Module 3: Promoting and Preserving Your Psychological Health Flashcards
define psychological health
- how we think, feel, relate, and exist in our daily life
- includes mental, emotional, social, and spiritual
what is the order of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
- survival
- security
- social
- esteem
- self-actualization
define mental health
thinking or rational dimension of our health
define emotional health
feeling or subjective side of psychological health
what components interplay to create emotions
- physiological arousal
- feelings
- cognitive processes
- behavioral reactions
define social health
- interactions with others
- ability to use social resources and social support when needed
- ability to adapt to a variety of social situations
what is one of the best predicters of health and happiness in adults
family support
define social support
- people and services who we interact and share social connections with
- tangible or intangible support
define spiritual health
- sense of purpose and meaning in life
- sense of belonging to something greater than the physical dimensions of existence
define self-efficacy
belief on whether you can successfully engage in and execute a specific behavior
define self-esteem
- realistic sense of self-respect or self-worth
- internal but influenced by relationships with others
define learned helplessness
- continually experiencing failure
- give up and fail to take action to help yourself
define learned optimism
- teach ourselves to be optimistic
- changing self-talk, examining reactions, blocking negative thoughts
define emotional intelligence
ability to identify, use, understand, and manage our own emotions as well as those of others
what does emotional intelligence consist of
- self-awareness
- self-regulation/self-management
- internal motivation
- empathy
- social skills
what are the traits in the 5 factor model of personality
- agreeableness
- openness
- neuroticism
- conscientiousness
- extroversion
define psychoneuroimmunology (PNI)
study of interactions of behavioral, neural, and endocrine functions and the functioning of the body’s immune system
what does PERMA stand for and what does it do
- describes the 5 elements of wellbeing
- P: positive emotions
- E: engagement
- R: relationships
- M: meaning
- A: achievement
what percent of adult americans have one or more mental disorders
what is the leading cause of disability in the US
mental disorders
most common mental health issues among college students
- anxiety
- depression
- relationship problems
define chronic mood disorders
- affect how you feel
- major depression, persistency depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, seasonal affective disorder
- affect 7.4% of americans
define major depression
- most common mood disorder
- sadness and despair
- interferes with work, sleep, appetite, relationships, and enjoyment of life
define persistent depressive disorder
- aka dysthymic disorder
- less severe depression
- appear to function well but still lack energy
define seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
- during fall and winter when there is less sunlight exposure
- disruption of body’s natural circadian rhythm and changes in melatonin levels
define bipolar disorder
- severe mood swings; mania to depression
what causes mood disorders
- interaction of environmental, psychological, biological, and genetic factors
- neurotransmitter/chemical imbalance
define anxiety disorders
- persistent feelings of threat and worry
- generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorders, phobic disorders
- largest mental health problem in US
- over 14% of US
define generalized anxiety disorder
- interferes with daily life
- restlessness, easily fatigued, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, sleep disturbances
define panic disorder
- occurrence of panic attacks
- acute feeling of anxiety causing intense physical reaction lasting about 30 minutes
define phobic disorders
- persistent and irrational fear of specific object, activity, or situation
- social phobia
what causes anxiety disorders
- biology
- environment
- social and cultural roles
define obsessive compulsive disorder
- compelled to perform rituals, fear of contamination, concern about order, persistent intrusive thoughts
- aware of irrational behavior but can’t stop
how many people with OCD receive treatment
one third
define post traumatic stress disorder
- experienced or witnessed traumatic event
- 14% of veterans
- unexpected death, serious injury of someone close, sexual assault, war, natural disasters
define personality disorders
- distinctive sets of traits, behaviors, and patterns that are rigid and different from cultural or social expectations
- difficulty in perceiving and relating to situations and other people
- feel their behavior is normal
define paranoid personality disorder
- suspicion and mistrust of others, jealousy, secretiveness
- delusions of being persecuted by everyone
define narcissistic personality disorder
- exaggerated sense of self-importance and self-absorption
- overly needy and demanding
define antisocial personality disorder
- manipulation and taking advantage of others, often in criminal manner
- disregard for safety of others and lack of remorse
define borderline personality disorder
- sever emotional instability, mood swings, impulsiveness, and poor self-image
- high suicide rates and risky behaviors
define schizophrenia
- alterations of the senses
- inability to sort and process incoming stimuli and make appropriate responses
- altered sense of self
- radical changes in emotions, movements, and behaviors
what is the cause of schizophrenia
- biological disease of the brain
- brain damage occurring early in life
suicide risk factors
- family history
- previous attempts
- drug and alcohol use
- depression
- financial difficulties
- serious illness in self or loved one
- loss of loved one
actions to prevent someone from attempting suicide
- monitor warning signals
- take threats seriously
- let the person know how much you care
- ask directly
- take action
- help the person think about alternatives to suicide
- tell the persons spouse, partner, parents, siblings, or counselor
define stigma
negative perceptions about groups of people or certain situations or conditions
what does getting evaluated for mental health treatment entail
- physical checkup
- psychiatric history
- mental status examination
define psychodynamic therapy
- focus on psychological roots of emotional suffering
- self-reflection, self-examination
define interpersonal therapy
focus on social roles and relationships
define cognitive therapy
- focus on impact of thoughts and ideas on feelings and behavior
- correct habitually pessimistic or faulty thinking patterns
define behavioral therapy
- focus on what we do
- concepts of stimulus, response, and reinforcement to alter behavior patterns
define psychotropic drugs
- medicines that alter chemicals in the brain and affect mood and behavior
- require doctor prescription
psychological health is best described as encompassing
thinking, feeling, relating, and being