Modern Spanish Syntax: Chapter 10 Flashcards
It is evident that he loves her
Es evidente que la quiere
I know he will study medicine
Se que estudiará medicina
It is doubtful that he loves her
Es dudoso que la quiera
I doubt he will study medicine
Dudo que estudie medicina
He affirms that he has written it
Afirma que lo ha escrito
It is certain that by tomorrow they will have finished
Es seguro que para manana habran terminado
He denies that he has written it
Niega que lo haya escrito
It is impossible that they will have finished by tomorrow
Es impossible que para manana hayan terminado
He was certain that she was understanding
Estaba seguro de que era comprensiva
There were rumors that he would resign soon
Se decia que pronto renunciaria
He was touched by the fact that she was so understanding
Estaba emocionado de que fuera tan comprensiva
It was possible that he would resign soon
Era posible que pronto renunciara
I learned he had been a very able administrator
Supe que habia sido un administrador muy habil
It was certain that by the next day they would have finished
Era seguro que para el dia siguiente habrian terminado
I could not believe he had been a very able administrator
No podia creer que hubiera sido un administrador muy habil
It was improbable that by the next day they would have finished
Era improbable que para el dia siguiente hubieran terminado
I won’t go in, I know he is sleeping
No voy a entrar, sé que duerme
I will go in, I don’t think he is sleeping
Voy a entrar, no creo que duerma
They have lunch together every day
Almuerzan juntos todos los dias
Could it be true that they have lunch together every day?
Sera posible que almuercen juntos todos los dias?
Peru is very far from the United States
El Peru esta muy lejos de los Estados Unidos
What a pity that Peru should be so far from the United States!
Que lastima que el Peru este tan lejos de los Estados Unidos
I have to see you tomorrow
Necesito verte manana
It is necessary that I see you tomorrow
Es necesario que te vea manana
He lives in Madrid
Vive en Madrid
It is possible that he lives in Madrid
Es posible que viva en Madrid
I don’t want you to live alone
No quiero que vivas solo
I don’t like the idea of your living alone
No me gusta la idea de que vivas sola
It is doubtful that he will be fired
Es dudoso que lo echen
It is incredible that these days so many people should be laid off
Parece mentira que estos dias despidan a tanta gente
I am telling you that he is coming
Le digo que viene
I am telling you to come
Le digo que venga
I have told him that she is returning
Le he dicho que ella regresa
I have told her to return
Le he dicho que regrese
I will tell him that she is staying
Le dire que ella se queda
I will tell her to stay
Le dire que se quede
i would tell him that she is coming but I don’t dare to
Yo le diria que ella viene pero no me atrevo
It would be better not to tell him that she is coming
Seria mejor que no le digas que viene
Tell him that she is returning
Dile que ella vuelve
Tell her to return
Dile que vuelva
I suggested that she write to him today
Le sugeri que le escriba hoy
I told him to come this afternoon
Le dije que venga esta tarde
He has advised her to quit smoking as soon as possible
Le aconsejo que deje de fumar lo mas pronto posible
I suggested that she write to him today (at that time, next week)
Le sugeri que le escribiera hoy mismo (en aquel momento, la semana entrante)
He advised her to quit smoking as soon as possible (last year, today)
Le aconsejjo que dejara de fumar lo mas pronto posible (el ano pasado, hoy mismo)
I will leave after he arrives
Salgo/saldre despues que el lluege
I am looking for someone to take care of you
Busco quien te cuide
I will do it when I can
Lo hago cuando pueda
I would not go in, I knew he was sleeping
No iba entrar, sabia que dormia
I was going to go in, I did not think he was sleeping
Iba a entrar, no pensaba que durmiera
They would have lunch together every day
Almorzaban juntos todos los dias
Could it have been true that they had lunch together every day?
Seria posible que almorzaran juntos todos los dias?
