Mixede Qs 8 Flashcards
Concentric left ventricular hypertrophy is due t o which substances
Due to Angiotensin II , endothelin
2o chronic untreated HTN
Cofactors in gluconeogenesis working on pyruvate carboxylase
MHC Class I structure
Single heavy chain and beta 2 microglobulin
Chediak-Higashi syndrome
Defect in lysosomal trafficking
Presentation:- recurrent infections
Oculcutaneous albinism ( fair skin, silvery hair)
Reduced visual acuity
Blood smear:-giant cytoplasmic granules in neutrophils
Interaction between nitrates and phosphodiesterase innhibitors ( sildenafil)
Presentation:- profound hypotension due to extreme vasodilation
Nitrates —> nitric oxide —-> increased Intracellular cGMP (2nd messenger)
Increased cGMP—-> vascular smooth muscle relaxation
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors inhibit breakdown of cGMP —> accumulation of cGMP—> ++vasodilation
Frameshift mutation
Deletion/addition of a number of bases not divisible by 3 in the coding region of a gene
Marker of HBV transplacental transmission
Which medication works by binding to cytocolic receptor and inhibiting nuclear factor kappa B ( NF-KB)
Where does the trigeminal nerve exit the brain stem
At mid pons level of middle cerebellar peduncle
EPO signal transduction is mediated by
Janus kinase 2/signal transducer and activator of transcription (JAK2/STAT) pathway
HLA-DP, HLA-D2 and HLA-DR encode for MHC II expressed on APC after antigen is processed in lysosome
Absent of MHC II impairs activation of B and T cells —> seen in SCID
HLA-A, HLA-B and HLA-C encode for MHC II expressed in nucleated cells after cytosolic antigen transported into endoplasmic reticulum
Exercise induced hypoglycaemia in DM
Increased expression of GLUT4 in cell membrane —> increased muscle glucose uptake independent of insulin
MRSA is resistant to which ABx
Beta lactate ABx
Topical Prostaglandin agonist
MoA:Increased outflow of aqueous humor
USE: glaucoma
SE:- pigmentation of iris and eye lashes
Aedes mosquito transmits which viruses
Dengue ( haemorrhagic symptoms, fever, Brazil travel)
Yellow fever
Complication of nitroprusside
Cyanide poisioning 2o inhibition of the Electron transfer of O2** it poisons the electron chain **
Symptoms:- flushing, neuro dysfunction, seizures, high lactic acidosis
Risk factor:- high dose, prolonged infusion, renal insufficiency
Wilson’s Disease
Accumulation of copper in liver, brain, cornea
Presentation:- child/ YA
Neuropsychiatric symptoms
Gait disturbance
Labs: Abnormal LFTs
Decreased caeruloplasmin
Increased urinary copper execration
Spleen embryologic origin
Like muscle, bone, kidney
ARR equation
ARR= Control rate - treatment rate
Heparin MoA
Bind to anti thrombin III
Mitochondrial vaculolisation is a sign of
Irreversible cell injury
Burkitts lymphoma Pathogenesis
Assoc EBV
Translocation between c-Myc ongogene on ch 8 and IgA heavy chain on ch 14 —>over expression of c-Myc which is a transcription activator
Presentation:- first 3 years of life
Creamy white mass on fundoscopy
Retinitis pigmentosa
Progressive dystrophy of retinal pigmented epithelium and photoreceptors
Presentation;- night blindness
Loss of peripheral vision
Fudoscopy:- dark pigments and optic disc pallor
1o myelofibrosis
Malignancy stem cell- megakaryocytes
Presentation:- pancytopenia, hepatospleenomegaly, teardrop cells
Bone marrow biopsy:- dry tap
Fibrotic BM with clusters of atypical megakaryocytes
Testicular tumour
Solid firm/fixed nodule in the tunica albumin era non tender
Defence immunity against intracellular organisms like legionella and m to
Cell mediated
Th1 cells, IFN gamma and IL-2
Beta blockers affect
Reduce HR
Increase preload
Decrease LV contractility
Decrease end systolic volume