MODULE 1.01 Train - Optimize 1.1 HOW DO WE TRAIN? Flashcards
Why is the methodology used for the learning process
of paramount importance?
It determines the kind of learning the player will have and the related skills he/she will gain.
The methodology must be closely related to what you’re trying to optimize.
Our methodology is characterized by?
- Guided discovery (or unguided, if the players are already experts in the situation at hand)
- Experiential learning
- implicit learning
- Non-interventionist.
What is FCBs objective is to prepare players to adapt to changing game environments?
- A real game context is created, with constraints so that
something specific that we want to optimize occurs naturally.
- It is not always going to work out, and when it does, it is not
going to be in the same exact conditions.
- The player will have to adapt to a changing environment in which,
at certain times, the objective to be optimized will appear.
What is Guided discovery?
- The players are given some time without any intervention by the coach,
who limits him/herself to observe and record the
behaviors that emerge in the situation.
- Through guided discovery, the coach and the player must interpret the
reasons why a certain movement was generated; they discover it together.
It gives players a creative framework, ownership and guidance.
What is experiential learning?
Our way of getting players to optimize their game is to put them in that
context so that the necessary motor actions emerge from them.
After an action, we help the player with some pointers, if we consider it necessary.
What is declarative learning?
Declarative learning is necessary for reflection processes that lead to a
a greater understanding of the game.
What is Implicit learning?
Implicit learning (Learning without thinking)
The player is not aware of the content or objectives he/she learns, at least
not at the time of training. Although it is necessary to inform the player of
the objective of the session or exercise. This new paradigm will be something like:
“to be efficient in high-pressure situations in numerical equality”,
and not: “to play with a third player in order to escape the high pressure in numerical equality”.
Although perhaps the constraints of the exercise are aimed at creating play
with a third player. Also, after the exercise, we review what has been achieved,
and this is where declarative learning comes in.
What is Non-interventionist?
The coach is not the center of the training process just because
he/she is disseminating knowledge to his/her players. Instead, after explaining
the exercise, he/she mainly observes and asks the players about actions
they perform, to jointly determine if it would have been better to make another decision.
What does optimize mean?
Optimization refers to the improvement of the
performance of a given operating system.
What is the traditional optimization?
Programing movements that can then be reproduced (repetitive),
and in this way, the systems are considered optimized.