies develop, so do the ___ and meaning people use through language as their way of communicating
group of people’s way of life. Including their behavior, beliefs, values, and symbols that they
accept, socially transmitted through communication and imitation from generation to generation.
focus in knowing what makes one group’s manner of living particularly to that group and forms an essential part of
the member’s personal and social identity
Cultural Anthropologists
Where culture has a strong impact on how individual view himself.
Theory of Cultural Determinism
According to this theory, human nature is determined by the ideas, meanings, beliefs, and values learned as member of a society.
Theory of Cultural Determinism
Who or what a person is maybe determined by the kind of ___ he is born into and grew up in.
Having different cultures, Cultural Anthropologists suggests that there is ___. The right way is always based on culture. Since culture vary, there is no one way of understanding human nature
no universal or right way of being human
Theory of Cultural Determinism
This theory has positive and negative implications.
Human beings can be shaped to have the kind
of life they prefer. There is no limit placed on the
human ability to be or to do whatever they set
their minds and hearts into.
Theory of Cultural Determinism
This theory has positive and negative implications
People have no control over what they learn.
They blindly accept the learning their culture
expose them to. They are seen as helpless and
do only what their culture instructs them to
Cultural diversities are manifested in different ways and at different levels of depth.
___ are considered the most superficial level of culture
___ belong to the deepest level or are considered as the core of culture.
Ways in which culture may manifest itself in people:
words, gestures, symbols, that have recognized meaning in a particular culture.
Ex: Rings that signify commitmen
Person from the past or present who have
characteristics that are important in a culture. They may be real or fictitious and are models of behavior.
Ex: Real – Jose Rizal
Fictitious – Darna
Activities, may be religious or social, participated in by a group of people for the fulfillment of desired objectives and are considered to be socially essential.
Ex: Baptism, Weddin
Are unconscious, and can neither be discussed nor
be directly observed but can only be inferred from the way people act and react to circumstances and situations.
Ex: Kissing of the hand of elder
___ makes the person aware that what he is maybe determined by his past, and present condition, his biological characteristics, the way he communicates, the language that he uses and the manner in which he chooses to live his life