It was admirable that he should have been devoted to his family
Era admirable que fuera tan dedicado a su familia
He was very devoted to his family
Era muy dedicado a su familia
He had to see me the next day
Necesitaba verme al dia siguiente
It was necessary that he see me the next day
Era necesario que me viera al dia siguiente
He used to live in Madrid
Vivia en Madrid
He would live in Madrid
Viviria en Madrid
It was possible that he lived in Madrid
Era posible que viviera en Madrid
I did not want her to live alone
No queria que viviera sola
I did not like the idea of her living alone
No me gustaba la idea de que viviera sola
It was doubtful that he would be fired
Era dudoso que lo echaran
It was incredible that in those days so many people were being laid off
Parecia mentira que en esos dias despidieran a tanta gente
I feared she would get offended
Temi/temia que se ofendiera
I have feared more than once that she would get offended
He temido mas de una vez que se ofendiera
I had feared more than once that she would get offended
Habia temido mas de una vez que se ofendiera
She would do it when she had time
Lo haria cuando tuviera tiempo
It was improbable that he arrived yesterday
Es improbable que llegara ayer
I don’t think he went out that early
No creo que saliera tan temprano
I don’t think they went out together that often
No creo que salieran juntos tanto
It is a tragedy that he should have died so young
Es una tragedia que muriera tan joven
It is natural that they should have wanted to get married
Es natural que quisieran casarse
It is possible that she might have preferred to live alone
Es posible que prefiriese vivir sola
It is logical that he should have needed company
Es logico que necesitara compania
She would leave after he arrived
Saldria/salia despues que el llegara
She would look for someone to take care of him
Buscaria quien lo cuidara
She said she would do it when she could
Dijo que lo hacia cuando pudiera
It was probable that his audacity had been the most important factor in his success
Era probable que su audacia hubiera sido el factor mas importante en su exito
It was probable that his audacity was the most important factor in his success
Era probable que su audacia fuera el factor mas importante en su exito
Few admitted that he had been an effective administrator
Pocos reconocian que hubiera sido un administrador efectivo
It is impossible to believe that he has neither slept nor eaten in a week
Es imposible creer que no haya comido ni dormido en una semana
He has never lacked anything
Nunca le ha faltado nada
Is it possible that he has never lacked anything?
Sera posible que nunca le haya faltado nada?
They assure me that by tomorrow they will have finished
Me aseguran que para manana habran terminado
It is doubtful that they will have finished by tomorrow
Es dudoso que para manana hayan terminado
You arrive on Friday. By then he will have left
Tu llegas el viernes. Para entonces el se habra ido.
By the time you arrive it is probable that he will have left already
Para cuando tu llegues es probable que el se haya ido ya
It is disgraceful that he should have left his family without a cent
Es una verguenza que haya dejado a su familia sin un centavo
Could it be true that he has left his family without a cent?
Sera verdad que haya dejado a su familia sin un centavo?
He is looking for a secretary who has had experience
Busca una secretaria que haya tenido experiencia
They will leave once they have received permission
Partiran cuando hayan recibido permiso
He admitted to me that everyone had refused to help him
Me confeso que todos se habian negado a ayudarle
I could not believe that everyone had refused to help him
Yo no podia creer que todos se hubieran negado a ayudarle
Then he knew he had failed
Entonces supo que habia fracasado
Then he feared he had failed
Entonces temio que hubiera fracasado
They told me that they would have returned by the following day
Me dijeron que para el dia siguiente habrian regresado
It was doubtful that they could have returned by the following day
Era dudoso que para el dia siguiente hubieran podido regresar
They informed us that by the time you arrived he would have left already
Nos informaron que para cuando tu llegaras el se habria ido ya
It was possible that by the time you arrived he had left already
Era posible que para cuando tu llegaras el se hubiera ido
It was very sad tht he had left his wife
Era/fue muy triste que hubiera dejado a su mujer
I had not learned that he had left his wife
No habia sabido que hubiera dejado a su mujer
It would be very sad if he had left his wife
Seria muy triste que hubiera dejado a su mujer
I think he arrived on time
Creo que llego a tiempo
I do not think he arrived on time
No creo que llegara a tiempo
We know he was tired
Sabemos que lo contrataron
It was so fortunate that they gave him a contract
Que suerte que lo contrataran
His proposal was not approved
No se aprobo su propuesta
It was a shame that his proposal was not approved
ERa una lastima que no aprobaran su propuesta
They say they have grown very distant
Dicen que se distanciaron mucho
It is very sad that they should have grown so distant
Es muy triste que se hayan distanciado tanto
Some claim that he had been a great president
Mantienen algunos que fue un gran presidente
I deny that he has been a great president
Yo niego que haya sido un gran presidente
I know he had been very sick
Se que estuvo muy enfermo
I doubt that he has been very sick
Dudo que haya estado muy enfermo
I learned that they had grown very distant
Me entere que se distanciaron mucho
It was very sad that they had grown so distant
Era muy trste que se hubieran distanciado tanto
Some claimed that he had been a great president
Mantenian algunos que fue un gran presidente
I denied that he had been a great president
Yo negaba que hubiera sido un gran presidente
I learned he had been very sick
Supe que estuvo enfermo
I did not hear that he had been very sick
No supe que hubiera estado muy enfermo
He has neither slept nor eaten in a week
No ha dormido ni comido en una semana