Modern Spanish Syntax: Chapter 8 Flashcards
Pedro has ambitions. I know Pedro’s ambitions.
Pedro tiene ambiciones. Conozco las ambiciones de Pedro.
I know the ambitions that Pedro has.
Conozco las ambiciones que tiene Pedro.
I like the house. You bought the house.
La casa me gusta. Tu compraste la casa.
The house that you bought I like.
La casa que tu compraste me gusta.
The apartment is very comfortable. He lives in the apartment.
El apartamento es muy comodo. El vive en el apartamento.
The apartment that he lives in very comfortable.
El apartamento en que vive es muy comodo.
The issue bores me. You are telling me about the issue.
El asunto me aburre. Tu me hablas del asunto.
The issue that you are telling me about bores me.
El asunto del que me hablas me aburre.
The novel that he wrote is very original.
La novela que escribio es muy original.
The woman that he married is much younger than he.
La mujer con quien se caso es mucho mas joven que el.
The lectures that he gave were very boring
Las conferencias que dio eran aburridisimas
The woman he longs for is my sister.
La mujer por quien se desvive es mi hermana.
The person I spoke of is not to be trusted
La persona de quien hable no es de fiar.
The woman he is in love with is much older than he
La mujer de quien esta enamorado es mucho mayor que el.
The man who lives next door is a physician
El hombre que vive al lado es medico.
The book, which is about the Hapsburgs, is very interesting
El libro, que trata de los Hapsburgos, es muy interesante
My friend, who lives next door, is a physician
Mi amigo, quien vive al lado, es medico
He, who is very understanding, gave me permission
El, que es muy comprensivo, me dio permiso
John, who is not stupid, let himself be convinced by that man.
Juan, que no es tonto, se dejo convencer por ese hombre.
Madrid, which is the capital of Spain, is a very interesting city.
Madrid, que es la capital de Espana, es una ciudad muy interesante.
Of all the persons we have interviewed thus far we are not interested in anyone
De todas las personas que hemos entrevistado hasta la fecha no nos interesa ninguna.
The woman that went into his house was not his wife.
La mujer que entro a su casa no era su esposa
He admitted the error that he had committed
Admitio el error en que estaba
The laws which we are subject to are not perfect
Las leyes a que estamos sujetos no son perfectas
I am amazed by the facility with which he writes
Me asombra la facilidad con que escribe
The speed at which you are going is excessive
La velocidad a que vas es excesiva
The novel that he wrote is very original
La novela que escribio es muy original.
Maria, who arrived exhausted, retired immediately.
Maria, que llego muy cansada, se retiro enseguida.
The person whom you sent me to promised to help me
La persona a quien me enviaste prometio ayudarme
It is our conscience who imposes limits upon us
Es la conciencia quien nos impone limites
I have no one that I can trust
No tengo en quien confiar
Much depends in life upon the persons with whom one associates
Mucho depende en la vida de las personas con quienes uno se asocia
The manager, with whom I have just spoken, promised to give me a refund.
El gerente, con quien acabo de hablar, prometio devolverme el dinero.
The man that she was talking with is my boss
El hombre con quien hablaba es mi jefe
I saw your brother, who told me that you had been abroad
Vi a tu hermano, quien me dijo que habias estado en el extranjero
He lent me his history class notes, which were very confusing
*Use el/la cual
Me presto sus apuntes de la clase de historia, los cuales eran muy confusos
He lent me his notes from his history class, which is very difficult
*Use el/la cual
Me presto los apuntes de la clase de historia, la cual es muy dificil.
He would always tell us anecdotes about his youth, which had been very interesting
*Use el/la cual
Siempre nos contaba anecdotas de su juventud, la cual habia sido muy interesante
My sister’s husband, who has a very poor job, barely makes enough to support his family
*Use el/la cual
El marido de mi hermana, el cual tiene un puesto muy malo, apenas gana lo suficiente para mantener a su familia.
The drawer in which she had put her jewels was empty
*Use prep.+ cual
El cajon dentro del cual habia guardado sus joyas estaba vacio
The enterprise which was headed by my friend has gone bankrupt
*Use prep.+ cual
La empresa al frente de la cual estaba mi amigo ha quebrado
The day had come on which payments would have to be made
*Use prep.+ cual
Habia llegado la fecha a partir de la cual comenzaba a correr el plazo
He found no arguments on the basis of which to initiate a legal suit
*Use prep.+ cual
No encontro argumento sobre el cual entablar demanda
There was no reason for which he should resign
*Use prep.+ cual
No habia razon por la cual habia de renunciar
It is a document without which I cannot continue the investigation
*Use prep.+ cual
Es un documento sin el cual no puedo continuar la investigacion
It is a topic about which he knows nothing
*Use prep.+ cual
Es un topico del cual no sabe nada
The problem I spoke to you about has already been solved.
*Use prep.+ cual
El problema del cual te hable ya se resolvio
She is a friend in whom I have absolute faith
*Use prep.+ cual
Es una amiga en la cual tengo entera confianza.
Picasso, whose artistic merits are indisputable, has just died
*Use cuyo
Acaba de morir Picasso, cuyos méritos artísticos son indiscutibles
She wanted to visit Italy, whose treasures she knew from her reading.
*Use cuyo
Quería visitar Italia, cuyos tesoros conocía a través de sus lecturas.
Cervantes, about whose intimate life little is known, is the forerunner of the modern novel
*Use cuyo
Cervantes, de cuya vida intima poco se sabe, es el precursor de la novela moderna.
Maria, who frequently has headaches, should see a specialist
*Use quien
Maria, a quien le duele la cabeza con frecuencia, debería ver un especialista