Modern Spanish Syntax: Chapter 7 Flashcards
This perennial fighting…
Este perenne batallar
To think is man’s exclusive attribute
Pensar es atributo exclusivo del hombre
That screaming exasperates me
Ese gritar me exaspera
Her constant complaining has left her with few friends
Su constante lamentar la ha dejado con pocos amigos
The unrestrained spending ruined her
El gastar desenfrenado la arruino
A good beginning always helps
Un buen empezar ayuda siempre
This exaggerated smoking is hazardous
Este fumar exagerado es peligroso
Her endless gossiping about people is despicable
Su constante murmurar de la gente es detestable
Chain-smoking is hazardous to one’s health
Fumar continuamente es malo para la salud
Your saying so will convince her
El decirlo Ud. la convencera
Maria’s awakning to reality was painful
El despertar de Maria a la realidad fue doloroso
Their accepting it is a good omen
El aceptarlo ellos es buena senal
The bubbling of the springs was the only noise to be heard
El murmurar de las fuentes era el unico ruido que se oia
Seeing is believing
Ver es creer
Surrendering to the enemy would be like humiliating oneself in the eyes of the world
El rendirse ante el enemigo seria humillarse ante el mundo
Good eating is good living
El buen comer es buen vivir
Eating well is living well
El comer bien es vivir bien
It is a good place to rest
Es buen sitio para descansar
It is a bad time to see him
Es mala hora para verlo
I am ready to help you
Estoy listo para ayudarte
He came to take her with him
Vino para llevarsela
In order to be respected one has to respect others
Para ser respetado hay que respetar a los demas
In order to study one has to have time and money
Para estudiar hay que tener tiempo y dinero
One has to do something to survive
Hay que hacer algo para sobrevivir
What have I done to offend her?
Que hice para ofenderla?
What has he done to deserve such luck?
Que habra hecho para merecer esa suerte?
I told her to appease her
Se lo dije para tranquilizarla
It is time to eat
Es la hora de comer
The right to free expression
El derecho de opinar libremente
The fear of losing him
El temor de perderlo
The need of seeing him
La necesidad de verlo
He was the only one to listen to me
Fue el unico en escucharme
She would be the last one to think that
Ella seria la ultima en pensar eso
We were the first ones to arrive
Fuimos los primers en llegar
When I arrive (upon arriving), I will call you
Al llegar te llamare
Upon seeing her I realized how much she had aged
Al verla me di cuenta de cuanto habia envejecido
Since she did not speak to me, I left
Al no hablarme ella, me fui
Because he received no answer, he gave up
Al no obtener respuesta se dio por vencido
He does not feel like going out
No tiene ganas de salir
He is not interested in selling the house
No esta interesado en vender la casa
He only thinks about amusing himself
No piensa mas que en divertirse
Call him instead of writing
Llamalo en vez de escribirle
He left without saying goodbye
Se fue sin despedirse
He delivered it without having finished it
Se lo entrego sin haberlo terminado
He was not granted an interiew for having arrived too late
No le concedireon la entrevista por haber llegado demasiado tarde
I want to go
Quiero ir
I hope to go
Espero ir
I need to go
Necesito ir
He avoided going
Evitaba ir
He denied knowing it
Negaba saberlo
He gave up smoking
Dejo de fumar
I began speaking
Empece hablar
I am coming (in order) to work
Vengo a trabajar
I went (in order) to help her
Fui a (=para) ayudarla
She dreamt about graduating
Sonaba con graduarse
He thought about changing jobs
Pensaba en cambiar de trabajo
He prevented her from going
Le impidio ir
He succeeded in convincing her
Logro convencerla.
He got tired of Maria
Se canso de Maria
He got tired of studying
Se canso de estudiar
He got tired of their bothering him
Se canso de que lo molestaron
To dare to do something
atreverse a hacer algo
He is a teacher
*use dedicarse a
Se dedica a la ensenanza
What do you do for a living?
