Modern Spanish Syntax: Chapter 11 Flashcards
Your attitude surprises me
Tu actitud me sorprende
That you should act in such a manner surprises me
El que tu actues asi me sorprende
I want him to resign
Quiero que el renuncie
He doubts his integrity
Duda de su integridad
He doubts that he is a trustworthy person
Duda de que sea una persona integra
I will go after dinner
Ire despues de cenar
I will go after they have dinner
Ire despues que ellos cenen
I suggest that the meeting be adjourned
Sugiero que se levante la sesion
I need a person that can be trusted
Necesito una persona que sea de confianza
That he should be so hypocritical is difficult to believe
El que sea tan hipocrita es dicil de creer
It is difficult to believe that he should be so hypocritical
Es dificil de creer que sea tan hipocrita
I doubt that Maria can accompany you
Dudo que pueda acompanarte Maria
I doubt that I can accompany you
Dudo poder acompanarte
He denies that his son has done it
Niega que su hijo lo haya hecho
He denies that he has done it
Niega haberlo hecho
I am happy that you can come
Me alegro de que puedas venir
I am happy that I can come
Me alegro de poder venir
He asked you to go
Te pidio que fueras
He said for you to go
Dijo que fueras
I am appalled at your going
Me desconcierta que vayas
He is opposed to your going
Se opone a que vayas
He disapproves of your going
No esta de acuerdo con que vayas
I insist on going
Insisto en ir
I insist that you go
Insisto en que vayas
She is complaining about your ingratitude
Se queja de tu ingratitud
She is complaining about the fact that you are so ungrateful
Se queja de que seas tan ingrato
I insist that they go
Insisto en que vayan
I demand to know the truth
Exijo saber la verdad
I demand that the truth be known
Exijo que se sepa la verdad
I will succeed in having him elected president
Conseguire que lo elijan presidente
He succeeded in having him elected president
Consiguio que lo eligieran presidente
I succeeded in having him fired
Obtuve que lo echaran
I will succeed in having him fired
Obtendre que lo echen
I order that no one be permitted to enter
Ordeno que no dejes entrar a nadie
He ordered her to see a specialist
Le mando que se examinara con un especialista
He forbade them to see each other
Les prohibio que se vieran
He prevented them from doing justice
Les impidio que hicieran justicia
He opposed their getting married
Se opuso a que se casaran
I beg of you to do it
Les suplico que lo hagan
He asked that we return early
Nos pidio que regresaramos temprano
I would like you to come along with us
Quisiera que no acompanes
I propose that the motion be approved
Propongo que se apruebe la mocion
He suggests that the meeting be adjourned
Sugiere que se levante la sesion
I advise that we discuss it another day
Aconsejo que lo discutamos otro dia
We do not agree that all prerequisites should be abolished
No estamos de acuerdo con que se eliminen todos los prerequisitos
We prefer that the issue be studied carefully
Preferimos que el asunto se estudie cuidadosamente
We would not want her to marry a foreigner and live far away from us
No quisieramos que se case con un extranjero y se vaya a vivir lejos de nosotros
I expect you to be more conciliatory in the future
Espero que seas mas conciliatorio en el futuro
I hope you will get better soon
Espero que te mejores pronto
Let no one bother me this afternoon
(Quiero) Que no me moleste nadie esta tarde
Have them come in right away
(Quiero) Que entren ahora mismo
Have her feed them and put them to bed
Que les sirva la comida y los acueste
I hope you will get better soon
(Espero) que te mejores pronto
It is necessary that you go
Es necesario que vayas
I must have you go
Necesito que vayas
It is preferable that you say nothing
Es preferible que no digas nada
I prefer that you say nothing
Prefiero que no digas nada
It is best that you explore that possibility
Es conveniente (conviene) que explores esa posibilidad
It is urgent that you return
Es urgente que vuelvas
It would be better if he devoted himself to something more lucrative
Seria mejor que se dedicara a otra cosa mas lucrativa
I know that he is good
Se que el es bueno
I feel that something is going to happen
Presiento que va a pasar algo
He thought he was a great painter
Creia que era un gran pintor
I heard that he had been caught
Oi que lo habian tomado preso
I conclude that the issue does not interest you
Deduzco que no te interesa el asunto
He tells me that John is coming tomorrow
Me dice que Juan viene manana
He tells me to go
Me dice que yo vaya
He has informed us that he will not accept it
Nos comunico que no lo aceptara
He has informed us not to accept it
Nos comunico que no lo aceptaramos
He has let him know that he would go
Le aviso que ella iria
He has let him know that he should not go
Le aviso que no fuera
He has written stating that Pedro would pay him soon
Le ha escrito que Pedro le pagaria pronto
He has written requesting that he pay him soon
Le ha escrito que le pagara pronto
I don’t think I am the right person to judge him
No creo ser la persona indicada para juzgarlo
I don’t think she is the right person to judge him
No creo que ella sea la persona idicada para juzgarlo
I doubt that he can complete that work
Dudo que el pueda completar ese trabajo
I deny that he has said that
Niego que el haya dicho eso
I don’t think that project can be completed
No pienso que ese proyecto pueda realizarse
I don’t remember that he has said such a thing
No recuerdo que el haya dicho tal cosa
He does not think tht this is an opportune moment to approach him about business matters
No considera que este sea un momento oportuno para hablarle de negocios
We did not suspect that he was so arbitrary
No sospechabamos que el fuera tan arbitrario
He denies that she knew anything beforehand
Niega que ella hubiera sabido algo de antemano
We are not sure that he has received our letter
No estamos seguros de que haya recibido la carta
Do you believe that it would be wise to tell him something now?
