Mod 18 And 19 Flashcards
Retaining information overtime
Getting information into the memory syste,
Getting information out of brain
Automatic processing
Unconscious process of capturing or retaining information
Effortful processing
Encoding that requires attention and conscious effort
The conscious repetition of information
Over learning
Continuing to rehearse even after memorizing something
Serial positioning effort
Our tendency to recall best the first and last item in a list
Spacing effect
Tendency for distributed practice to yield better retention through practice
Distributed rehearsal
Spreading rehearsal out in several sessions separated by a period of time
Massed rehearsal
Putting all rehearsal time together in one long session
Semantic coding
The encoding of meaning
Self reference effect
Enhanced semantic coding of information that is personally relevant
Mnemonic debate
A memory trick or technique
Method of loci
A device in which you associate items you want to remember with imaginary places
Peg word system
A device inch inch you associate items you want to remember with a list of peg words you have already memorized
Organizing information into meaningful units
Sensory memory
Breif initial coding of sensory information in the memory system
Short term memory
Conscious memory that holds information briefly before it is lost or permanent
Long term memory
Relatively permanent memory and limitless storehouse
Flashbulb memory
Vivid clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event
Long term potential
Increase in a synapses firing efficiency
Explicit memory
Memory of facts and experiences that one must consciously retrieve and declare
Implicit memory
Memory of skill and procedures
Measure of memory you must retrieve information you learned earlier
Measure of memory in which you must identify items you learned earlier
Context effect
Enhanced ability to retrieve information when you are in an environment similar to. The one in which you encoded the information
State dependent memory
Enhanced ability to retrieve information where you are in the same physical and emotional state you where in when you encoded the information
Perms store memory
Long term memories that are especially resistant to forgetting and are likely to last a lifetime
Proactive interference
The disruptive effect of earlier learning on the recall of recently stored information
Retroactive interference
The disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of previously stored information
The process of moving anxiety producing memories to the unconscious