*use dedicarse a
A que se dedica usted?
To resign to do something
resignarse a hacer algo
The snow started falling again
*use comenzar a
La nieve comenzo a caer de nuevo
I started working at eighteen
*use comenzar a
Comence a trabajar a los dieciocho anos
I dreamed about you last night
Anoche sone contigo
He threatened to fire me
Me amenazo con despedirme
It was late in arriving
Tardo en llegar
It takes a while to take effect
Tarda en hacer efecto
Please tell me as soon as you know
No tarde usted en informarme
The bank is pleased to inform its customers that…
El Banco se complace en comunicar a su clientela que…
He insisted on going to work abroad
*use empenarse en
Se empeno en irse a trabajar al extranjero
I insisted that she should study English
*use empenarse en
Me empene en que estudiara ingles
We agreed on the need for change
*use convenir en
Conveniamos en la necesidad de un cambio
We agreed to stop seeing each other
*use convenir en
Convinimos en dejar de vernos
This news paper is made up of various regular sections
Este periodico consiste en varias secciones fijas
The object of the game is to guess words
*use consistir en
El juego consiste en adivinar palabras
Her task is to solve the problem
*use consistir en
Su mision consiste en aclarar el problema
Her shyness is what makes her attractive
*use consistir en
Su atractivo consiste en su timidez
To hesitate between two possibilities
Vacilar entre dos posibilidades
Don’t hesitate to tell me about it
No vaciles en decirmelo
I am glad they have won
Me alegro de que hayan ganado
I forgot to tell you
*use olvidarse de
Me olvide de decirtelo
He must work
Debe trabajar
He has to work
Tiene que trabajar
One has to work
Hay que trabajar
It stopped raining
Dejo de llover
He tried to help
Trato de ayudarla
She has just finished talking
Acaba de hablar
It began to snow
Empezo a nevar
He was going to study medicine
Iba a estudiar medicna
I never saw her again
No volvi a verla mas
Did he mention it to you again?
Volvio a mencionartelo?
He stopped talking to her
Dejo de hablarle
I can see him
Puedo verlo
He must wash his hands
Debe lavarse las manos
He allowed her to return
Le permitio volver
*intransitive inf.
He teaches her how to dance
Le ensena a bailar
*intransitive inf.
He began to sing
*use ponerse
Se puso a cantar
*auxiliary is reflexive
He began to work
*use ponerse
Se puso a trabajar
*auxiliary is reflexive
He promised us to study
Nos prometio estudiar
He promised to study us
Prometio estudiarnos
He had it done for me
Me lo mando hacer
He had me do it
Me mando hacerlo
I saw the train arrive
Vi llegar el tren
I saw it arrive
Lo vi llegar
I heard the children cry
Oia llorar a los ninos
I heard them cry
Los oia llorar
I felt the storm coming
Sentia venir la tormenta
I felt it coming
La sentia venir
She let the maid go out
Dejo salir a la criada
She let her go out
La dejo salir
He made the people laugh
Hacia reir a la gente
He made them laugh
Los hacia reir
He permitted her to go
Le permitio ir
He forbade him to smoke
Le prohibio fumar
He ordered her to diet
Le mando hacer dieta
He permitted Maria to go out
Le permitio a Maria salir
He forbade George to smoke
Le prohibio a Jorge fumar
He suggested to Maria to rest more
Le aconsejo a Maria descansar mas
I don’t like going there
No me gusta ir alla
I expect him to go
Espero que vayan
He has asked us to come
Nos ha pedido que vineramos
I know him to be serious
Se que es serio
They said for you to come
Dijeron que vinieras
He waited for her to arrive
Esperaba que ella llegara
This is too big for you to carry
Esto es demasiado grade para que tu lo cargues
I don’t like Maria’s going there
No me gusta que Maria vaya alla
He does not approve of her studying medicine
No esta de acuerdo con que ella estudie medicina
She was surprised at his coming alone
Se sorprendio de que el viniera solo
It is difficult to win
Es dificil ganar
