Module 05: Local Theories in the Philippines (Part 01) Flashcards
Who proposed the CASAGRA Transformative Leadership Model?
Sister Carolina S. Agravante, SPC, RN, PhD
What is the optimal focus of CASAGRA Transformative Leadership Model?
It mainly focuses on leadership and management. How can a leader can transform subordinates through the model? To transform and make a difference in the line of nursing
She is the first Filipina theorist and she said that ”Focus on the type of leadership in Nursing that can challenge the values and change the world.” She is a graduate of SPU-Manila, Catholic University of America and UP-Manila
Sister Carolina S. Agravante, SPC, RN, PhD
What is the purpose of the CASAGRA Transformative Leadership Model
(1) For nursing educators to revisit their basic responsibility of educating professional nurses who are
responsive to technological, educational and social changes happening in the Philippines society today (globalization = changes)
(2) The formation of new nursing leaders -with new vision, new traits and new formation to serve the society as professional nurse. (outcome of the model - to be transformative)
(3) Nurses need competent leaders with a dream of what nursing can be, whose basic stand is caring and service who are competent in nursing, assertive of their own rights with the help profession. (even if there are changes due to globalization, leaders should still be carrying the basics and committed to the profession.
This is derived from the concept of leadership from a
psycho-spiritual point of view. It is designed to lead to radical change from apathy or indifference to a spiritual person.
CASAGRA: Transformative Leadership Model: Servant Leader Formula and the Nursing Faculty’s Transformative Leadership Behavior
How did Agravante develop the CASAGRA: Transformative Leadership Model: Servant Leader Formula and the Nursing Faculty’s Transformative Leadership Behavior?
Her theory was based on nursing faculty from two different institutions. She tested the transformational leadership behavior of the faculty members, which is a middle range theory in itself because it focuses on a specific population in pursuit of an outcome which was servant leadership.
What does transformative teaching include in the CASAGRA model?
(1) Creative
(2) Caring
(3) Critical
(4) Contemplative
(5) Collegial
Explain the CASAGRA: Transformative Leadership Model: Servant Leader Formula and the Nursing Faculty’s Transformative Leadership Behavior.
When care complex along with transformative teaching and servant leader spirituality (holistic view) are combined, the nursing faculty is able to demonstrate his own servant leadership behavior. And despite globalization or changes in profession, spirituality should still be instilled.
This is correlated to their leadership behaviour.
Care complex personality (transformative teaching factors will all account to what kind of leadership that person will demonstrate)
Explain the conceptual paradigm of care complex theory of Agravante.
A professional nurse who studied and procured a certain level of mastery in the discipline and has developed their own core care complex (personal care, care complex, and folk care) will now form their own form of professional care. These caring behavior will be projected to the well being of their clients.
(When that nursing faculty has a an optimal servant leadership it will be radiated to his students, and when his students become nurses and leaders in their own way, they will radiate and contribute to their patient’s overall well being.
This is an interventional research conducted for the nursing faculty to contribute to their servant leadership?
Servant leadership Spirituality
What does Servant leadership Spirituality program include?
a. Spiritual exercise
b. Resolution of the care complex in the personality of
an individual;
c. A seminar-workshop on transformative teaching
These are variable (nucleus of care experiences, culture based-care practices) possessed by an individual through formal studies; person’s self-awareness of the nursing faculty
Self-mastery (care complex)
These is the enactment of caring and being proactive in face of challenges for the profession (inclusion of the 5C’s)
Special Nursing Expertise
What are the three-fold transformation leadership major?
(1) Servant leadership Spirituality
(2) Self-mastery
(3) Special Nursing Expertise
This is the ability to model the servant-leadership qualities to students → bringing the best of students; competence in nursing skills, commitment to the profession and sense of collegiality (within school and community)
Servant-Leadership Behavior
This is the force within the nursing profession that sets the vision for its practitioners, lays down the roles and functions and influences the direction toward which the profession should go.
