module 2 Flashcards
Diseases that are present at birth and result from genetic or environmental factors
stenosis, or narrowing, of
the opening of the foreskin in the
male that leads to an inability to
retract the foreskin
caused by developmental disorders
genetically transmitted from either parent to child through abnormalities of individual genes in chromosomes and derived from ancestors
hereditary diseases
well-known hereditary disease in which proper blood clotting is absent
genetic abnormality present on the sex chromosome
Sex-linked inheritance
genetic abnormality present on one of the other 22 chromosomes
Autosomal inheritance
transmitted by a single gene from either parent
transmitted by both parents to an offspring
enlarged breasts, sparse facial and body hair
klinefelter syndrome
small testes, inability to produce sperm
- Webbing at the back of their necks
- Underdevelopment sex organs
- Absence of menstruation
- puffiness of the hands and feet
- occasionally dwarfism
turner’s syndrome
Rare disorder characterized by
the absence of all four limbs
tetra amelia syndrome
not necessarily hereditary, however, since it may have been acquired in utero
congenital defect
during a critical point in development can occur from maternal infections, radiation, or drugs
intrauterine injury
results from the body’s reaction to a localized injurious agent.
inflammatory disease
result from invasion by microorganisms such as viruses,
bacteria, or fungi
infective diseases
result from poisoning by biologic substances
toxic diseases
an overreaction of the body’s own defenses
allergic diseases
diseases associated with autoantibodies
autoimmune disorders
antibodies that
form against and
injure the patient’s
own tissues
generalized pathologic process that is nonspecific to the agent causing the injury
Inflammatory reaction or inflammation
Common to acute inflammation and the leukocytes serve
to remove the dead material through phagocytosis
cellular necrosis (death)
refers to an inflammatory process caused by a diseasecausing organism
refers to the ease with which an organism can overcome
body defenses
-the process in which damaged tissues are replaced by new
tissues that are essentially identical to those replaced
-the most desirable type of repair
tissue regeneration
alternative to regeneration, but it is less desirable because it leads to scarring and fibrosis
fibrous connective tissue repair
scar that continues to grow until it is larger than the original injury
-caused by a deterioration of the body.
-although they are usually associated with the aging
process, some degenerative conditions may exist in
younger patients
degenerative disease
- diseases caused by a disturbance of the normal
physiologic function of the body
-These include endocrine disorders (e.g. diabetes and
hyperparathyroidism) and disturbances of fluid and
electrolyte balance
metabolic disease
sum of all physical and
chemical processes in the body
may consist of hypersecretion, causing an overactivity of the target organ or insufficient secretion, resulting in underactivity
Endocrine Disorders
most common disturbance of fluid balance
-mineral salts (most commonly sodium and potassium)
dissolved in the body’s water
- depletion of them may occur because of vomiting,
diarrhea, or use of diuretics (substances that promote the
excretion of salt and water)
body’s normal internal resting state
may result from mechanical forces
such as crushing or twisting of a body part or from the effects of ionizing radiation on the human body
traumatic disease
– bleeding into the tissue spaces as a result of capillary
Bruise or Contusion
an injury of soft parts associated with rupture of the skin
results in new, abnormal tissue
neoplastic disease
term used to describe the many
types of cellular change that can
occur in response to disease
bright red color of this skin comes from the large number of dilated blood vessels
remains localized and is generally noninvasive
benign neoplasm
continues to grow, spread and invade other tissues
malignant neoplasm
general term often used to denote various types of malignant neoplasms
spread of cancer cells
one type of cancer and is derived from epithelial tissue
another cancer which arises from connective tissue
usually benign tumor arising from glandular epithelial tissue
benign encapsulated tumor of connective tissue
malignant tumor of neurologic cells
benign fatty tumor
malignant tumor of the skin