It is difficult for you to win
Es dificil que tu ganes
It is impossible to lose
Es imposible perder
It is impossible for me to lose
Es imposible que yo pierda
It is good to work
Es bueno trabajar
It is good for them to work
Es bueno que ellos trabajen
It is possible to succeed
Es posible triunfar
It is possible for you to succeed
Es posible que Uds. triunfen
It is important to attend
Es importante asistir
It is important for us to attend
Es importante que nosotros asistamos
It is necessary to rest
Es necesario descansar
It is necessary for you to rest
Es necesario que tu descanses
He believes that he is ill
Cree que esta enfermo
I know that I won’t go
Se que no voy a ir
I think that I won’t be able to come
Pienso que no podre venir
He fears that I won’t pass the exams
Teme que no va a pasar los examanes
I suspect that I have to go to the meeting
Sospecho que tengo que ir a la renion
Call him instead of writing
Llamalo en vez de escribirle
I said that I need nothing
Dije que no necesito nada
I am happy to meet you
Me alegro de conocerte
I am happy to have met you
Me alegro de haberte conocido
I hope to do it well
Espero hacerlo bien
I hope to have done it well
Espero haberlo hecho bien
I am sorry to have to be late
Siento tener que llegar tarde
I am sorry to have had to be late
Siento haber tenido que llegar tarde
He could not go yesterday
No pudo ir ayer
He could not have gone yesterday
No pudo haber ido ayer
He denies knowing any of the details of the issue
Niega saber los detalles del asunto
He denies having found out any of the details of the issue
Niega haber sabido los detalles del asunto
She left crying
Salio llorando
He came back running
Volvio corriendo
The falls asleep hugging his bear
El nino se duerme abrazando su oso
We spent (we lost) a week looking for a house
Perdimos una semana buscando casa
While listening to the news I found out about the accident
Escuchando las noticias me entere del accidente
You are very kind in letting me leave
Es Ud. muy amable dejandome salir antes
Complementing is lying
Echar complidos es mentir
Walking is a good exercise
Caminar es buen ejercicio
She deserved punishing
Merecia castigo
He hates skiing
Detesta esquiar
He left without notifying us
Salio sin avisarnos
There is little harm in daydreaming
Hay poco dano en sonar despierto
This is an interesting book
Este es un libro interesante
Where is your wedding ring?
Donde esta tu anillo de boda?
He is boring
El es aburrido
The box containing books is for him
La caja que contiene libros es para el
A dying man
Un hombre moribundo
Running water
Agua corriente
Flying saucer
platillo volador
wedding ring
anillo de bodas
writing paper
papel de escribir
housing expenses
gastos de vivienda
singing lessons
lecciones de canto
The house standing on (that stands on) the corner
La casa que esta en la esquina
People living (that live) in the cities
La gente que vive en ciudades
Anyone conspiring (that conspires)
El que conspire
lying down
bien parecido
He washed the windows and sang while he worked
*use gerund
Lavo las ventanas cantando
She washed the floor by scrubbing it
Lavo el piso fregandolo
Since he is in charge, such a thing will not happen
Estando el de jefe, tal cosa no ocurrira
If we arrive early, we will have more than enough time for everything
Llegando temprano, tendremos tiempo de sobra para todo
When she arrives, this confusion will come to an end
Llegando ella, se acaba este lio
As I was listening to the news, I found out about the accident
Escuchando las noticias, me entere del accidente
He came in screaming
Entro gritando
We spent the morning cleaning the house
Nos pasamos la manana limpiando la casa
I got bored waiting for you
Me aburri esperandote
She passed the exam by studying for it
Paso el examen estudiando
By telling her the truth, you will succeed in convincing her
Diciendole la verdad lograras convencerla
She stayed hidden and listened.
