3 Modules Flashcards
Attribution theory
Theory that we tend to give a casual explanation for someone’s behavior often by crediting either the situation or the persons disposition
Saying it wasn’t their fault it was the objects fault or this happened
Social psychology
Scientific study of how we think about, influence, and relate to one another
How we interact
Fundamental attribution error
Tendency for observers, when analyzing another’s behavior, to underestimate the impact of the situation and to overestimate the impact of personal disposition
Like when watching a movie
Belief and feeling that predisposes one to respond in a particular way to objects, people, and events
Being angry or mad
Foot in door phenomenon
Tendency for people who have first agreed to a small request to comply later with a larger request
Asking for a dollar then ten dollars
Cognitive dissonance
Theory that we act to reduce the discomfort we feel when two of our thoughts are inconsistent
When one thought says something is right and the other that it is wrong
Adjusting ones behavior or thinking to coincide with a group standard
Becoming serious in a serious group
Tendency to comply with orders, implied or real, from someone perceived as an authority
Told to pick up room
Social facilitation
Improved performance of tasks in the presence of others
Being less lazy and kept on task
Social loafing
Tendency for people in a group to exert less effort when pooling their efforts toward attaining a common goal than when individually accountable
Not doing as much work because they feel like they are not needed
The loss of self awareness and self restraint occurring in group situations that foster arousal and anonymity
Talking excessively when normally quiet
Group polarization
The enhancement of a groups prevailing attitudes through discussion within the group
Feelings of frustration
The node of thinking that occurs when the desire for harmony in a desicion making group over rides a realistic appraisal of the alternatives
Going with one option that makes everyone happy even though it may not be the best
Self fulfilling prophecy
Occurs when someone’s belief about others leads one to act in ways that induce the others to appear to confirm the belief
Making someone seem unfriendly
Mere exposure effect
The phenomenon that repeated exposure to novel stimuli increases liking of them
Liking a song after hearing it many times
Passionate love
An arousal state of intense positive absorption in another
Whee you first meet a person
Compassionate love
The deep affectionate attachment we feel for those whom our lives are intertwined
Like our siblings or mother and father
A condition which people receive from a relationship in proportion to what they give to it
One person giving a lot of love and the other not
Self disclosure
Revealing intimate aspects of oneself to others
Telling someone about an accident
Unselfish regard for the welfare of others
Caring about someone other than yourself constantly
Bystander effect
The tendency for any given bystander to be less likely to give aid if other bystanders are present
Watching someone get hurt and no one doing anything
An unjustifiable attitude toward a group and it’s members
Believing some group is mean because of how they look
A generalized belief about a group of people
Shetland ponies are mean
In social relations, taking action against a group of people because of stereotyped beliefs, and feelings of prejudice
Mean towards blacks
In group
Us, people whi whom we share a common identity
People at the barn
Out group
Them, those perceived as different or apart from us
People not at the barn
In group bias
The tendency to favor ones own group
Liking country more than rock
Scapegoat theory’s
The theory that prejudice provides an outlet for anger by providing someone to blame
Blaming problems on a certain group of people
Just world phenomenon
Tendency to believe that people get what they deserve and deserve what they get
If they hurt someone and then get in trouble they deserved it
Any physical or verbal behavior intended t hurt or destroy
Hitting someone
Subordinate goals
Shared goals that override differences among people and require their cooperation
Civil rights
System of subtle and obvious rules established to ensure a groups survival and passed from one generation to the next
Country music
Culture style that places personal goals or needs ahead of group goals or needs
Studying instead of going to church
Cultural style that places group goals or needs ahead of personal goals
Worshipping instead of studying