Mixed Qs 9 Flashcards
Iron absorption
Occurs in duodenum and proximal jejunum
Affected by gastrojejunostomy
Submucosal glands secreting alkaline secretions are
Submucosal Brunner glands located in the 1st part of the duodenum
V cholerae
G-ve comma shaped rod Oxidase +ve motile
Entertoxin causes severe watery diarrhoea
Thrives in alkaline medium
Aka genetic shift involves exchange of genomic segments
Only occurs in segmented viruses ( BOAR)
(bunyaviraus , othomyxovirus arenavirus and reovirus)
Released by CD4, CD8 and Natureal killer cells
High dose IL-2 triggers proliferation of NK cells and increases their cytotoxic activity
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
Progressive resp dysfunction due to accumulation of surfactant debris in alveolar space.
Lipoproteinacious material PAS pink forming lamellar bodies
Surfactant produced by pneumocyte 2 and cleared by alveolar macrophages. Disturbance in balance causes disease
Meckels’ diverticulum
Failure of viteline duct obliteration
Presentation:- painless lower GI bleeding with anaemia
Ectopic gastric mucosa can cause ulceration of intestinal mucosa
SLE autoantibodies
Anti dsDNA
Anti Smith which is a snRNA ( small nuclear RNA) an essential part of spliceosomes which remove introns from mRNA to form mature RNA
Glucagon 2nd messenger
G protein coupled receptor using adenylate cyclist 2nd messenger
—> cAMP —-> protein kinase A
Along with TSH and PTH
Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency
Presentation:- lactic acidosis and neuro symptoms
Pyruvate —-X —-> acetyl coA
Supplement with lysine and leucine to avoid lactic acidosis accumulation
Bloody discharge nipple no mass no skin changes
Intraductal papilloma
Epithelial and myoepithelial cells lining fibrovascualr core in cysts wall or duct
Usually benign
Is the start codon
Initiates translation
If ther s is a mutation before then you cannot start translation
B thalassemia
Reduced beta globin chain synthesis
Resulting in
Hypochromic microcytics cells
Embryo formation of the uterus
Paramesoneprhic —> uterus, fallopian tubes,CX and upper vagina
Paramesonephric duct fuse laterally for form uterus
And vertically to form urogenital sinus
Protein that undergoes attachement to other proteins and gets labeled for degradation by proteasomes.
Failure of this step is seen in Parkinson’s , Alzheimer’s with accumulation of misfolded proteins
Hormones and menustral cycle
Gradual rise of FSH growing follicle in follicular phase
LH signals ovulation and start of lueteal phase —> both go back to base line
Oestrogen gradual increase in proliferative phase
Spike just before ovulation to signal to GnRh to release LH
Progesterone increase in secretory phase until menustration happens both decrease
Ovulation can be triggered by hCG
Increase peripheral venous capicitance
Decrease preload
Decrease LVEDP
High dose —> arteriolar dilation and decrease systemic vascular resistance
Viral myocarditis complication
Causes dilated cardiomyopathy
Complication of acute rheumatic fever
Leading to new
Aschoff body is pathognomic —‘interstitial myocardial granuoloma’
Why does appendicitis pain move
Initial pain at umbilicus is 2o afterent fibres entering spinal cord at T10
Later pain is RLQ 2o irritation of the parietal peritonuem
Intercostal brachial nerve
Can be Injured during a ill army LN dissection
Presentation:- burning, diminished sensation medial upper arm purely sensory dysfunction
The others cause motor deficit
Intercostal brachial nerve
Can be Injured during a ill army LN dissection
Presentation:- burning, diminished sensation medial upper arm purely sensory dysfunction
The others cause motor deficit
Large complex contain protein and RNA found freely floating in endoplasmic reticulum
Synthesized in nucleolus
Ribosomal RNA is transcribed in nucleolus
CMV commonest congenital eye complication
CMV chorioretinitis
Rubella congenital eye complication
Congenital cataract
Is inactivated until it reaches the duodenal lumen
By trypsin and trypsin inhibitors (SPINK 1)
If a mutation occurs that prevents this inhibition it’ll lead to hereditary pancreatitis
What happens to area of the brain months after stroke
Wallerian degeneration
calcification of ischaemic infarction in brain is rare
Instead myelin degeneration occurs acutely and chronically persistent myelin debris
Hand clumsiness after falling and holding on to branch
Klumpke palsy
Injury to inferior truck (C8-T1)of brachial plexus —> paralysis intrinsic hand muscles
Intralveolar septal destruction with airspace enlargement
Hiatus hernia
Circumferential laxity of the phrenoesophageal membrane
NMDA receptor antagonist
Zollinger ellison syndrome
Cause by gastronomas
Prevention:- diarrhoea, wt loss
Increased gastric section —> ulcers in post bulbar duodenal and jejunal ulcers.
