Module 04: Grand Nursing Theory (Part 01) Flashcards
These are derived from conceptual models and is perceived to be the most complex and widest in scope
Grand Theory
How are the concepts in grand theories perceived?
The concepts are abstract and lack operational definitions
How are the propositions in grand theories perceived?
The propositions abstract and not directly amenable to testing
How are grand theories perceived?
It provides a background of philosophical reasoning that
allows nurse scientists to develop middle range theories
What is the set of criteria of grand nursing theories?
(1) Background of the theorist
(2) Philosophical underpinnings
(3) Major assumptions concepts and relationships
(4) Usefulness
(5) Testability
(6) Parsimony
(7) Value in extending nursing science
Where did Virginia Henderson receive her diploma?
Received diploma in nursing from the Army School of Nursing at Walter Reed Hospital in 1921
She is a well known nursing educator and author. She also created with other nursing scholars a curriculum in which education was “patient centered and organized around nursing problems rather than medical diagnoses”
Virginia Henderson
What book did Virginia Henderson publish?
Wrote Harmer’s classic book of nursing and
added her personal definition of nursing
What were the philosophical underpinnings Nursing Need Theory?
(1) Presents the patient as a sum of parts with biophysical needs and the patient is neither client nor consumer
(2) Recognized the importance of increasing patient’s independence so that progress post-hospital would not be delayed
What were the theoretical assumptions of Nursing Need Theory?
(1) Nurses care for patients until patients can care for themselves once again
(2) Patients desire to return to health
(3) Nurses are willing to serve
(4) Nurses will devote themselves to the patient day and night
(5)Nurses should be educated at the university level in both arts and sciences
How did Henderson perceive nursing?
The unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge
How did Henderson perceive the patient?
Someone who need nursing care, but did not limit nursing to illness care
How did Henderson perceive the matter of health?
Health pertains to the balance in all realms of human life
How did Henderson perceive the environment?
The nurse should maintain a supportive environment as
part of the 14 activities
This pertains to anything that the individual may require “to maintain or sustain himself comfortably or capably in his situation
Need for Help
What happens when the nurse cannot fulfill the patient’s need for help?
If the individual do not see that they need help, they may not
take any action to resolve the situation that affect health and
What are the 3 levels of nurse-patient relationship?
(1) Substitute for the patient
(2) Helper to the patient
(3) Partner with the patient
According to Henderson’s Nursing Need Theory, what are the 14 need components?
(1) Breathe Normally
(2) Eat and Drink Adequately
(3) Eliminate Body Waste
(4) Move and maintain desirable postures
(5) Sleep and Rest
(6) Select suitable clothes-dress and undress
(7) Maintain body temperature by adjusting clothing and modifying environment
(8) Keep the body clean and well groomed and protected from integument
(9) Avoid dangers in the environment and avoid injuring others
(10) Communicate with others
(11) Worship according to one’s faith
(12) Work in such a way that there is a sense of accomplishment
(13) Play or participate in various forms of recreation
(14) Learn discover and satisfy the curiosity that leads to normal development and health and use of available health facilities
What theory did Lydia Hall develop?
Core, Care, Cure Model
She is a a rehabilitation nurse who argued that follow-up or evaluative care is where professional nursing is most important
Lydia Hall
Where did Lydia Hall work first?
Worked as the first director of the Loeb
Center for Nursing in the elderly
How did Lydia Hall perceive nursing?
Required when persons are not able to provide intimate
bodily care for themselves. The nursing intent of this care is to comfort.
How did Lydia Hall visualize the 3 aspects of the nursing process?
Visualized 3 aspects of nursing process related
(1) to the patient,
(2) to supporting sciences and
(3) underlying philosophical dynamics
According to Lydia Hall, there are 3 aspects in terms of viewing the patient. What are they?
(1) the person,
(2) the body and
(3) the disease which overlaps and influence each other
According to Hall’s theory, this aspect of nursing that is concerned with intimate bodily care (e.g., bathing, feeding, toileting, positioning, moving, dressing, undressing, and maintaining a healthful environment) belongs exclusively to nursing
According to Hall’s theory, this is an aspect of nursing that is shared with medicine. The nurse may assume medical functions, or help the patient with these through comforting and nurturing
According to Hall’s theory, this is an aspect that emphasizes social, emotional, spiritual and intellectual needs of the patient in relation to family, institution, community and the world
How is nursing and the concept of core related?
The nurse who knows self by the same token can love and trust the patient enough to work with him professionally, rather than for him technically, or at him vocationally
According to her, “the Experience of watching the nurses caring for my aunt in her illness created in me a fascination with the work of nursing”
Nola J. Pender
What theory did Nola Pender develop?