Cree Ud. que sea prudente decirle algo ahora?
Do you believe that this offer represents a good chance to progress?
Considera Ud. que esta oferta represente una buena oportunidad para progresar?
Do you think that they could reach an agreement?
Piensa Ud. que ellos puedan ponerse de acuerdo?
I’m afraid that is not the case
Temo que ese no sea el caso
I suppose that you will see him
Supongo que lo veras
I suppose that you will have seen him
Supongo que lo habras visto
It is doubtful that one could work under those conditions
Es dudoso que se pueda trabajar baso esas condiciones
It is unlikely that we will see each other tomorrow
Es improbable que nos veamos manana
It is unlikely that the situation will be resolved favorably
Es dificil que la situacion se resuelva favorablemente
It is not true that I have said that
No es cierto que yo haya dicho eso
It is not possible that he has resigned
No es posible que el haya renunciado
I don’t doubt that he is faithful to you
No dudo que el te es fiel
He does not deny that his son is responsible for what has happened
No niega que su hijo es responsable de lo sucedido
He believes she would be capable of anything if her position were in danger
Piensa que ella seria capaz de cualquier cosa si su posicion peligrara
Did you not know that he was very sick?
No sabia Ud. que el estaba muy enfermo?
Don’t you think that this is a great opportunity?
No considera Ud. que esta es una gran oportunidad?
Don’t you remember he mentioned it to you yesterday?
No recuerdas que te lo menciono ayer?
It is indisputable that he is right and not you
Es indiscutible que el tiene razon y no tu
There is no doubt that the economic crisis is sever
Es indudable que la crisis economica es severa
It is obvious that prices will continue to rise
Es obvio que los precios seguiran subiendo
It is true that there is a crisis
Es verdad que hay una crisis
It is certain that he has resigned
Es seguro que ha renunciado
The idea that you might marry that man horrifies me
Me horroriza la idea de que te cases con ese hombre
I regret that you should not agree with me
Siento que no estes de acuerdo conmigo
The fact that you should have hidden the truth from him is inexcusable
El que le hubieras ocultado la verdad es imperdonable
I am interested in modern art
Me interesa el arte moderno
He is fascinated by Picasso
Le fascina Picasso
It worries me that you should not be able to come to the meeting
Me preocupa que no puedas venir a la reunion
The fact that should not be able to come to the meeting worries me
El que no puedas venir a la reunion me preocupa
It bothers him that people should lie
Le molesta que mientan
It bothers him to lie
Le molesta mentir
The possibility that something might happen to him frightens me
La posibilidad de que algo le pase me aterra
The fact that you do not trust me hurts me
El que no me tengas confianza me duele
It makes him indignant that they should not have consulted with him before proceeding
Le indigna qu no le hubieran consultado antes de proceder
The fact that he should go out without saying where he is going irritates us
el hecho…
El hecho e que salga sin decir a donde va, nos irrita
It makes them envious that you should be so successful
Les da envidia que tengas tanto exito
It does not upset them that their son has such flighty friends
No les inquieta que su hijo tenga amigos tan poco serios
He is boasting about the fact that he has been chosen
Se jacta de que lo hayan escogido
He is boasting about the fact that he has chosen it
Se jacta de haberlo escogido el
She is sad because you have to leave
Esta triste de que tengas que irte
She is sad because she has to leave
Esta triste de tener que irse
She complains that she was not treated as she expected
Se lamenta de que no la hubieran atendido como esperaba
He is worried by the fact of they might be in poor health
Se preocupa de que no esten bien de salud
He is happy that they have given him a raise
Esta feliz de que le hayan aumentado el sueldo
They are touched because you have gone to greet them
Estan emocionados de que hayas ido a saludarlos
I hope you have been successful
Espero que hayas tenido exito
I hope I have been successful
Espero haber tenido exito
He understands that you should not want to see him after what has happened
Comprende que no quieras verlo despues de lo que paso
He trusts that everything has been resolved in your favor
Confia que todo se haya resuelto a su favor
I cannot forgive you for having abandoned her
No puedo perdonar que la hayas abandonado
He regrets that you should not be able to see our point of view
Lamenta que no puedas ver nuestro punto de vista
I am sorry that you have to do it all over
Siento que tengas que volver a hacerlo
I fear everything has been in vain
Temo que todo haya sido en vano
That he should say that is cause for concern
Es de procuparse que diga eso
It worries me that he should say that
Me procupa que diga eso
It is regrettable that you should be sick
Es lamentable que estes enfermo
I regret that you are sick
Lamento que estes enfermo
It was to be expected that he would resign
Era de esperar que renunciase
It is sad that he should not be able to see his children
Es triste que no pueda ver a sus hijos
It is not surprising that they should have had a falling out
