mod 1 Cardiovascular system and heart Flashcards
name of the valve between the R atrium and R ventricle
tricuspid valve
contractile cells of the heart are known as
cardiac tamponade should be performed when there is
excess fluid is flowing from the pericardial cavity
blood is oxygenated in…
pulmonary veins
the apical pulse is located
5th intercostal space
the long refractory period of cardiac muscle is due to
influx of calcium ions and efflux of potassium ions
the electrical impulse originates from
sinoatrial node
if the vagal nerve was lesioned and provided no innervations to the heart, the heart rate would most likely be around
100 bpm
when a coronary artery is completely occluded, this condition is known as..
myocardial infarction
regarding the muscles of the heart, which of the following is correct?
atrial bundles are in circular arrangement
blood is initially pumped into pulmonary circulation via
pulmonary trunk
which process is correct for electrical activity in the heart
sa node, av node, av bundle, bundle branches purkinje fibres
atrial repolarisation occurs at which point of the qrs cycle
qrs complex
which of the following is not a a common arterial pulse site
common illiac artery
which is not a site you would find fenestrated capillaries
blood brain barrier
which is not a risk factor for atherosclerosis
low ldl
arteries and veins comparison
veins contain valves, arteries do not
vessel damage or atherosclerosis of the aorta results in what complication
what is not a type of pump to aid venus return
which vein drains directly from the hepatic portal vein
splenic vein
a clot that dislodges is
myogenic autoregulation
calcium release inducing vascular smooth muscle contraction in response to increased bp and smooth muscle stretch
TF reactive hyperemia utilises metabolic vasodilators to dilate arterioles in response to and occclusion
coronary angioplasty
insertion and inflation of a small balloon to widen an occluded coronary artery
TF decreased compliance of elastic arteries may result in increased intravascular pressure and subsequent hypertension
not common in veins or arteries
internal elastic lamina
blood flow to which organs does not change during exercise
direct determinant of end systolic volume
arterial blood pressure
starlings law of the heart
increased pre-load increases the stretch of muscle fibres and results in a greater force of myocardial contraction
which of the following factors will not increase cardiac output
depression of parasympathetic activity
stimulation of sympathetic activity
increased skeletal muscle work
someone with high aerobic fitness would
ventricular hypertrophy and increased stroke volume
what causes a decrease in blood flow
increased blood viscosity
decreased blood vessel diameter
increased blood vessel length
formula for mean arterial pressure
diastolic pressure + pulse pressure /3
what is primarily responsible for long term control of the blood pressure
what follows an increase in blood pressure beyond homeostatic range
inhibition of the vasomotor centre
stimulation of baroreceptors in the carotid sinuses and aortic arch
what is the circulatory shock that occurs as a result of myocardial infarction or chronic hypertension
cardiogenic shock
how would the body respond to a hemorrhage
vasoconstriction of peripheral blood vessels
what would result from ace inhibitors
decreased aldosterone secretion
factors that affect heart rate
exercise, age, gender
newborn infant appears to have peripheral perfusion problems and the paediatrician obtains the following measures: systolic bp 72mmHg, diastolic bp 36mmHg, cardiac output 0.8 L. the calculated total of peripheral resistance is
what is endocarditis
infection of the inner lining of the heart (bacteria, fungi)
flu like, fatigue, aching joints, night sweats, heart murmur, shortness of breath, pain on breathing
inflammation of the pericardium, sac like membrane around the heart. sharp pain, shortness of breath when reclining, heat palpitations, low fever
inflammation of heart muscle, arrhythmias, chest pain, shortness of breath, fluid retention, fatigue
Delivering single shocks in succession to stimulate the frog heart _______.
did not increase the height of the ventricular systole wave
resulted in fused tetanus
resulted in wave summation
increased the height of the ventricular systole wave
did not increase the height of the ventricular systole wave
The doublet that results with more frequent stimulation of the frog heart represents _______.
an extrasystole
an extra contraction of the ventricles
an extra contraction of the atria
an extrasystole and an extra contraction of the atria
an extrasystole and an extra contraction of the ventricles
an extrasystole and an extra contraction of the ventricles
When the ventricles beat rapidly in succession, _______.
a compensatory pause followed
the second peak was higher than the first
a doublet representing two atrial contractions followed
wave summation occurred
a compensatory pause followed
When multiple stimuli were applied at 20 stimuli/sec, _______.
extrasystoles were produced
fused tetanus occurred
triplets representing three ventricular contractions occurred
atrial contractions completely disappeared
extrasystoles were produced
When vagus nerve stimulation was applied to the frog heart, _______.
