Modern Spanish Syntax: Chapter 5 Flashcards
He lived in Madrid for one year
Vivió en Madrid un año
He used to be (was) ambassador to France
Fue embajador en Francia
He has already left
Ya se fue
The wedding had been on Saturday
La boda fue el sábado
When he was writing, he was smoking
Mientras escribía, fumaba
When I arrived he was studying.
Cuando llegué, él estudiaba
As I was arriving, he was leaving
Cuando yo llegaba, el salía
They used to see each other often, as is the case with good friends
Se veían a menudo como suele ser con los buenos amigos
She had been studyig music for years
Hacía años que estudiaba música
She had known her for years
La conocía desde hacía años
He informed me he would return the following week
Me informó que regresaba la semana siguiente
If I had time, I would go
*use imperfect
Si tuviera tiempo, iba
He was charming
Era encantador
He was never a friend of mine
Nunca fue amigo mío
He was born, lived, and died in Salamanca
Nació, vivió y murió en Salamanca
He came in, greeted everyone, and shortly thereafter retired to his room
Entró, saludó a todos al rato se retiró a su cuarto
As soon as he saw me, he came to greet me
Ni bien me vio, vino a saludarme
He lived in Madrid for ten years
Vivió en Madrid diez años
He was ambassador to France from 1956 to 1960
Fue embajador en Francia de 1956 a 1960
He used to work for the State Department
*indefinite time preterit
Trabajó en el Departamento de Estado
Last summer he worked in Europe
El verano pasado trabajó en Europa
He used to live abroad
Vivió en el extranjero
Has he already left for home?
Ya se fue para su casa?
I have finished all the letters
Terminé todas las cartas
Have you finished your homework
Acabaste la tarea ya?
At last you have understood what I mean.
Por fin entendiste lo que quiero decir
He said he had been gravely ill
*immediate anteriority
Dijo que estuvo gravemente enfermo
We learned that the wedding had been on Saturday
*immediate anteriority
Supimos que la boda fue el sábado
He told me that he had difficulties with his boss
*immediate anteriority
Me contó que tuvo dificultades con su jefe
He said he was gravely ill
Dijo que estaba gravemente enfermo
We learned that the wedding would be on Saturday
Supimos que la boda era el sábado
He told me he was having difficulties with his boss
Me contó que tenía dificultades con su jefe
The treaty was signed at three
*definite time
El tratado se firmó a las tres
He arrived at seven
*definite time
Llegó a las siete
Yesterday he studied all day long
*definite time
Ayer estudió todo el día
He lived in Salamanca all his life
*definite time
Vivió toda la vida en Salamanca
Last month he worked every weekend
*definite extension with adverbial of indefinite repitition
El mes pasado trabajó todos los fines de semana
He went to see her daily while she was sick
*definite extension with adverbial of indefinite repitition
La fue a ver todos los dias mientras estuvo enferma
He never missed a day’s work (while he worked)
*definite extension with adverbial of indefinite repitition
No faltó al trabajo nunca
He left yesterday
Se fue ayer
He sent the letter
Envió la carta
He shut the doors and windows
Cerró ventanas y puertas
She pointed out the offender
Señaló al culpable
They expelled him from the club
Lo expulsaron del club
World War I broke out in 1914
La primera guerra mundial estalló en 1914
I learned that you were leaving
Supe que te ibas
I knew that you were leaving
Sabía que te ibas
I met her last night
La conocí anoche
I knew her well
La conocía bien
I grasped why she did not want to get married
Comprendí por que no quería casarse
I understood why she did not want to get married
Comprendía por qué no quería casarse
All of a sudden we heard a terrible crash
De repente oímos un ruido espantoso
*verbs of perception
I saw her leaving
Vi que se iba
*verbs of perception
At that moment I felt great compassion for the woman
En ese momento senti tremenda compasion por la mujer
*verbs of perception
Upon seeing her so fragile I had the feeling she was just a little girl
Al verla tan fragil tuve la sensacion de que era solo una nina
*verbs of perception
A feeling of well-being overcame him
Un sentimiento de bienestar inundo su ser
*verbs of perception
Upon hearing me talk, she became frightened
Al oirme hablar, se espanto
*verbs of state of being
When I told her, she became furious
Cuando se lo dije, se enfurecio
*verbs of state of being
A while later he calmed down
Al rato se tranquilizo.
*verbs of state of being
The minute he saw her, he fell in love
Ni bien la vio, se enamoro
*verbs of state of being
As soon as he went to bed, he fell asleep
Ni bien se acosto, se durmio
He became famous
Se hizo famoso
*verbs of state of being
God said: Let there be light and there was light
Dios dijo: Sea la luz y la luz fue
From that day on she no longer was the same woman
Desde ese dia ya no fue la misma mujer
Even though they had made amends, from that point on the relationship between them was different
Aunque se habian reconciliado, desde entonces la relacion entre ambos fue diferente
Making him change his mind had been very dificult
Hacerle cambiar de opinion fue muy dificul
Cardenas had been a school teacher before he was president
Cardenas fue un maestro de escuela antes de ser presidente
He was a school teacher
Era maestro de escuela
She was very beautiful as a young woman
Era muy guapa de joven
He fought for the emancipation of the oppressed for several years
Lucho por la emancipacion de los oprimidos por muchos anos
*impossible to extend in time