Nursing leadership
This is referred to as reflective teaching
Transformative teaching
This is a psychospiritual model, was an effective means for faculty to become better teachers and servant-leaders.
CASAGRA Transformative Leadership (when this model is being used, the leader is also seen as someone with spirituality)
This is a is a structure in the personality of the
caregiver that is significantly related to the leadership
Care complex
This is an effective modality in enhancing the nursing faculty’s servant-leadership behavior.
CASAGRA servant-leadership formula (3 modes)
This is directly related to leadership behavior.
Vitality of Care Complex of the nursing faculty
This is the the cornerstone of nursing leadership. According to care complex of Agravante, caring personality rests on the possession of a care complex with in a person as an energy source of caring
dynamic care complex
This runs parallel to the generic elements of the transformative-leadership model.
Servant Leadership Formula
This is the guide that desired for the modern educative process designed to form the millennium professional nurse.
Transformative teaching
This is the practice of caring and proactive in face of challenges for the profession go hand-in-hand.
What were the weaknesses of the CASAGRA modeL?
(1) CASAGRA transformative leadership limits only on Roman Catholic and Christians nursing educators; it did not consider other religion to this study. In the Philippines we have a variety of religion present. Every religion has its own traditions and practices to be considered.
(2) According to the study, the control and study groups were selected from the same faculty in the two schools, it is highly possible that experience could have been discussed casually in faculty room and in some way must contaminated the intervention.(due to pretest and post test - Hawthorne effect)
What were the strengths of the CASAGRA model?
(1) It provided the task of the formation of the nurse leaders at the baccalaureate level so that the profession assured the graduates possess the mind and heart of a nursing leader who is of the nursing profession.
(2) It can also be use in other educational settings not just on nursing profession.
What are the applications of the CASAGRA model in nursing?
(1) The servant-leader formula can be a useful tool to charge nurses as this will enable them to become leaders and educators while following the footsteps of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
(2) Guide for nursing faculty to show commitment and passion to their work and to reflect one’s strengths and weaknesses and be effective in teaching students and staff.
(3) An be utilized by administrators as an effective formula in organizing one direction in achieving organizational goals
Who proposed the COMPUSURE model? She is also a part of the board of nursing (BON) member and the former president of ADPCN. She is a recipient of the Anastacia Giron Tupas Award given by the Philippine Nursing Association (PNA) in 2008.
Dean Emeritus Divinagracia
What was the focus of the COMPOSURE model?
It was based of on her master thesis ADVANCE NURSE PRACTICIONERS’ COMPOSURE BEHAVIOR AND PATIENT’S WELLNESS OUTCOME conducted in the Philippines Heart center, Coronary Care Unit.
What was the goal of the COMPOSURE Model?
Determine the effects of composure behavior of the advance nurse practitioner on the wellness outcome of the selected cardiac patients
How did Divinagracia perceive nursing?
Nursing as a healthcare profession would prove its worth of being at par in quality performance with other healthcare professionals.
These are set of behaviors or nursing measures that the nurse demonstrates to selected cardiac patients. Set of characteristics a nurse does to better the client’s health
Composure Behaviors
This is an in-depth knowledge and clinical expertise demonstrated in caring for patients
This is a form of nursing measure which means being with another person during times of need (emotional aspect)
Presence and Prayer
This is a form of nursing measure which means being receptive to new ideas or to reason.
This is a form of nursing measure demonstrated by means of providing encouragement
This is manifested through concerned and affable facial approach; this is a way of making the patient feel important and unique.
This entails a form of exercise that involves alternate tension and relaxation of selected group of muscles.
This is the use of preferred naming in addressing the patient, respectful nods and recognition of the patient as someone important.
These are pertained as sensing accurately other person’s inner experience
This refers to a condition of being in state of well-being, a coordinated and integrated living pattern that involves the dimension of wellness.