When vagus nerve stimulation was applied to the frog heart, _______.
the heart rate slowed and eventually stopped
the force of contraction decreased and the heart rate slowed and eventually stopped
the force of contraction decreased
the force of contraction increased and the heart rate slowed and eventually stopped
the force of contraction increased
the heart rate slowed and eventually stopped
What part of your tracing illustrates vagal escape?
the part where the force of contraction decreased
the part where the heart resumed beating
the part where the heart rate slowed down
the part where the heart stopped
the part where the heart resumed beating
Research shows that in the absence of neural and hormonal influences, the SA node generates action potentials at a frequency of about 100 times per minute. However, the resting heart rate is about 70 beats per minute. What would the approximate heartrate be if the vagus nerve were severed? about 100 beats per minute faster than 100 beats per minute slower than 70 beats per minute about 70 beats per minute
about 100 beats per minute
Which of the following has the fastest rate of spontaneous depolarization?
Which of the following has the fastest rate of spontaneous depolarization?
the AV node
AV bundle branches
the SA node
Purkinje fibers
the SA node
For the frog heart, temperature and heart rate are _______.
For the frog heart, temperature and heart rate are _______.
indirectly proportional
directly proportional
controlled by homeostasis
directly proportional
If the human heart were experiencing hyperthermia, what do you think would be the effect on the heart rate?
If the human heart were experiencing hyperthermia, what do you think would be the effect on the heart rate?
The heart rate would increase and then return to normal.
The heart rate would decrease.
The heart rate would increase.
The heart rate would not change.
The heart rate would increase.
Ringer’s solution contains which of the following?
Ringer’s solution contains which of the following?
cations, anions and electrolytes
cations, anions and electrolytes
Muscarine is a poison found in poisonous mushrooms. Muscarine binds to acetylcholine receptors and mimics its action. Which of the following describes the effect of muscarine?
Muscarine is a poison found in poisonous mushrooms. Muscarine binds to acetylcholine receptors and mimics its action. Which of the following describes the effect of muscarine?
Like pilocarpine, it increases the heart rate.
Like atropine, it increases the heart rate.
Like atropine, it decreases the heart rate.
Like pilocarpine, it decreases the heart rate
Like pilocarpine, it decreases the heart rate.
Beta blockers are used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Which receptors do you think are being blocked?
Beta blockers are used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Which receptors do you think are being blocked?
With respect to heart rate, which of the following worked in opposition to each other?
With respect to heart rate, which of the following worked in opposition to each other?
digitalis and pilocarpine as well as atropine and epinephrine
digitalis and pilocarpine
atropine and epinephrine
digitalis and atropine
digitalis and atropine
With respect to heart rate, which of the following had the same effect?
With respect to heart rate, which of the following had the same effect?
digitalis and atropine
atropine and epinephrine
digitalis and pilocarpine
digitalis and pilocarpine as well as atropine and epinephrine
digitalis and pilocarpine as well as atropine and epinephrine
Which ion(s) at least initially lowered the frog heart rate in the activity you just performed?
Which ion(s) at least initially lowered the frog heart rate in the activity you just performed?
calcium, potassium and sodium
potassium and sodium
potassium and sodium
What effect does potassium have on the resting membrane potential of the cardiac cell?
What effect does potassium have on the resting membrane potential of the cardiac cell?
Increasing extracellular potassium causes the resting membrane potential to become more negative.
Increasing extracellular potassium causes the resting membrane potential to become more positive.
Changes in potassium have no effect on the resting membrane potential.
Increasing intracellular potassium causes the resting membrane potential to become more positive.
Increasing extracellular potassium causes the resting membrane potential to become more positive.
The cardiac cell plasma membrane is most permeable to _______________________.
The cardiac cell plasma membrane is most permeable to _______________________.
It is equally permeable to all ions.
Calcium channel blockers block the movement of calcium _______.
Calcium channel blockers block the movement of calcium _______.
into the cell and increase heart rate
into the cell and decrease heart rate
out of the cell and decrease heart rate
out of the cell and increase heart rate
into the cell and decrease heart rate
A ___________________ drug increases the force of contraction of the heart.
A ___________________ drug increases the force of contraction of the heart.
negative chronotropic
negative inotropic
positive chronotropic
positive inotropic
positive inotropic