Health promotion model
what are the assumptions of the Health Promotion Model?
(1) persons seek to create conditions of living through which they can express their unique human health potential
(2) persons have the capacity for reflective self-awareness,
including assessment of their own competencies
(3) persons value growth in directions viewed as positive and
attempt to achieve a personally acceptable balance between
change and stability
(4) individuals seek to actively regulate their own behavior
what are the major assumptions of the Health Promotion Model?
(1) Individuals in all their biophycho-social complexity interact with the environment, progressively transforming the environment and being transformed over time
(2) Health professionals constitute a part of the interpersonal
environment which exerts influence on persons throughout their lifespans
This of a person-environment interactive patterns is essential to behavioral change
Self-initiated reconfiguration
This pertains to the frequency of the same or similar behavior in the past
Prior-related behavior
This pertains to the age, gender, BMI, pubertal status, aerobic capacity
Biological Personal Factors
This pertains to the self-esteem, motivation, personal competence
Psychological Personal Factors
This pertains to the race, ethnicity, acculturation, education
Sociocultural Personal Factors
According to the Health promotion model, this pertains to the judgment of personal capability to organize and execute a health-promoting behavior
Perceived self-efficacy
According to the Health promotion model, this pertains to the subjective positive or negative feelings that occur before, during and after behavior
Activity related affect
According to the Health promotion model, this pertains to the cognitions concerning behaviors, beliefs or attitudes [norms, social support, modeling]
According to the Health promotion model, this pertains to the personal perceptions and cognitions of any given situation or context that can facilitate or impede behavior
According to the Health promotion model, this pertains to the concept of intention and identification of planned strategy
Commitment to a plan of action
According to the Health promotion model, this pertains to the alternative behaviors over which individuals have low control, due to unvital contingencies
immediate competing demands and preferences
According to the Health promotion model, this pertains to the end point or action outcome that is directed toward attaining positive outcomes
Health Promoting Behavior
She is Instrumental in demonstrating to nurses the importance of the impact of culture on health and conceptualize transcultural nursing in 1950s while working in anthropology
Madeleine Leininger
What was the first qualitative research book in nursing and developed the research method,
What theory did Madeleine Leininger develop?
Transcultural Nursing
This uses research-based knowledge to provide safe, responsible, meaningful care to people of different cultures, supporting their health needs and dealing with illness, disabilities and death
Transcultural Nursing
What does Transcultural Nursing form?
expressions, patterns and processes of human care vary among all cultures of the world
What are the major tenets of Transcultural Nursing?
(1) Commonalities
(2) Worldview and social structure factors
(3) Professional and Generic Care.
This major tenet of the Transcultural Nursing pertains to the cultural care diversities and similarities exist within and between cultures
This major tenet of the Transcultural Nursing pertains to the includes religion, political and economic considerations are essential to understand and powerful influences on care outcomes
Worldview and social structure factors
This major tenet of the Transcultural Nursing pertains to the care differences and similarities with professional and generic knowledge and practice influence health
Professional and Generic Care.
What is Transcultural Nursing?
Refers to a humanistic and scientific knowledge and practices focused on holistic CULTURE CARE phenomena and competencies
What are the three modalities Transcultural Nursing?
- Culture care preservation/ maintenance
- Culture care accommodation/ negotiation
- Culture care Restructuring or repatterning
What is the purpose of Transcultural Nursing?
PURPOSE: To discover, document, analyze and interpret cultural and caring factors influencing human beings in health, sickness or dying
What is the goal of Transcultural Nursing?
GOAL: use research-based knowledge to provide culturally congruent, safe and beneficial care to people of diverse or similar cultures for their health
What are the major assumptions of Transcultural Nursing?
- Care is essential for human growth, development and survival and when facing death
- Care is essential for curing and healing
- Forms, expressions, patterns and process of human care vary among cultures
- Every culture has generic care and professional practice
- Culture care values and beliefs are embedded in various cultural aspects
- Therapeutic nursing care can occur when client culture values are known and used explicitly to provide care
- Culturally congruent, specific, universal care modes are essential to health
- Nursing is a transcultural care profession and discipline
According to the Transcultural Nursing, this is the abstract and manifest phenomena with expressions of assistive, supportive, enabling and facilitating ways to help
Human Care and Caring
According to the Transcultural Nursing, this is the patterned lifeways, values, beliefs, norms, symbols and practices that are learned, shared and transmitted
According to the Transcultural Nursing, this is the synthesized and culturally assistive, supportive, enabling or facilitative caring acts toward self or others
Culture Care
According to the Transcultural Nursing, this is the cultural variability or differences in care beliefs, meaning, patterns, values, symbols and lifeways
Culture Care Diversity
According to the Transcultural Nursing, this is the commonalities based on care meanings
Culture Care Universality
According to the Transcultural Nursing, this is the way an individual or group looks out on and understands the world
These are cultural and social structure dimensions of the Transcultural Nursing:
(1) Environmental Context
(2) Ethnohistory
(3) Emic
(4) Etic
(5) Health
This was developed to provide holistic and comprehensive
conceptual picture of the major influences of CULTURE CARE Diversity and Universality
Sunrise Enabler
What is the use of the sunrise enabler model?