*use 1) gerund; 2) para
Se quedo escondida escuchando
Se quedo escondida para escuchar
I prefer to leave without saying goodbye, thus sparing her the pain
Prefiero partir sin despedirme, evitandole ese dolor
I prefer to leave without saying goodbye to spare her the pain
Prefiero partir sin despedirme para evitarle ese dolor
She married him thinking he was rich
Se caso con el creyendolo rico
She married him because she thought he was rich
Se caso con el porque lo creia rico
I did it thinking about your future
Lo hice pensando en tu porvenir
I did it because I thought about your future
Lo hice porque pensaba en tu porvenir
Having you on my side, I fear nothing
Teniendote a mi lado, nada temo
While I have (upon having) you on my side, I fear nothing
Al tenerte a mi lado, nada temo
You are very kind in excusing me
*Use 1) gerund; 2) al+inf.
Es Ud. muy amable disculpandome
Es Ud. muy amable al disculparme
Being so young you should wait to get married
Siendo Ud. tan joven, deberia esperar para casarse
Since you are so young you should wait to get married
*Use puesto que
Puesto que es Ud. tan joven, deberia esperar para casarse
He being so sickly they should take better care of him
Siendo el tan enfermizo, deberian cuidarlo mejor
Since he is so sickly they should take better care of him
*Use puesto que
Puesto que el es tan enfermizo, deberian cuidarlo mejor
Seeing that they would marry anyway, he consented to it
Viendo que se iba a casar de todos modos, consitio en ello
Since he saw that they would get married anyway, he consented to it
*Use como
Como vio que se iban a casar de todos modos, consintio en ello
Knowing that she was very ill, they would conceal the news from her
Sabiendo que ella estaba muy enferma, le ocultarian la noticia
Since they knew that she was very ill, they would conceal the news from her
*Use como
Como sabian que ella estaba muy enferma, le ocultarian la noticia
As she had no money she pawned her jewels
*Use 1) gerund; 2) como
No teniendo dinero empeno sus joyas
Como no tenia dinero…
Thinking it over, I think I should go
Pensandolo bien, deberia ir
Speaking clearly, that man is a rascal
Hablando claro, ese hombre es un sinverguenza
Legally speaking, that cannot be done
Legalmente hablando, eso no se puede hacer
Looking at it objectively, he is right
Viendolo bien, el tiene razo
Objectively speaking, she does not amount to much
Objetivamente hablando, ella no es gran cosa
Considering his age, he works very well
Considerando su edad, trabaja muy bien
If we arrive early, we will have time to speak to him before the meeting
Llegando temprano, tendremos tiempo para hablarle antes de la reunion
If you complain all the time you will lose all your friends
Quejandote constantemente, perderas todos tus amigos
I was bored (got bored) while studying
Me aburri estudiando
By telling them the truth you will convince them (succeed in convincing them)
Diciendole la verdad, lograras convencerlos
She she arrives (as soon as she arrives), this confusion will come to an end
*Use gerund
Llegando ella, se acaba este lio
If you allow it, I would leave tomorrow
*Use gerund
Permitiendolo tu, me iria manana
While she is here, I fear nothing
*Use gerund
Estando ella aqui, nada temo
The teacher having arrived, the children calmed down
*Use gerund
Habiendo llegado el maestro, se callaron los ninos
I heard the girl crying
Oi a la muchacha llorando
I saw the children playing
Vi a los ninos jugando
I found my friend studying
Encontre a mi amigo estudiando
Picasso painted her ironing clothes
Picasso la pinto planchando ropa
He depicted him fighting against everything
Lo represento acometiendo contra todo
He describes him fighting against every injustice
Lo describe peleando contra toda injusticia
We spent the afternoon explaining it to him
Nos pasamos la tarde explicandoselo
By promising it to her you will appease her
Prometiendoselo la calmaras
She spent her life worrying
Vivia preocupandose
She spent the whole morning getting dressed
Se paso toda la manana vistiendose
Put him to sleep by singing to him
Duermelo cantandole
While walking home he found his friend in the park
Yendo a su casa, se encontro con su amigo en el parque
Having warned you yesterday, how could you have done that?
