Micro Flashcards
Corynebacterium diphtheria?
G+ve Bacilli, aerobic
Appearance:- club shaped metachromatic ( red and blue) granules on Loffler media
Transmission:- resp droplets
Virulence:- Exotoxin Beta propophage which inhibits protein synthesis via ADP ribolysation of EF2 causing necrosis
Causes:pseudomembranous pharyngitis, LN, myocarditis
Mgx:- diphtheria antitoxin, erythromycin +/- penicillin
Listeria monocytogenes?
G+ve bacilli, anaerobic, intracellular
Transmission :- unpasterurised milk, vaginal transmission, ttansplacental, deli meats
Appearance:- rocket (red) tails, motile
Exotoxin:- listeriolycin causes pores in phagosomes allowing escape
Causes:- amnionitis, spontaneous abortion, meningitis in immunocompromised, ltd gastroenteritis in health
Mgx:- ampicillin
G+ve branching filament
Catalase +ve
Appears:- resembles fungi
Transmission:- found in soil
Causes:- pulmonary infection in immunocompromised
Mgx:- sulfonamides
G+ve branching filaments
Catalase -ve
Appears:- looks like fungi
Transmission:- normal oral, reproductive flora
Causes:- dental abscess, PID with IUD
Mgx :- penicillin
Acid fast rods on Ziehl Nielsen (pink long rods)
Transmission:-1o close contact with pt infected with TB, or reactivation
Virulence:- cord factor ( serpentine cord) activates macrophages promoting granulation and release of TNF alpha
Causes :- 1o TB , 2o TB milliary TB
Mgx:- drug resistant —> use multi drug regimen
Mycobacterium leprae?
G+ve rods prefer cool temps (skin peripheries glove and stocking)
Transmission: armadillos
Causes:- lepromatous leprosy:- high TH2, low cell mediated immunity, lion face v contagious
Tuberculoid leprosy:- high TH1, high cell medicated immunity, low bacterial loaded, hypopigmented hairless skin plaques
Mgx:- lepromatous :- clofazimine
Tuberculoid:- rifampin + dapsone
Neisseria meningitides?
G-ve diplococci
Can breakdown maltose and glucose
Virulence:- Lipoolygosaccharide capsule, IgA protease
Transmission:- resp droplets
Causes :- menigiococcaemia, petechia haemorrhage and gangrene of toes, Friedrichs Waterhouse syndrome ( haemorrhage cause adrenal insufficiency
Mgx:- Ceftriaxone/ penicillin G
Prophylaxis:- rifampin
neiserria gonnorrhoea ?
G-ve diplococci
Brake down glucose
No polysaccharide capsule
Transmission:- STI, perinatally
Causes:- gonorrhoea, neonatal conjunctivitis, septic arthritis
Mgx:- ceftriaxone single IM does
Prophylaxis:- safe sex, erythromycin ointment babies
Haemophillus influenzae?
G-ve coco bacillus
Chocolate agar
Virulence:- phosphoribosylribotol phosphate capsule , produces IgA protease Transmission
Transmission:- resp droplets Exotoxin Beta
Causes:- epiglottis in children, MOPS
Mgx:- amoxicillin +/- clavulanate
Prophylaxis:- rifampin close contacts
Vaccine :- contains type b capsular polysaccahride polyribosylriobotl phosphate
Bortadella pertussis?
G-ve aerobic coco bacillus
Virulence factor:- pertussis toxin ( disables Gi protein 2nd messenger —> inc CAMP) + tracheal cytotoxic
Causes:- flu like illness, barking cough post tussive emesis, chronic cough slow recovery
Mgx:- macrolides
Vaccine:- DTAP
leigonella pneumophilia?
G-ve rod ( poor gram staining)
Stains with silver
Grows on charcoal yeast extract with silver and cysteine
Transmission:- contaminated A/c
Causes:- legionnaire’s disease :- GI symptoms with symptoms of pneumonia , hyponatraemia
Diagnosis :- urine Ag
Mgx:- macrolide
Pseudomonas aeruginosa?
G-ve bacilli, aerobic, non lactose fermenting, oxidase +ve , catalase+ve , increased virulence in acidic environment
Appears:- green pigment
Virulence:- mucopolysaccharide capsule, Phospholipase C , Endotoxin, Exotoxin A
Causes:- pneumonia, UTI, ecthyma gangrenoum , sepsis osteomyelitis , folliculitis
@risk groups:- diabetics, impatient, drug users
Salmonella typhi?
G-ve bacilli/rods non lactose fermenting, oxidase -ve, produces H2S
Virulence:- invasion of M cells on Meyer patches, flagella can swim Vi capsule (tyVi) endotoxin
Transmission:- haematogenous
Causes:- constipation followed by non bloody diarrhoea , typhoid fever , monocyte infiltration
Vaccine :- oral vaccine—-> attenuated salmonella typhi, IM vaccine Vi capsular saccharide
Carrier:- in gallbladder
G-ve rod non lactose fermenting, oxidase -ve does not produce H2S,
Virulence:- shiga toxin, invasion of M cells on Peyers patch infection dose low
Transmission :- cell to cell
Causes :- bloody diarrhoea neutrophil infiltration
Pseudomonas aeruginosa?