Can be used as valuable guide for doing culturalogical health-care assessment of clients
She is the founder of the institute of human becoming and a 21ST century nurse theorist
Rosemarie Rizzo Parse
According to Parse, what is the goal of nursing?
Goal of Nursing as discipline is to expand knowledge about human experiences through creative conceptualization and
What theory did Parse develop?
Theory of Human Becoming
What are the dimensions of Parse’s Theory?
(1) Meaning
(2) Rhythmicity
(3) Transcendence
What is the assumption in the dimension meaning in parse’s theory?
Human becoming is freely choosing personal meaning in
situations in the intersubjective process of relating value priorities
What is the principles in the dimension meaning in parse’s theory?
Structuring meaning multidimensionally is co-creating reality through the language of valuing and imaging
What is the practice dimensions in the dimension meaning in parse’s theory?
Illuminating meaning is shedding light through uncovering the what was is and will be as it is appearing now
What is the assumption in the dimension rhythmicity in parse’s theory?
Human becoming is cocreating rhythmical patterns of relating in open interchange with the universe
What is the principles in the dimension rhythmicity in parse’s theory?
Cocreating rhythmical patterns of relating is living the paradoxical unity of revealing, concealing, enabling-limiting, while connecting separating
What is the practice dimensions in the dimension rhythmicity in parse’s theory?
Synchronizing rhythms happens in dwelling with the pitch, yaw and roll of the interhuman cadence
What is the assumption in the dimension transcendence in parse’s theory?
Human becoming is transcending multidimensionally with the unfolding possibilities
What is the principle in the dimension transcendence in parse’s theory?
Co-transcending with the possible is powering originating in the process of transforming
What is the practice dimensions in the dimension transcendence in parse’s theory?
mobilizing transcendence happens in moving beyond the meaning movement to what is not yet
She is known as the dean and professor of CON at Florida Atlantic University, who wrote numerous books and founded the center for Caring
Anne Boykin
She came from a family of musicians and spent 3 years in the Amazon in Brazil as a volunteer
Savin Schoenhofer
What are the Major assumptions of the Theory of Nursing as Caring?
(1) Persons are caring by virtue of their humanness
(2) Persons are whole and complete in the moment
(3) Persons live caring from moment to moment
(4) Personhood is a way of living grounded in caring
(5) Personhood is enhanced through participation in nurturing relationships with caring others
(6) Nursing is both a discipline and a profession
What theory did Boykin and Schoenhofer develop?
Theory of Nursing as Caring
According to the Theory of Nursing as Caring, this is an altruistic, active expression of love and is the intentional and embodied recognition of value and connectedness
Based on the Theory of Nursing as Caring, what is the relationship between nursing and caring?
Nursing uniquely focuses on caring as its central value, its primary interest and the direct intention of practice
This key theme in the Theory of Nursing pertains to the nurturing persons living and growing in caring
This key theme in the Theory of Nursing pertains to know persons as caring and to support and sustain them as they live caring
This key theme in the Theory of Nursing pertains to fundamentally, potentially and actually each person is caring even though every act might not be understood as caring
This key theme in the Theory of Nursing pertains to shared, lived experience in which caring between nurse and nursed enhances personhood
Nursing Situation
This key theme in the Theory of Nursing pertains to process of living that is grounded in caring
This key theme in the Theory of Nursing pertains to the call for nurturance perceived in the mind of the nurse
Call for Nursing
This key theme in the Theory of Nursing pertains to when the nurse enters the world of the other person with the intention of knowing the other as a caring person
Caring Between
This key theme in the Theory of Nursing pertains to the co-created in the immediacy of what truly matters and is a specific expression of caring nurturance to sustain and enhance the other
Nursing Response
This pertains to the method of knowing and medium of all forms of nursing inquiry. These embody the lived experience of nursing situations involving the nurse and the nurse
Story as a Method
Situations are best communicated through what?
aesthetic media such as storytelling, poetry, graphic arts and dance
Visual representation of the theoretical assertion that lived caring between the nurse and the nursed expresses underlying relationships
Dance of Caring Persons