Mod 2: Clinical Correlates Flashcards
abnormal extracellular PROTEIN deposits (misfolded proteins form fibrillar aggregates) originally thought to be polysaccharides/starch
- -difficult to degrade/phago
- -accumulate –> tissue/organ loss of architecture/loss of function
Immunocyte dyscrasia
abnormal B cell proliferation/activation
- -excessive production of Ig light chains (Bence Jones proteins)
- -renal, splenic, lymph node pathologies (Ig clogs up organs where fluid passes through)
abnormal component of the blood
eucrasia = health
dyscrasia = disease
Why is there a change in sense of smell with age?
Loss of olfactory epithelium SA
stem cells –> mature cells DECREASES with age
Blood vessels that can circumvent aortic coarctation (narrowing of aorta)
anastamoses b/w ant and post intercostal aa
Sentinel node biopsy
radio-opaque dye injected into cancer site and tracked to the first lymph node of drainage, using radiography
That node, and any other nodes nearby are biopsied or removed
Breast cancer –> check for metastasis in axillary lymph node
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
major obstruction of vessels/nerves emerging from the sup thoracic aperture (usually at root of neck)
Trauma inflames scalene muscles – compresses brachial plexus, vessels
Remove scalenes and 1st rib to treat
entry of air
results in collapsed lung
ex. bullet punctures thoracic wall and parietal pleura + lung and visceral pleura — allows air in
entry of blood
does not cause lung to collapse
Pleural tap
needle inserted at mid-axillary line in 9th intercostal space (low enough to avoid hitting lung tissue)
needle must be inserted a little sup to 10th rib to avoid intercostal VAN and its collateral branches
Referred pain
happens b/c visceral sensation travels back to CNS via the exact routes of sym efferent input
In dorsal horn of SC, indiv cell bodies receive input from both visceral and somatic structures, confusing the brain as to where the pain is actually located –> referred pain
–pain is felt on body wall locations innervated by corresponding spinal level (dermatomes)
Dermatome corresponding with heart
heart: T1-T5
appendix: T10
diagnostic marker (clara cell secretory protein) low levels indicate tissue injury
Variations in branches from aortic arch
L common carotid originates from brachiocephalic trunk (27% of people)
R brachiocephalic does not exist so R common carotid and R subclavian branch directly from aortic arch
L brachiocephalic a on left side branches into L common carotid and L subclavian vessels
Aortic aneurysm
Localized dilation of aorta
Weakened aortic wall
Pt complains of chest pain that radiates to back
Seen on angiogram (radiograph)
Coarctation of aorta
narrowing (stenosis) of aorta – near site of ligamentum arteriosum
Collateral vessels may become enlarged and pulsate in intercostal spaces
Aortic aneurysm vs coarctation
aneurysm: localized dilation
coarctation: narrowing (stenosis)
Phrenic n and breathing – neck injuries
If SC damaged below C3-C5, still able to breath
If damaged above this region, no innervation to diaphragm, intercostal muscles – cannot breathe
Recurrent laryngeal nerve damage/injury
alters voice – recurrent laryngeal nn supply intrinsic muscles of larynx and swallowing safety
damaged by:
–bronchogenic/esophageal carcinoma
–enlargement of medaistinal lymph nodes
–aortic aneurysm
–cardiac surgery (especially in infants)
Phrenic nerve injury/block
paralysis of diaphragm
- -injury
- -block (during lung operation)
Aspiration of foreign bodies
enter Right bronchus (b/c wider, shorter, and more vertical)
Cough reflex
elicited when foreign body makes contact with carina (which is covered by mucous membrane and is very sensitive to tactile stimulation)
Bronchogenic carcinoma
enlargement of tracheo-bronchial lymph nodes
alter position of and immobilize the carina
–morphological changes in carina are diagnostic signs
Hiatal hernia
protrusion of stomach into mediastinum through the esophageal hiatus of diaphragm
–after middle age due to weakening of diaphragm and widening of esophageal hiatus