Wellness Status
This refers to the perceived wellness of selected patients after receiving nursing care in terms of physiologic and biobehavioral.(measure of wellness status)
Patient Wellness Outcome (should be perceived holistically)
What are the two categories of Patient Wellness Outcome?
(1) Physiologic
(2) Behavioral
This refers to the perceived wellness of selected patients after receiving nursing care in terms of vital signs, bone pain sensation, and complete blood count.
Physiologic Wellness Outcome
This refers to the perceived wellness of selected orthopedic patients after receiving nursing care in terms physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual.
Biobehavioral Wellness Outcome
How is the COMPOSURE model be applied in nursing?
(1) Represents how a nurse in profession should have in order for the patient’s wellness outcome to be achieved (characteristics of nurses that can contribute to the betterment of the client’s well being)
(2) Improve the quality of care that nurses give
(3) Guide to becoming an independent HC
Who developed the Retirement and Role Discontinuity Model. She is a nurse and an educator and has an expertise in the field of Gerontology, Care of Older Persons and Bioethics and said that ”I have grown and sown and now I can reap the reward and blessing of a life lived in joy and love, for I too have made others grow”
Sister Letty Kuan
This model is based on the Gerontology, Care of Older Persons and Bioethics or how people adjust during retirement.
Retirement and Role Discontinuity Model
This is another phase in a person’s life à adjustments in
What happens when a person retires according to Kuan?
Adjustments in role can lead to another new role in life. It causes discontinuity of the roles procured prior to retirement. However, there are many things that can
make the role discontinuity and retirement become positive in people’s lives (elders should prepare prior to retirement)
Explain the Retirement and Role Discontinuities Conceptual Model
(1) When a person retires it leads to retirement role discontinuities due to the aging process
(2) the assumption of a new role during retirement will lead to a change of life (happens during and post retirement)
(3) This will lead to an outcome fruitful retirement and aging when aided by determinants
What are the determinants of fruitful aging?
(1) Prepared Retirement
(2) Health Status
(3) Income
(4) Family Constellation
(5) Self Preparation
These will influence the retirement process
This is a foreseeable and inevitable event or change in one’s life.
This is the age that shows the biological state of a person, may be lesser than the chronological age.
Physiological Age
This is a set of shared expectations focused upon a particular position or job; ideals and principles and standards;
Role (Different between the role prior to retirement and the role assumed after retirement)
This is a period between discontinuation of one’s role and the years after retirement.
Change of Life
This is a person who decided to leave a job occupation and their fruitful life due to limitation of age.
This is the disruption of the role or the usual activities (emergency, accidents or retirement)
Role Discontinuity
These are interventions and measures applied to solve problematic situations to restore or maintain equilibrium.
Coping Approaches
What determinant of positive outcome in retirement pertains to the physiological or mental state of respondents
Health Status
What determinant of positive outcome in retirement pertains to the financial affluence of respondent; poor, moderate or rich
Income (economic level)
What determinant of positive outcome in retirement pertains to the employment status of the respondent
Work status (it determines your retirement through your income and economic level)
What determinant of positive outcome in retirement pertains to the type of family composition
Family Constellation (if you have a good family constellation, transitions to retirement is easier)
What determinant of positive outcome in retirement pertains to the preparedness of self to possible outcomes in life.
What does health status dictate?
Health status dictates the capacities and the type of role one takes for both the present and for the future.
What is the role of family constellation in retirement?
Family constellation is a positive index regarding retirement positively and also in reacting to role discontinuity.
This goes hand in hand with economic security that generates decent compensation.
Work Status
How does one cope up with changes brought by retirement?
To cope up with changes brought by retirement, one must cultivate interest in recreational activities
How does one perceive retirement positively?
To perceive retirement positively, it requires early socialization of the various roles we take in life. (Government to construct holistic pre-retirement preparation program)
How is the Retirement and Role Discontinuities model e applied in nursing?
(1) Framework to give ideas on coping up on retirement.
(2) Generates new ideas and fill gaps on gerontology research