MODULE 3.03 Group elements / I.MA.C REALTIVE DISTANCES Flashcards
What are the relational distances?
Relational distances are understood as:
Intervention, Mutual Assistance, and Cooperation.
The socio-affective stage spaces
This is the interaction of the player with the rest of the elements
of the system, based on the affective relationship that emerges.
- It captures the set of socio-affective spaces were the purpose, the elements, and the events that emerge all interact.
- It is susceptible to variation with any change that occurs.
- What happens here will determine the players’ behaviors,
which in turn will alter their condition.
Determine the socio-affective space in which
the nearby player is located?
if he/she is in possession of the ball or can recover it quickly (recovering player).
Mutual assistance:
if he/she can directly interact with the possessor or recovering player.
if neither of the latter spaces apply. No direct communication channels.
Give an example of an ideal situation with IMAC.
An ideal situation for the possessor would be to have a large
number of teammates in the space of mutual assistance,
organized around him/her to provide different playing possibilities,
as well as other players in cooperation who, although they
cannot help the possessor, can cooperate with other teammates
to create spaces and restrain opponents, etc. The succession of
playing situations is constant because the players
- both teammates and opponents
change their particular situation, thus modifying the context
and the opportunities for the possessor.
In relation to this, we can define playing situations as reality
that a player experiences and interacts within any socio-affective space,
and at any time during the game, competition or training.
Where can the coach influence in these spaces?
The less time a player has to make a decision means less
opportunities for the coach to intervene.
The coach has a greater influence on what happens in the cooperation space.
Where does mutual assistance take place?
Mutual assistance is essential and is carried out between the
teammates closest to one another. The player intends to carry
out a play against an opponent, and the players closest to him/her
will participate in that action, collaborating with said player
in order to successfully execute the play. This play can be
executed with or without the ball. Interpersonal affective interventions
are highly valued in this case.
What structure help the players to better interpret
the intentions of their teammates?
Training on the socio-affective structure can help the players to better
interpret the intentions of their teammates. The empathic knowledge that
he/she has of a teammate (cognitive structure), will allow the player to act
with certain motor skills (coordination structure) and with a certain
resolute intention (volitional-emotional structure); showing commitment
and displaying elements of execution (conditional structure).
Mutual assistance helps ensure what the teammate wants to accomplish.
What is the role of the players in cooperation?
These events take place in a certain space on the field of play.
The entire field must be occupied in a certain way by the
rest of the players, who must cooperate with those in the area
of mutual assistance. All of the players who cooperate are spatially
located with respect to the intervention space, and especially in
relation to the ball. They understand the objectives of the model that the
coach has proposed for a particular game.
What is Cooperation?
Cooperation is related to the distribution of individual responsibilities in each space
of the field of play. It is also accompanied by common interests and objectives.
What is the the concept of team?
The concept of team is directly related to any group of players who
have perfected the ability to self-manage. Such self-management
allows each player to offer his/her talent and creativity for the benefit
of the team. In addition, it strengthens socio-affective ties, especially in
Intervention spaces, where everything that happens cannot be controlled by the coach.