No es sorprendente que se hubieran peleado
That they should have fired him is an injustice
Que lo hayan despedido a el es una injusticia
It is to be feared that he might attempt something foolish
Es de temer que intente algun disparate
It is shameful that no one should have helped her
Era vergonzoso que nadie la hubiera socorrido
I will go after I eat
Ire despues de cenar
We will go after we finish these chores
Iremos despues de que acabemos con estas tareas
I will take the medicine until I feel better
Tomare la medicina hasta que me sienta mejor
I won’t go out before calling her
No saldre antes de llamarla
I won’t go out before I call her
No saldre antes de que la llame
I will go after you have eaten
Ire despues que tu cenes (hayas cenado)
Take the medicine until you feel better
Tome Ud. la medicina hasta que se sienta mejor
Don’t leave before she calls
No te vayas antes de que ella llame
We will leave after you arrive
Saldremos luego que tu llegues
I will leave after I fiinish
Saldre luego que termine
I will keep you company for as long as you are sick
Te acompanare mientras estes enfermo
I will listen to music while I write letters
Escuchare musica mientras escriba cartas
Ever since he left I have had no peace
Desde que se fue no he tenido paz
Ever since I arrived I have had no peace
Desde que yo llegue no he tenido paz
I correct the exams as they hand them in to me
Corrijo los examenes a medida que me los entregan
I esteem her more and more as I get to know her better
La estimo mas y mas a medida que la voy conociendo mejor
Discontinue the medicine after you feel better
Deje Ud. de tomar la medicina despues (luego) que se sienta mejor
She discontinues the medicine after she feels better
Deja de tomar la medicina despues (luego) que se siente mejor
She discontinued the medicine after she felt better
Dejo de tomar la medicina despues (luego) que se sintio mejor
Take the medicine until you feel better
Tome la medicina hasta que se sienta mejor
She takes the medicine until she feels better
Toma la medicine hasta que se siente mejor
He advised her to take the medicine until she felt better
Le aconsejo que tomara la medicina hasta que se sintiera mejor
She took the medicine until she felt better
Tomo la medicina hasta que se sintio mejor
She used to take the medicine until she would feel better
Tomaba la medicina hasta que se sentia mejor
I will stay with you for as long as you need me
Me quedare contigo mientras me necesites
She stays with him while he needs her
Se queda con el mientras el la necesita
She would stay with him for as long as he needed her
Se quedaria con el mientras la necesitara
She used to stay with him while he needed her
Se quedaba con el mientras el la necesitaba
I will listen to music while I read the manuscript
Escuchare musica mientras lea el manuscrito
I listen to music while I read the manuscript
Escucho musica mientras leo el manuscrito
She would listen to music while she read the manuscript
Escucharia musica mientras leyera el manuscrito
I listened to music while I read the manuscript
Esuche musica mientras lei el manuscrito
I will correct the galley proofs as they hand them in to me
Corrregire las pruebas a medida que me las entreguen
I correct the galley proofs as they hand them in to me
Corrijo las pruebas a medida que me las entregan
He informed us that he would correct the galley proofs as they handed them in to him
Nos informo que corregiria las pruebas a medida que se las entregaramos
He used to correct the galley proofs as they handed them in to him
Corregia las pruebas a medida que se las entregaban
I will have to leave before they arrive
Tendre que irme antes de que lleguen
I had to leave before they arrived
Tuve que irme antes de que llegaran
I found out before I was officially informed
Lo supe antes de que me notificaran oficialmente
Since her daughter got married she has been feeling very lonely
Desde que se caso su hija se ha sentido muy sola
Since they have been divorced I have not seen them
Desde que estan divorciados no los he vuelto a ver
I have come to pay you
He venido para pagarte
I have come in order to clear up this misunderstanding
a fin de
He venido a fin de aclarar este malentendido
I left without paying him
Me fui sin pagarle
I have come so that you would pay me
He venido para que me pagues
I have come so we could see each other
He venido para que nos vieramos
We have written the letter so that they would give us further details
a fin de que
Hemos escrito la carta a fin de que nos dieran mas detalles
I left without their paying me
Me fui sin que me pagaran
I left without us having seen each other
Me fui sin que no vieramos
They have answered without giving us further details
Han contestado sin que nos dieran mas detalles
You cannot tell her anything without her getting offended
No puedes decirle nada sin que se ofenda
It was impossible to listen to the story without crying
Era imposible escuchar el relato sin que uno llorara
She could not get up without someone helping her
No podia levantarse sin que alguien le ayudara
He left without telling me where he was going
Salio sin que me dijera a donde iba
He left without saying goodbye to us
Se fue sin que se despidiera de nosotros
He left without my realizing it
Salio sin que yo me diera cuenta