Habiendote advertido ayer, como has podido hacer eso?
The matter will be handed over to the office in question, your name being thereafter erased from the list
Su asunto sera pasado a la oficina correspondiente, y quedara Ud. borrado de la lista.
The national income has increased, surpassing 20,000 dollars
Aumento el ingreso nacional y excedio mas de 20.000 dolares
She walked out screaming
Salio gritando
He came running
Vino corriendo
I heard her screaming
La oi gritando
He found his friend studying
Encontro a su amigo estudiando
I heard her scream
La oi gritar
I saw her cry
La vi llorar
I saw her arriving
La vi llegar
I heard her coming in
La oi entrar
We saw them leaving
Los vimos partir
I live beyond the cathedral
Vivo pasando la catedral (mas alla de la catedral)
His office is at the right of the entrance
Su oficina esta entrando a la derecha (a mano derecha de la entrada)
The shop is beyond the park
El negocio esta bajando la plaza (mas alla de la plaza)
We have followed the Olympic Games with great interest
Hemos seguido con gran interes los juegos olimpicos
They have expelled several athletes
Han expulsado a varios atletas
One of the players was expelled
Uno de los jugadores fue expulsado
Several players were expelled
Varios jugadores fueron expulsados
The female swimmer is expelled for good
La nadadora esta expulsada para siempre
The man sitting next to the window is her husband
El hombre sentado junto a la ventana es su marido
His houses are rented
Tiene las casa alquiladas
He left indignant
Se marcho indignado
He left saddened by the fight
Partio entristecido por la pelea
The manuscript having been translated, it was sent out immediately.
Traducido el manuscrito, lo enviaron enseguida
Being sorry for his mistakes, he was trying to excuse himself
Arrepentido de sus errores, intentaba excusarse.
Having sold the house, they moved
Vendida la casa, se mudaron
Having repaired the car, they moved on
Arreglado el auto, prosiguieron
Having informed their parents, they decided to marry
Informados los padres, decidieron casarse
The problem having been solved, everybody was happy
Resuelto el problema, todos quedaron contentos
Her son being imprisoned, the mother could not be happy
Encerrado el hijo, no podia ser feliz la madre
Since her son was imprisoned, the mother could not be happy
*Use como
Como estaba encerrado el hijo, no podia ser feliz la madre
The husband being discontented, the family could not be happy either
Descontento el marido, la familia tampoco podia estar contenta
For as long as the husband remained discontented, the family could not be happy either
*Use mientras+ subj.
Mientras el marido estuviera descontento, tampoco podia estar contenta la familia.
As soon as the house is sold, we will have enough to pay the debts
*Use 1) past participle; 2) ni bien
Vendida la casa, tendremos suficiente para pagar las deudas
Ni bien se venda la casa…
As soon as the girl is well, they will go on a trip
*Use 1) past participle; 2) cuando
Curada la nina, saldran de viaje
Cuando se cure la nina…
Give me the dress that has just been ironed
Dame el vestido recien planchado
Give me the one that has just been ironed
Dame el recien planchado
What is said, is said
Lo dicho, dicho esta
What is learned in childhood is unlearned with difficulty
Lo aprendido en la ninez dificilmente se olvida
What is written remains as testimony
Lo escrito queda de testimonio
What is confessed (admitted) cannot be retracted
Lo confesado no puede retraerse
Type what is (has been) corrected
Pasa a maquina lo corregido
Once the problem had been solved, everybody was happy
Despues de resolver el problema, todos quedaron contentos
She arrived exhausted
Llego exhausta
While taking a stroll downtown, I saw your friends
Paseando por el centro, vi a tus amigos
I preferred painting
Preferia pintar
Her constant crying irritates me
Su constante llorar me irrita
To err is human, to forgive, divine
Errar es humano, perdonar es divino