Module 13 Flashcards
Name the type of behavior plan
usually defines broad goals and approaches and is less detailed on specfic intervention procedures
Name the type of behavior plan
ID’s specific learning goals, target behaviors for increase, and detailed instructions on how to implement teaching procedures
skill acquisition plan
has multiple parts, including step by step instructions of procedures for reducing problem behavior and increasing replacement behavior
behavior reduction plan
most comprehensive document and contains many parts. Typically kept in client record. Embedded within this document are pieces of the Behavior Reduction Plan
formal behavior management plan
The Formal Behavior Plan
- typically kept in the client record
- it may be accessed for info, but is not the plan that is used on a day to day basis to implement the program
Behavior Reduction Plan
Must have components that address both….
behavior for reduction and behavior for increase (replacements)
Behavor reduction Plan
Must include…
emergency procedures
Behavior Reduction Plan is typically applied…
in multiple settings
Required Components of a Behavior Reduction Plan (5)
- operational definitions of target behaviors for reduction
- replacement behaviors
- interventions
- persons responsible
- emergency measures
Required Components of a Behavior Reduction Plan
Intervention (2)
- antecedent modifications
- consequence modifications
Required Components of a Behavior Reduction Plan
-operational definitions of target behaviors for reduction (2)
- description of target behaviors that indicate…
- three criteria
Behavior Reduction Plan
- operational definitions of target behaviors for reduction - description of target behaviors that indicate (3)
- what the response looks like (topography)
- when behavior begins and ends
- may include intensity or severity as part of the definition
Behavior Reduction Plan
-operational definitions of target behaviors for reduction
3 criteria
- clear
- objective
- precise and complete
Problem Behavior
Sometimes may see terms such as…
“SIB” or “tantrum” or “aggression”
Problem Behavior
-are only useful…
as titles for categories of responses
Problem Behavior
- Terms
- categories must…
list and clearly describe specific topographies (actions) that qualify
the function of behavior should be included in the…
Response definition
Functional response definition includes (2)
- operational definition
- describes the antecedent condition- context in which the behavior occurs
Components of a behavior reduction plan
- replacment behaviors
- interventions (antecedent/consequence)
- persons responsible
- emergency procedures
precursors allow us to (3)
- prompt appropriate behavior
- intervene before the target behavior occurs
- predict when the target behavior will occur
after taking one behavior out of a person repertoire, replace it with something elsee that works
fair pair idea
these responses have the same function
Replacement behavior Type 1
a replacement behavior that has a different function
Replacement behavior Type 2
a quick guide on how to perform procedures in a clear sequence that will reduce prob behavior and teach new, appropriate skills to learners
step by step simplified instructions
step by step instructions provides a…
task analysis that states exactly what to do before, during and/or after a target response occurs
3 main elements of task analysis in a step by step instruction
- antecedent procedures
- consequence procedures
- other teaching interventions `
procedures/ environmental adjustments to prevent the occurence of prob behavior and/or promote appropriate responses
antecedent based interventions
procedures to decrease the prob behavior over time
consequence-based interventions
procedures to teach alternative response and other skills
teaching strategies/protocols
types of antecedent interventions (5)
- noncontingent reinforcement (NCR)
- environmental enrichment
- task modification and demand fading in
- high probability request sequence
- choice
- the behavior reduction plan may include interventions for precursor behaviors
- precursors tell you… (2)
- prob behavior may occur soon
- the reinforcer is valuable (EO in place)
most consequence interventions seek to do the following: (2)
- stop the reinforcing consequence from happening after the problem behavior
- provide that same reinforcing consequence when the replacement, more socially appropriate behavior occurs
Consequence interventions
Through stopping the reinforcing consequence from happening after the probelm behavior.
The bad behavior becomes…
Consequence interventions
Through providing that same reinforcing consequence when the replacement, more socially appropriate behavior occurs
The replacement is now….
Punishment is a..
consequence intervention
Who is the program author of persons responsible section within the program
the two processes typically involved in differential reinforcement procedures
- reinforcement
- extinction
interventions that manipullate events in the environment that occur before the behavior and alter those events to change behavior
antecedent interventions
attention is withheld following an occurence of problem behavior
attention extinction
behavior reduction procedure in which the functional reinforcer is delivered for an appropriate alternative response to the target problem behavior
behavior reduction procedure in which the functional reinforcer is delivered if the target behavior occurs at or below a specific number of times in a given time
antecedent intervention that involves adding reinfrocers to the environment prior to the occurence of problem behavior
environmental enrichment
when implementing this procedure, the functional reinforcer must be withheld every time the behavior occurs
a type of DRA where a communication response is taught to replace the problem behavior
a common antecednet intervention in which several high-probability (high pref) requests are presented immediately before a low-probability (low-preference) request
high probability instructional sequence
antecedent intervention in which the reinforcer is delivered based only on the passage of time, regardless of behavior
Noncontingent reinforcement (NCR)
an antecedent intervention in which the learner is allowed to pick various aspects of activities and tasks which can make the task more preferred or enjoyable
provide choice
behavior reduction procedure that consists of blocking or “masking” the sesnory stimulation that the behavior typically produces
sensory extinction
antecedent intervention in which demand is initially presented at the lowest level of difficulty that does not cause problem behavior and then made more difficult
stimulus fading in
antecedent intervention that consists of altering the deman to make it less aversive
task modification
target behavior, replacememnt behaior, intervention descriptions, persons responsible
behavior reduction plan
behavior that poses immediate and significant danger to the client or others
behavioral emergency
idea/rule that for every behavior that is targeted to reduction, at least one functionally equivalent behavior should be targeted for increase
procedures used when bheavior poses an immediate and significant risk to maintain the safety of all individuals involved
emergency procedures