Inactivates pancreatic enzymes —> poor nutrient absorption
Newly diagnosed DM
Necrolytic migratory erythema esp in groin area
+/- diarrhoea
Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide
Tumour of pancreas
Presentation:- diarrhoea that continues with fasting
Achlorhydria (bloating..etc)
Treatment of severe hypoglycaemia can be given by caregiver
MoA :- increase glycogenolysis
And increase hepatic glucose uptake
Conn syndrome
Bilateral adrenal hyperplasia or
Unilateral adrenal adenoma
++ aldosterone
HTN, hypokalaemia. Alkalosis
Low renin activity
Diuretic treatment in ascites 2o portal HTN with normal sodium levels
Spironolactone + furosemide
Doesn’t block RAAS
MoA inhibits osteoclasts mediated bone resorption
West Nile virus
Enveloped RNA virus
In warm climates
Transmission:- replicates in birds and passed to mosquitoes
Presentation:- flu like illness, maculopapular rash, encephalitis +/- flaccid paralysis - fasciculations
CSF:- lymphocytes ++
Leukocyte adhesion deficiency
Defect in CD18 integrin
Recurrent skin and mucosal infection with NO pus
Delayed cord separation
Lab:- persistent leukocytosis and neutrophil is
X linked agammaglobulinaemia
Hypoplasia of tonsils and lymph nodes
Sinopulmonary infections
Meningioma features
Slow growing tumour
Headache, nausea + vomiting
Psamoma bodies —> whorled pattern of cell grown
Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Presentation:- rapidly progressive splenogmegally, lymphadenopathy and B symptoms
LN h=biopsy:- expansion of lymphocytes
Associated with EBV with higher risk factor if pt has HIV
How does chin tuck maneuver help prevent aspiration
By superior displacement of the larynx
Tilting the epiglottis to block the airway
Vocal adduction
Primary active transport
Require ATP
Therefore anytime you see a pump that uses ATPase that is active transport
H/K ATPase blocked by PPI
Na/K ATPase blocked by spironolactone
Homer Simpson
Puffer fish neurotoxin
Blocks Na channel in cell membrane
Portal hypertension arrows
Low systemic perfusion
Increase ADH —> activate RAAS
Decreased urine Na and H2O
Increased total body volume
Low oncotic pressure
Low systemic vascular resistance
Low splanchinic vascular resistance
Low arterial blood volume
Normal capillary permeability
Hyperthyroidism bone disease
Hyperthyroidism increases bone turnover leading to osteoporosis
Increased bone resorption due to stimulation of osteoclasts
Calcitonin bone effect
Released by parafollicaular cells of the thyroid
Inhibits osteoclast activity
Leading to decreased bone resorption
Thyroid binding globulin deficiency
Low total T4
Normal free T4 and TSH
Found in skeletal muscles
With excess exercise overtime —> increase amount of GLUT 4 —> low blood glucose with exercise
Increased glucose uptake regardless of insulin level
Found in liver and beta cells of pancreas.
Facilitates insulin dependent glucose uptake
Secondary hyperthyroidism
2o TSH secreting pituitary adenoma
High TSH
High T4
High T3
Thyroid peroxidase function
Tyrosine iodination
Glucagon like peptide 1
Stimulates insulin release following oral consumption on glucose
Causes of neonatal hypothyroidism with goitre
Maternal antithyroid medication —> propylthiouracil., methimazole
Genetic defect in thyroid hormone production
Excessive/ deficient maternal iodine
Neonatal hyperthyroidism common cause
Maternal Graves’ disease
TSH receptor antibodies cross the placenta
High T4
What happens to proinsulin products
Gives insulin and C peptide which are stored in secretory granules until secreted
Radial nerve injury in the forearm
Finger drop
Failure of finger and thumb to extend
Injury at the supinator
Usually due to excessive use ie screwdriver
Fas receptor
Initiates intrinsic pathway of T lymphocyte apoptosis
Treatment of gonococcal urethritis
If negative chlamydia —> ceftriaxone
If positive or unknown chlamydia status —> ceftriaxone + doxycycline
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor ( donepezil, rivastigmine)
MoA:- decrease breakdown of Ach
SE:- increased parasympathetic effect
AV blocks, bradycardia
Decreased CO
MoA:- alpha 1 blocker
Use:- BPH
Carcinoid syndrome
If localised don’t cause carcinoid syndrome
Only do that when metastasise to liver
Presentation:- flushing, diarrhoea, bronhchospasm, niacin deficiency, valvular lesion Rt > Lt
High 5 HIAA/ 24 hrs ( 5 hydroxyindoleacetic acid)
Bladder innervation
Correlation coeffecient (r)
R= >0 positive linear relationship
R=<0 negative linear relationship (ie - number)
Closer to 1 or -1 the stronger the linear relationship
Alpha cells release
self induced hypoglycaemia 2o sulphonylureas
Low/increased insulin
Low/increase C peptide
Low glucose
Improves when glucose corrected
Medical conditions with polygenic inheritance
Androgenetic alopecia
ischaemic heart disease
type II DM
Which viruses can be directly infection without translation
Purified SS +Ve RNA like
Rhinovirus (picornavirus)
LL superficial lymphatic drainage
Medial —> goes to superficial inguinal LN
Lateral —> popliteal LN and deep inguinal LN
Reperfusion injury
Troponin/ CK rise after restoring bld flow
Due to damage cell membrane by oxygen free radical and mitochondrial damage
Reperfusion related arrhythmia following Mgx for stem I is due to
Thrombolytic therapy
heparin is used to prevent progression of clot not thrombolysis
Amniotic fluid embolus syndrome
High CVP
Low cardiac index
Increased Pulmonary arterial vasoconstriction
Increased pulmonary vascular resistance
High Rt atrial pressure
High Rt ventricular preload
Increased SVR
Weakness in dorsiflexion and Evers ion of foot
Compression of common peroneal nerve at the fibulae head
Sheehan syndrome
2o ischaemic necrosis of the pituitary gland due to peripartum hypotension
Presentation:- failure to lactate
Vascular dementia
Focal neurological deficits
Progressive cognitive impairment
Affects activities of daily living