Module 1 - Psychology Perspectives Flashcards
Scientific investigation of
Mental (Cognitive) processes (thinking, remembering, feeling)
& Behaviour
4 Goals of Psychology:
-> mental processes & behaviours
5 fields/perspectives of psychology:
Key Figures:
Sigmund Freud
Key Principles (2):
Behaviour is the result of unconscious psychological processes, motivation and early experiences
Internal conflict because of contradictory desires and impulses
Case Studies
Dream analysis
Limited experimentation
What is the treatment for fears & anxieties?
Psychoanalysis treatment
What causes mental disorders?
Internal conflict in the mind between Ego, Superego and Id
Conscious mind - mediator between Superego and Id
Tip of the iceberg
Preconscious Mind - ideals, morals, angel
Unconscious Mind - deals with impulses and urges
Key Principles (3):
Study of observable behaviours
Behaviour is learned and shaped by environmental events (stimuli)
Learned responses based on experiences
Method of study:
Method of study: laboratory experimentation with humans and animals
Classical conditioning (Pavlov)
Operant conditioning
Stimulus Generalisation
Key insights (3)
(Cognitive psychology)
Behaviour is the product of information processing: storage, transformation and retrieval of data
Computational models (brain as a information processing device)
Brain damage offers insights into how function is regionalised in the brain
Method of study:
(Cognitive psychology)
Experimentation focused on mental processes
How memory works, how people make decisions or solve problems
Key Principles (3)
(Humanistic Psychology)
Behaviour is shaped by need to self actualise, to fulfil one’s inner potential
Focus on uniqueness of the individual
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
(Humanistic Psychology)
Person centred, empathy of therapist, respect for the individual
Key Principles (2)
(Evolutionary Psychology)
Behaviour in humans evolved because they helped our ancestors to survive and rear healthy offspring
Natural Selection: the most adaptive behavioural traits are those that helped our ancestors adjust and survive in their environment
(Evolutionary Psychology)
Cross species / cross cultural comparisons (eg. We all cry the same way)
Limited experimentation
What is the relevance of psychology in Allied Health?
Helps to understand mental processes and driving motivational forces behind behaviours
-> Improves practice outcomes and avoid harm
-> guide therapy