G-ve lactose -ve oxidase +ve rod
Causes UTI in pts with indwelling urinary catheters
Bortadella pertussis?
G-ve cocobacillus
Affects unvaccinated
Non invasive secretes exotoxins that damage ciliated resp epithelium.
Symptoms mild cough, rhinorrhoea, barking cough, posttussive emesis
Histoplasma capsulatum?
Dimorphic fungus, small ovoid year
Encapsulated in macrophage and spreads thoughout the lymphatic and reticuloendothelial system
Causes:- ltd pulmonary infection in healthy
In immunocompromised hepatospleenomegaly, lymphadenopathy and pancytopenia
Ulcerated tongue characteristic
HPV associations?
HPV 16 and 18 assoc with Cx Ca
Penile and anal Ca
Presence of HIV increases risk
Hepatitis D virus
RNA virus - circular single strand
It’s replication defective as it needs to be coated by HBsAg to be able to penetrate the hepatocyte
Infection is either co-infection with Hep B or superinfection of chronic Hep B carrier
Quick onset food poisoning
Staph aureus ( commonest cause) also B cereus
Food:- eggs, dairy and mayo based salads
Mediated by :- preformed enterotoxin ingested
Symptoms :- vomiting
Staph aureus virulence factor
Protein A which bind to the Fc portion of IgG inhibiting complement activation and phagocytosis
Giardia lamblia
Symptoms:- (think lactose intolerance) bloating, flatulence, foul smelling non bloody fatty diarrhoea
Transmission :- cysts in water
Diagnosis:-, multinucleated trophozite, cysts in stool, PCR Ag detection
Treatment:-tinidazole, metronidazole
Entamoeba histolytica
Causes ameobiasis
Bloody diarrhoea, RUQ pain, liver abscess with anchovy paste exudate
Transmission:- cysts in water
Diagnosis: PCR, Ag detection, trophozite with RBC in its cytoplasm, cysts with <4 nuclei in stool
Mgx:- metronidazole , parmomycin for carriers
Severe diarrhoea in AIDS
Transmission:- oocysts in water
Diagnosis:- oocysts in acid fast stain, Ag, PCR
Toxoplasma Gondii
Causes:- immunocompromised —> mononucleosis like symptoms
AIDS —> Multiple brain abscess ring enhancing leisons on MRI
Congenial toxoplasmosis——-> triad hydrocephalus, intracranial calcification and chorioretinitis
Transmission:- cyst in meat, oocysts in cat faeces cross the placenta
Diagnosis:- serology, biopsy (tachzoite)
Mgx:- sulfadizine +/- pyrmethamine
Naegleria fowleri
Transmission:- warm fresh water - amoebas enter CNS through olfactory nerve via cribiform plate
Causes:- rapidly fatal meningioencephalitis
Diagnosis:- amoeba in CSF
Mgx:- amphotericin B may help
Trypanosoma Brucei
Transmission:- Tsetse fly bite
Causes:- African sleeping sickness—-> lymphadenopathy, recurring fever, somnolence, coma
Diagnosis:- trypomastigote in bld smear
Mgx:- suramin for blood, melasoprol for CNS penetration
P malariae:- 72 hr fever cycle —> trophozite ring in RBC
P ovale/vivax:- 48 hr fever cycle —-> dormant (hypnozoite form) in liver —-> trophozites with stippling in RBC cytoplasmic —> give primaquine to target hypnozoites
P falciparum:- variable fever cycle—-> parasitized RBC can occlude brain (cerebral malaria) liver, lungs —> trophozite with head phone ring , crescent gametocytes
Diagnosis:- peripheral bld smear
Mgx:- chloroquine if resistant mefloquine / doxycycline
Transmission:- tick
Causes:- fever, haemolytic Anaemia, in NE and NCentral USA, asplenia increase risk of severe disease
Diagnosis:- ring form or Maltese cross on bld smear
Mgx:- atovaquone + azithromycin
Trypanosoma cruzi
Transmission:- triatomine (kissing insect) bites around mouth and eye -faecal transmission into bite. In S America
Causes: - Chagas’ disease —: dilated cardiomyopathy, megacolon, megaoesophagus, perioribital swelling early sign
Diagnosis:- trypomasgtigote in bld smear
Mgx:- Benznidalzole
Transmission: - sandfly
Causes:- cutaneous :- ulcers
Visceral:- fever, hepatospleenomegally, pancytopenia
Diagnosis:- macrophages containing amastigotes
Mgx:- amphotericn B
Trichomonas vaginalis
Transmission:- sexual
Causes:- vaginitis - foul smelling greenish discharge itching and burning, punctuate Cx haemorrhage ( strawberry Cx)
Diagnosis:- motile trophozite on wet mount
Mgx:- metronidazole for pt and partner