Module 3 Flashcards
things do not just happen willy nilly but for a reason in a systematic and functional way
so behavior happens as a result of specific things in an environment
practice of directly observing behavior
behavior analysis
behaviorism: understanding what the underlying components of theoretical analysis is
experimental analysis of behavior: discovering orderly and reliable relations between behavior and various types of environmental variables-why does behavior happen what are the principles of the behavior
ABA: systematic approach to understanding behavior as social importance
ABA as a practice
application of behavior analytic principles to improve socially important behaviors
Technical Jargon warning
important in the development of a science
important o have plain english equivalents with general public
what we do that you can see
not good or bad, just what is
a specific instance of a behavior
Response class
group of responses with the same function
can have different responses that lead to the same outcome
all the behaviors that someone can do
it’s a group of response classes
what is happening around someone while they are behaving
any change of energy that affects an organism
stuff in the environment that has an affect on the behavior
stimulus class
any group of stimuli sharing common elements
can have differences but similar and will have the same affect
what happened before the behavior occurred
what happens after the behavior
involuntary behaviors that happened following an antecedent
respondent conditioning
new stimulus can acquire the ability to elicit respondents
diminishing response to a repeated stimulus
influenced by stimulus changes that have followed behavior in the past
- really this is learning
free operant
the duration, rate, frequency, etc. of behavior absent of any restrictions
- how often a behavior would occur absent of restrictions
Three term contingency
concept for expressing and organizing the temporal and functional relations between operant behavior and environment
ABC- Antecedent > Behavior > consequence
Establishing Operation
increase in reinforcing effectiveness of a stimulus, object, event and an increase in the current frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by some stimulus, object or event
abolishing operation
a decrease in the reinforcing stimulus and decrease in frequency of behavior
pivotal behavior
behavior that once learned produces corresponding modifications or covariation in other adaptive untrained behaviors
behavioral cusp
behavior that opens us up to other behaviors that access reinforcement
multiple exemplar training
practice with a variety of stimuli
Verbal Behavior
involved social interaction between speakers and listeners
any behavior that’s been reinforced by the behavior of another person
access to reinforcement and control their environment through the behavior of listeners
listeners are taught to respond to words and interact with speakers
the stimulus is auditory and the response is speaking (echoing what one hears)
the response is controlled primarily by an immediately prior nonverbal stimulus (object, action, relation, etc.)
response form or topography controlled by a current unlearned or learned establishing operation (EO)
answering questions or having conversations in which your words are controlled by others words
point to point correspondence but no formal similarity
spoken verbal stimulus controls a written, types or finger-spelled response
writing and spelling words that are spoken to you
a verbal behavior that modifies the functions of other verbal behaviors.
ex: I think it is raining. I think moderates the strength of the statement
private events: a part of the environment that is only accessible to you
Multiple control
convergent and divergent
multiple variable control one response
one specific variable could result in multiple responses
terminology to understand literature
rate, duration, latency prior to any manipulation of environment
confounding variables
things you did not control for that might have influence on dependent variable
uncontrolled variables that can or does affect dependent
internal validity
we know the independent variable is responsible for the change and not the cofounding variables
external validity
how applicable are our results and intervention to a wider population.
ex: we only did this in school setting, is it applicable in the real world?